Chapter 4 (p. 84) Surgery MUSCULOSKELETAL Page | 1 Chapter Layout General subcategory includes headers and codes that can apply to almost any site on the body. Then another subcategory of Head, Neck, ... Will use lots of modifiers -LT, -RT, -50 (on paired body sites if exactly the same procedure on both parts) and ID'ing which digit on hand or foot. Indexing: Excision, Tumor, Site If skin: integumentary If muscle: musculoskeletal In a cavity: other sections possible. Splints: Know static (no movement) or dynamic (flexible) . Code the ones that need to be fitted (often by a nurse), Ex: OCL, Volar, Splint Roll, Sugar Tong, Ulna gutter splints. Can find this info in physician orders if not documented otherwise. Some splints are prepackaged -- do not code these. Fractures and Dislocations (p. 84) Coding procedures for Tx: Which body site dealing with. Is the Tx closed or open (not the Fx) If closed Fx, the Tx may be open (surgeon) Open Tx: Includes when an incision is made and when Fx site is opened remote from the Fx site to insert a nail across the Fx site. Percutaneous Skeletal Fixation: Tx of Fx by placing fixation devices (pins) across Fx site, usually with X-ray imaging. (Neither open nor closed-has its own set of codes) Also code imaging supervision. Manipulated Fx/dislocation? (In ICD, synonymous with Fx reduction) Manipulation may be tried in OR prior to an open procedure -- Code open procedure. Manipulation may be attempted and failed -- Then try other Tx on another day: Code manipulation the 1st day. Then code the other Tx when it occurs. If this is tried on the same date of service, but perhaps in 2 dif't settings (ER, Obs) then they are two separate events, coded separately. Did the procedure include internal/external fixation? Don't confuse the ones that are sticking out on the outside of the body. 20690 Uniplane - 1 direction. 20592 Multiplane - multiple different angles. Application of Casts and Strapping and Splints (29000-29750) Only use these codes if there is no greater procedure being done that would include these procedures. To ID replacement of a cast or strapping during or after the period of normal follow-up care (global post-op period) To ID an initial service performed w/out any restorative Tx or stabilization of the Fx, injury, or dislocation and/or to afford pain relief to the pt. To ID an initial cast or strapping when the same phys. does not perform, or is not expected to perform, any other Tx or procedure To ID an initial cast or strapping when another phys. providing or will prove restorative Tx Removal of cast is coded 29700-50 if it is a different physician doing the removal. (office setting) Not used in the hospital bcs it is part of a global surgical package deal. Amputations (CPT p. 145, 136) 27590 Thigh, thru femur, any level (above the knee up) 27596 Re-amputation (Diabetic/poor circulation needs repeat procedure higher up) If leg amputated on lower half (tibia/figula) once and 2nd time, amputate through thigh, then the 2nd time is not a re-amputation. It is the first amputation of the thigh. Even if surgeon says `re-amputation'. Fingers and Toes have different terminology. 26951 includes `primary or secondary' and that means 1st amputation or re-amputation. Ray amputation means if hand bone (metacarpal) is removed, the finger that connects to it is also removed. Also removes the tendons that go with the finger. Neurectomy (takes the nerves out). Modify for the site: LT, RT, fingers/toes HCPCS Level II Arthroscopy (with scope) (p. 88) Know body part involved What type of procedure: surgical or diagnostic Knees & Shoulders: high incidence Diagnostic arthroscopy is always part of the surgical endoscopy code. If doing diagnostic procedure and they end up fixing something, then it becomes a surgical procedure. Diagnosis arthroscopy code that include (separate procedure) would not be used. This is used when just looking around. If description of CPT code does not say `with scope', it is an open procedure code. Can't use it with scope. Look for HCPCS Level III, or Technical codes, or unlisted procedure code. 3 Knee compartments - Medial, Lateral, Patella/femoral Chapter 4 (p. 84) Surgery MUSCULOSKELETAL If arthroscopic procedures performed in same compartment and one code is included within another code, use the combination code (greater of the two procedures). If big arthroscopic procedure in Medial compartment and small arthroscopic procedure in lateral compartment, then code both comprehensive code and component code with -59 on component code bcs in separate and distinct compartment of knee. If procedure performed in 1 compartment and did diagnostic review of other compartments, don't code the diagnostic parts at all. Assumed in code that the whole knee was reviewed. If no compartment is mentioned, its probably just a diagnostic procedure. For knee arthroscopies: Print paper copy of Op Rpt, 3 diff't color highlighters and assign each color to its own compartment. Easier to code. 29866-29887 Arthroscopy, knee, surgical 29870 diagnostic only (separate procedure) 29877 is a component code of 29881 (included within the larger one) If using 29874 for medial compartment procedure and using 29877 for lateral compartment procedure, you can code both, tacking on -59 on the lesser code. If using 29874 for medial compartment procedure and 29877 also for medial component, then code only 29877 bcs those above are included in the codes below. Spine Musculoskeletal includes spinal column bones, vertebrae, discs. Nervous System inncludes spinal cord,dura, nerves, etc. Injury to spine will often include codes from both areas. Percutaneous vertebroplasty: injection of cement into the vertebral bone (22520-27) for stabilization. 