
‫العلوم الطبيعية‬
‫جيولوجيا مياه‬
‫مصادر مياه – غران – خليص ‪ -‬السعودية‬
‫رقــم البحــث ‪:‬‬
‫عنوان البح ــث ‪:‬‬
‫ا اار راا ا اار‬
‫يف اجت ا اااف ا الى ا اار امل ا اال بي ا ااارا ا ا اااف ا‬
‫ج وك م ائ اار يد ا ا ا واباال ا و ا ر ي ا وا وا اار ا اااف‬
‫اجلول ار يف اار راناأ د ا ا ياارا ا نئ وا ر ابا ار ا اااف‬
‫حب ااود اار ‪،‬ملا ا ال اجلا اامل ا ة اانب با ا ا ممل اار ا ن اار‬
‫ا و ورار‪.‬‬
‫اث ت ا ماين‬
‫ر‪ .‬حممور‬
‫الباحث الرئيــس ‪:‬‬
‫الباحثون املشاركون ‪:‬‬
‫د‪.‬ر‪.‬ا هللا ا ا ااا ا و ياأ‬
‫د‪.‬ر‪.‬ااصم حيىي خباا‬
‫كمل ر املوم األاد‬
‫مدة تنفيذ البحث ‪:‬‬
‫‪ 9‬شهوا‬
‫اجلهـ ـ ــة ‪:‬‬
‫مستخلص البحث‬
‫راا ر اتق م وا ر ا اف اجلول ر ت ب ملب و ا ام هلذا ا ي ا ا ا ا و ا ىاناو و اوم ا ممل ار ا ن ار‬
‫ا و ورار ضم اق ا ناطق اجلالر اا يت ال ااا ا يو ط ا ونو وقوط األب اا ا ‪ 140‬بملم‪ .‬ا يا اجلاامل ا ةانب‬
‫با ا ممل اار با ا ناااطق األكفاان جثالااو ااا دأ ا يو ااط ا واانو وااقوط األب اااا اوا ‪ 60‬بملاام‪ .‬ت اايفنامل ا ناااطق‬
‫ا نتث ر ا دأ األب اا تيوا ط ث ل أتثريات ا نتث ات‪ .‬اموباو ايواج ا ا ب د واد األارار ا نئ و ر يف اجلامل‬
‫ا ةنب ب ا ممل ر اا يت ت ب ا يارا ا همر اب ارات ب اف ا شنب ال با ب ار ا نبارل ا اائة اجا د اا اا‬
‫ب ا ا ا قا ااني ااهلا ا اان ا ا اار ي ا ااا‪ .‬ا ي ا ا ا ااود اار ‪،‬مل ا ا ا ب ا ا األارا ا اار ا ا ااريد اتق ا ا ا بو ا ااا ر وض ا ا حب ا اوا‬
‫‪4000‬كم‪ 2‬ل اا ي ب ا ياارا ا همار ابا ار ا ااف الىار جا د اكاذ ا قاني ااهلاان ا ار ا ‪ .‬ااي اوأ ا اود‬
‫ب لناني ائ و ني مها اار رناأ اا نااين‪ .‬ر ت ض ا اا ات ا وا قر دأ راجر بملو ر ا اف اجلول ر ختيملة ش ل‬
‫ك ري يف ذا ا ثناني ت نرم دهنما ان اأ ب ند ا ط ( ض ر نكا ر ب صخوا ا از ت) اا يت ت ي بن قر ا يةذاار‬
‫ا نئ و ر مل هما‪ .‬لث اار رناأ ا وا ا يف اجلاامل اجلناوب با ا اود تاراا راجار بملو ار ا ااف اجلول ار ا ا ار باا اني‬
‫‪ 4000‬إىل ‪ 8000‬ب نا منا ‪ /‬مل اا يت تاا فالث بنات اما كا ت امل يف ا ونوات ا شن األ‪،‬اريد اا ايت ال‬
‫تياااز ‪ 2800‬ب نا منا‪ /‬مل نما يف اار ا نااين ا وا يف اجلامل ا شما مل حي ث تةري بال ظ يف وا ر ا اف‬
‫اجلول ا اارل ا ااا إأ ب ا ا ا ا اجلول ا اار حيا ا اااز ت ث ا اااد يف راج ا اار ح ا ا ا هنا ا ا ااا تق ا اال راج ا اار بملو يه ا ااا ا ا ا ا ‪1500‬‬
‫ب نا منا‪ /‬اام اانثف ا ثاارد‪ .‬إأ االاتثااام ا ال ااظ يف راجاار بملو اار ا اااف اجلول اار اوار راناأ شا ل صا وتت ك ااريد‬
‫ت نو ر ملو اأ ا مل ني يف ا ب ا يخ ابها يف األرناد ا خيملثر اامل دص ح ان اآلتا شائ او ل ‪.‬‬
‫إأ االاتثام ا ال ظ يف بملو ر ا اف اجلول ر اوار راناأ ا اا تشاري إىل اجاور اابال دا اوابال ايملثار اا ايت ا اا ا‬
‫تؤثن املل وا ر ا اف اجلول ر‪ .‬مل تي ند ا اا ات ا وا قر ا يت دجنات را‪،‬ال اود ‪،‬ملا ا دا يف را‪،‬ال اار راناأ‬
‫إىل األ ا اب دا ا واباال ا اايت تو ا ت يف ااتثااام راجاار ا ملو اار‪ .‬اهلااذا ايضاام ا دااا ا قاار راا اار تثي ا مل ر شااابملر‬
‫يد ا ا اب نلاار ا ابل‪/‬ا واباال ا وااتو ر ا اايت دثاانت املاال وا اار ا اااف اجلول اار اوار ر اناأ اا اايت درت إىل ا اانقا يف‬
‫إب ارات ا اف ا يا ر ال يخ ام ا شان يملا ا نااطق‪ .‬كماا تيضام ا اا ار ص اا دصال ا ااف اا طنااق ا يدا ال‬
‫ا م ائ اار مل ناصاان ا نئ و ا ر ا ااض ا ناصاان ا شااد در نااات ا اااف اإ شااامل اال ااات ااني ا ناصاان اب ا ي اات اطهااا‬
‫جب و وج ا ا ن قرل تاضالر إىل با د ق يف د اف ا دا ا قر ‪.‬‬
Pure Sciences
Award Number
Project Title
