Brief on

Construction and Rehabilitation of Wadi Gaza Bridges (PAL10-00054031)
Construction and Rehabilitation of Wadi
Gaza Bridges
Project Name:
Project Number:
US $ 500,000
Contribution of the Government of Brazil:
Project Title:
Construction and Rehabilitation of Wadi Gaza Bridges - PAL10-00054031
Funding partner:
Total Amount:
Government of Brazil
US $ 500,000
Project aims:
The project aims to rehabilitate and reconstruct three damaged bridges along Wadi Gaza ,
the only wetland in oPt , namely, Joher Aldeek bridge, AlZahraa box culvert and Al Sikka
Bridge. The project will enhance the connectivity among the local communities surrounding
Wadi Gaza lying in the middle area easing up the mobility problem that faces the residents
in their daily life activities.
Intended Impact:
The impact sought for will be as follows:
 Enhance and improve the people access to the educational and health services and
protect school children from being exposed to health problems and injuries.
 Ease the movement of farms product to be transferred to the neighboring markets.
Specific project components by area:
The project includes 3 packages, namely:
Detailed design for Al Zahraa box culvert
Implementation of Johr Al Deek and Al Sikka bridges
Implementation of Al Zahraa Box culvert
All project components are ready for implementation except for the box culvert, given the
availability of construction material.