
Name ______________________________________
Class Period ________________
Document I- Annotate the text using your guide and answer the questions that follow in complete
Despite their low positions in society, women did participate. On the home front, they served uniforms and
knitted stockings for soldiers. With their husbands away fighting, some women had to take over as weavers,
carpenters, blacksmiths, or shipbuilders. Other transformed their homes into hospitals for the wounded.
Both men and women fought on the battle field, Hundreds of women served as nurses, laundresses,
cooks… there were some that actually engaged in battle … Deborah Sampson put on men’s clothing and called
herself Robert Shirtliffe in order to enlist in the Army. Robert Shirtliffe fought courageously; “his” company
defeated marauding Indians north of Ticonderoga.
--- Tina Ann Nguyen
1. What kind of jobs did women take over from men during the American Revolution?
2. How did Deborah Sampson manage to enlist as a soldier in the army?
3. What would be an appropriate title for this document?
Document II
With the first foreign material aid in 1777, the influx of foreign officers into the American Army began… Most
were adventurers in search of fortune… Few were willing to accept any but the highest ranks. Nevertheless,
they brought with them professional military knowledge and competence that the Continental Army solely
needed… Luis DuPortail, a Frenchman, and Thaddeus Kosciuszko, A Pole, did much to advance the art of
engineering in the Continental Army… Johann de Kalb and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, both Germans, and
the Marquis de Lafeyette, an influential French nobleman who financed his own way, were all to make valuable
contributions as trainers and leaders.
--The Winning of Independence, 1777-1783, American Military History 1789
1.Why were foreign officers welcomed into the Continental Army? What contributions did foreign volunteers
make to the Continental Army?
Identify Foreigners who helped the Patriot cause. Page 155
Marquis de
Casimir Pulaski
Freidrich von
Juan de
Country of
Critical Thinking Questions
Pages 144-146
1. Which side seems to have the greater chance of winning the war? Why
2. Who were the Hessians, and what role did they play during the war?
Pages 152-153
1. Why might the French have kept secret the monetary support of the American Revolution?
2. Why might George Washington be surprised that his troops were faithful?
Pages 156-157
1. How do you think the war affected the families that stayed home when soldiers went to war?
2. What was expected of women on the home front? How was this different from usual?
3. How did ideas about slavery begin to change around this time?
4. What were some consequences of being a Loyalist during the American Revolution?
5. Why were Patriots so hard on Loyalist?
Page 162
1. Why are hit-and-run attacks a good strategy when you are outnumbered?
Page 165
1. Thinking like a Historian… How might Washington’s removal or resignation have affected the
Citing Evidence Page 158-163
1. Savannah was an important city in Georgia; what information can you find in the text to defend
this statement?
2. What role did many Native Americans take during the war in the West?
Content Vocabulary- Chapter 6
1. Which action word means
a. to enlist?
b. to abandon your post?
2. Which of these nouns is
a. a soldier for hire?
b. a privately owned ship with weapons?
c. a rise in prices?
3. Which two words involve blocking the movement of people or goods?
4. Which of these action words means
a. to approve?
b. to surprise the enemy?
Name _____________________________________________________________
Oral Presentation Notes
Significant Figure
Class Period ____________________