1 code for each vertebra done. Check Level of vertebra (thoracic or lumbar) Add-on code for each additional vertebra Kyphoplasty: Raise vertebra with baloon, then stabilize with vertebroplasty. (22523) Including cavity creation. Both use imaging guidance. Usually Fluoroscopy. Add code for this. Page | 2 Example: Vertebroplasty on T6, T7, T8 = (T6-T8) 3 levels 22520, 22522, 22522 Vertebroplasty on T12, L1-L3 22520, 22521, 22522, 22522 Vertebroplasty on T11, T12, L1-L2 22520, 22521, 22522, 22522 Arthrodesis (CPT, p. 114) Spinal fusion of vertebrae May use donor bone products from a bone bank. Includes note to include add-on codes (20930-38) if using bone graft. Morselized: small pieces of bone compacted together Structural bone graft: a whole piece of bone An autograft of bone would come from cancelous bone (lattice-like/spongy bone). With arthrodesis: Code arthrodesis/Fusion code and the bone graft code. Bone Marrow Aspiration: comes from iliac crest. If use aspiration of bone marrow, code it separately, but the arthrodesis encompasses the use of that bone marrow. No separate code for a gaft. Minimum number of vertebrae in a fusion is 2. If arthrodesis is for a spinal deformity (22800-19) Also broken into type of Approach: Lateral Extracavitary (side) Anterior or Anterolateral Anterior Approach (front) Posterior, Posterolateral or Lateral Transverse (back, side to back, ) Example: Fusion: L1-L2 = 1 fusion L1-L5 = 4 fusions Can excise an intervertebral disc at the same time as an arthrodesis. Bunions (See handout for inclusions) (28290-28299) (CPT, p. 151) Hallux-Valgus Corrections Can be caused by heredity. Muscles and tendons loosen and bones move out of alignment. Repair consists of realignment techniques Medial: towards center of body Lateral: away from the center of body Chapter 4 (p. 84) Surgery MUSCULOSKELETAL Osteotomy: cut into the bone Medial eminence: protrusion to the inside of the body Sometimes cut off (osteotomy) of medial eminence of metatarsal bone. Keller-Type Procedure: Use Kirschner wires through phalanx and into metatarsal bone. Keller-Mayo Procedure with Implant: Cut off eminence and push implant into the proximal phalanx. Joplin Procedure: Include tendon transplant to help hold the toe. Mitchell Procedure: Osteotomy cuts thru bone, move it over, and hook it together w/wire link. Double Osteotomy: Very common type of bunion repair. Page | 3 May use operating Microscope (31531,36,41): Use for magnification. (Do not use 69990 with these codes.) 69990 Operating Microscope; Add-on code. If for any procedure they use an operating microscope and it is not part of the code, add the code on. Flexible Fiberoptic Laryngoscopy: Using flexible scope down thru nasal cavity. Use vasoconstrictors to reduce bleeding and allow more room to move. Bronchoscopy (31622-51) (p. 99) Common procedure. Often need multiple codes. Flexible (more commonly used) or Rigid (open-tube) bronchoscope. Bunion (Hallux-Valgus) Correction reports can be long and detailed, talking about muscles & tendons. Fluoroscopic guidance is part of parent code Each of the codes includes: Capsulotomy: cutting into the joint capsule Synovial Biopsy: Neuroplasty: Moving nerves Synovectomy: Taking out part of the synovium Tenolysis: Fixing tendons Excision of medial eminence Excision of osteophyte: bone calcification Placement of internal fixation: Kirschner wires, etc. Bronchoscopies are Bilateral Respiratory (p. 93) Nasal Sinus Endoscopy: (with scope) (31231-97) Diagnostic procedure included in the surgical procedure as with any endoscope. Will look into interior nasal cavity, middle and superior meatus, the turbinates (concha), the sphenoethmoid recess. Is it just diagnostic? Usually gonna do something if they are in there with a scope. Sinusotomy is included with a diagnostic procedure. Need to incise sinus walls to move into different cavities. Codes in this range are assumed to be unilateral. Use modifiers to indicate side or bilateral (if exactly the same) If no mention of scope, it is probably an open procedure/ Incision (31000-31230) Laryngoscopy (31505-31579) (CPT, p. 169) Indirect: Not using a scope. Using a mirror + Light source. Surgical Bronchoscopy includes diagnostic. BAL: Bronchioalveolar Lavage 31624 Push saline in and pulling it back out along with cells. Total Lung Lavage 32997 is unilateral (No -Lt/-Rt) Protected Specimen Brushings (PSB) obtain tissue that could not be obtained with biopsy forceps. Code biopsies only once, no matter how many they do from the bronchus or endobronchial area. Lung biopsy via a bronchoscopy cross the bronchial wall, into the lung tissue (transbronchial biopsy) 31628 (lung tissue). One code for as many biopsies of one lobe. 31632 is the add-on code for biopsy of another lobe. 2 lungs = 5 lobes A transbronchial biopsy from both upper lobes 31628, 31632 Maximum # of times 31632 can be used = 4 1 account could have endobronchial and transbronchial biopsies, so will need 31625 and 31628. Aspirations also allow multiple biopsies (fluid) per lobe. Lung Procedures Wedge Resection = technique being used. May be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Is the lesion being totally excised or just being sampled? Chapter 4 (p. 84) Surgery MUSCULOSKELETAL A lobectomy a pneumonectomy A lobe vs entire lung Thoracoscopy (video-assisted thoracic surgery [VATS]) Similar to laparoscopy in approach. Pushes some air in chest and will cause a collapsed lung. Do not code this as a Dx code. Thoracotomy (No scope) Open procedure VATS (with scope) Lung Transplantation Recipient of cadaver lung will indirectly pay for the organ. Midamerica Transplant bills the recipient so information is not breached. They also keep the registry. May need to code donors in S. Illinois. Backbench Work: Harvested organ comes out with extra tissue. It needs to be custom fitted on site of the recipient. The recipient will also pay for this. Page | 4