Mallori Kolar Bio 142 Lab Report Jenny Lee Effects of Physical Activity on the Human Body INTRODUCTION Exercising benefits the human body in many ways including weight control, fighting health conditions and diseases, and an overall boost of energy and mood. During physical exercise your body must compensate for the many variations that will occur. The compensations usually involve your body temperature rising as your muscles heat up and the regulation of breathing and heart rate to fix levels of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide concentration. During exercise, your carbon dioxide levels increase causing you to breathe harder and faster to eliminate any excess carbon dioxide. Also during exercise, your heart rate increases triggering your body to send more oxygen to the muscles to remove carbon dioxide faster. This experiment is important to all fields of research. This experiment observed various stages through out exercise to distinguish changes in heart rate, carbon dioxide clearance, oxygen consumption, skin temperature, hemoglobin saturation, and mean arterial pressure. It is important because society claims that people need to stay healthy to avoid health risk but they need to be able to individually know what their body is doing and it’s limits. In this experiment, it is hypothesized that during exercise, each of the values for the following elements (heart rate, carbon dioxide clearance, oxygen consumption, temperature, hemoglobin saturation, and mean arterial pressure) will increase during exercise and gradually decrease during the resting period down the original values. METHOD The experiment was conducted on one male and one female subject who exercised by running at given speeds and inclines from the information in Waters’ Exercise Physiology Lab Manual. Prior to exercise we calculated an exercise heart rate so the subjects wouldn’t over exert themselves during exercise and stay safe. For the respiration phase, a spirometer collected the tidal volume, a capnometer for carbon dioxide clearance, and an oxygen analyzer for oxygen consumption. To calculate carbon dioxide clearance, the number given by the capnometer is divided by 760 mmHg to get the percent carbon dioxide of exhaled air, then it was multiplied by tidal volume and respiratory rate to get liters per minute. To find oxygen consumption, you subtract the value given by the oxygen analyzer from 20.9%, and then multiplied by tidal volume and respiratory rate. A sphygmomanometer as well as a heart rate monitor was used to calculate blood pressure and then used to compute mean arterial pressure (= 2/3 x diastolic +1/3 systolic). An observation key was given to determine the physical state that occurred during exercise. Also a skin thermometer found body temperature and a pulse oximeter found hemoglobin saturation. The resting phase occurred before the physical activity. The subjects were sitting down while information was taken at zero and three minutes. There is no control subject in this experiment because everybody’s bodies are different. We used the resting points for each subject as a baseline for the experiment. During the exercise portion that typically lasted for 15-18 minutes depending on when subjects reached their maximum exercise heart rate. The data points occurred while the subjects were continuously running, the collection of data typically lasted about a minute. The subjects were running on the treadmill with data points occurring every three minutes with the incline on the treadmill with each data point, the speed was not increased until minute fifteen. The recovery data points were collected after the subject either reached their maximum heart rate or ran for 21 minutes. The recovery lasted six minutes and consisted of walking for the first three and sitting for the next three while data was taken. Throughout the entire experiment data was taken every 3 minutes from the heart rate monitor, capometer, oxygen analyzer, spirometer, and observation list. The remaining tools were only used during resting and recovery periods. RESULTS Fig. 1: Changes in Heart Rate Heart Rate (Bpm) Changes in Heart Rate 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Subject ! Subject 2 0 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 3 6 Resting--Physical Activity--Recovery (min) Figure 1 shows the pattern of heart rate from the resting period to the recovery. In subject 1 you can see that heart rate increased with physical activity and then dropped during recovery. During the experiment, we were unable to collect the heart rate at every 3-minute interval as shown above. If we were able to collect information, I believe it would follow the same pattern as subject 1. Fig. 2: Changes in Carbon Dioxide Clearance CO2 Clearance (L CO2/ min) Changes in Carbon Dioxide Clearance 6 5 4 3 Subject 1 2 Subject 2 1 0 0 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 3 6 Resting--Physical Activity--Recovery (min) Figure 2 shows that each subject’s CO2 clearance rose as exercise increased, each subject peaking towards the end of exercise. The CO2 clearance decreased during recovery to return back to resting numbers. Fig. 3: Changes in Oxygen Consumption Oxygen Consumption (L O2/min) Changes in Oxygen Consumption 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Subject 1 Subject 2 0 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 3 6 Resting--Physical Activity--Recovery (min) Figure 3 shows that oxygen consumption was lowest during the resting period then continued to increase up until physical activity ceased. After physical activity ceased the oxygen consumed dropped and then drastically increase in the next three minutes. Fig. 4: Temperature Skin Temperature Skin Temperature (C) 38 37 36 35 34 Subject 1 33 Subject 2 32 31 0 3 18 3 6 Resting-- After Physical Activity--Recovery (min) Figure 4 shows that the skin temperature increased with exercise. After exercise the skin temperature gradually decreased but never reaching resting heart rate. Fig. 5: Hemoglobin Saturation Hemoglobin Saturation (%) Hemoglobin Saturation 100 99 98 97 96 Subject 1 95 Subject 2 94 93 0 3 18 3 6 Resting-- After Physical Activity--Recovery (min ) Figure 5 illustrates that during physical activity the hemoglobin saturation decreased. But during the recovery period it starts to increase again but never reaches the resting rate. Fig. 6: Mean Arterial Pressure Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) Mean Arterial Pressure 120 100 80 60 Subject 1 40 Subject 2 20 0 0 3 18 3 6 Resting-- After Physical Activity--Recovery (min ) Figure 6 represents the Mean Arterial Pressure. In the graph, for subject 1 the MAP stays constant from resting to recovery. While subject 2, the MAP drops drastically after physical activity and then increases back up towards the resting rates. DISSCUSSION Overall, the results found do support the hypothesis that all levels would increase during the exercise phase. Though, the support must be considered weak because of the slight variations found for each subject in each graph. For example, in Figure 5, both participants you see a slight increase at the beginning of exercise but then it drastically decreases for both. Also during evaluation of the mean arterial pressure you see that subject 2 stays constant from resting through recovery, where as subject 1 you see a dip in the graph, which could be a miscalculation or error. Also in Figure 1, the graph for changes in heart rate, you see subject 2 has a lot of missing data from the analysis. This missing data causes the graph to not show a specific trend in the information received. To avoid an error of this kind, the experiment should be performed again making sure the heart rate monitor and the heart rate collector are each working together to process the right information. The variations described may seem to disprove the hypothesis; there are only slight glitches and a majority of the results coincide with the hypothesis. To minimize error in this experiment, more data from the individual subject should be collected so when comparing the results of one subject to another you can make stronger conclusions. The experiment overall went extremely well. The participants were very cooperative with all instructions. However, errors may occur as shown in the above results. To avoid as many errors as possible, it is important for all conductors of the experiment stay on task and remains focused until it is complete. REFERENCES 1. WATERS. "Exercise Physiology Lab." ANGEL. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. <>. 2. WATERS. "Guidelines for Formal Report." ANGEL. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. <>.