Principal Investigator :
Job Address
Grounder water – Wadi Ghiran - Saudi
Toward the conservation of natural
water resources: A geochemical
study to determine the factors
caused the groundwater quality
deterioration of wadi Ghiran subbasin, one of the major watersupply in wadi Khulais Basin,
western part of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mahmoud Said Thabit
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Sabtan
Prof. Dr. Asim Yahya Bukhari
Faculty of Earth Sciences
9 Months
Studying and evaluation of groundwater quality is considered to be extremely
vital issue for the only natural resource in the country, because Saudi Arabia is
located in the zone of arid regions, where the average annual rainfall does not exceed
140 mm. The western region is laid among the most aridity regions in the country
where the average annual is about 60 mm, with exceptional the highly elevated areas
where rainfall almost controlled by the topographic effects. Generally, several major
basins are located in the western province of the Kingdom and are constituent the
major important sources for water supply to Makkah, Taif and Jeddah cities as well as
villages and towns surrounded them.
Wadi Khulais is considered one of the largest basins in the western part and it has an
area of about 4000 km2. It has two major tributaries namely, Ghiran and Murawani
sub-basins. The previous studies almost indicated that there is a large difference in the
groundwater salinity in both two wadi sub-basins, although both are generted from
Harrat Rahat (Basalt Plateau), which is considered the main recharge area of both
wadis. Within Wadi Ghiran sub-basin, which is located in the southern part of Wadi
Khulais basin, the groundwater salinity ranges between 4000 and 8000 µS/cm., which
almost exceeds three times the groundwater salinity (2800 µS/cm) in the last ten
years. While, in Wadi Murawani, which is located in the northern part, no significant
variation was observed in the water salinity, which almost below 1500 µS/cm in the
same period. The highly saline water in Wadi Ghiran sub-basin led to restrict of its
utilization to the local people, consequently, the abandonment of wells has become a
common feature in this part. The existing salinity problem seems to be localized and
there is a strong potential exists for groundwater deterioration. In the previous studies
that carried out in the Khulais or in Wadi Ghiran, no particular attention been given to
groundwater salinity raised or even outlined the processes that responsible for such
Therefore, the proposed research project will be in the form of comprehensive
investigation to study and identify factor(s) responsible for groundwater evolution in
the Wadi Ghiran, which in turn cause a shortage in the water-supply. In addition, the
proposed research will include the study define of groundwater origin. This can be
achieved by using the chemical analyses results concern major and race elements as
well as establish specific relationships among them and relted to the surrounding
areas, besides the research objectives mentioned below.