
Rule of the Bone

Quote Explanations

Below is a list of quotations from Rule of the Bone. Write a response for each one, discussing its significance. Be sure to include who is speaking,

whom they are speaking to, what events are occurring at the time the passage is spoken and why it is important.

Each response needs to be typed, double spaced, proofread, spellchecked and be at least a half of page in length. Assignments turned in more than one full week late will only receive half credit at best. Assignments turned in that do not meet the criteria listed above will only receive half credit at best. Assignments can be e-mailed to me.

Chapter 4 - Adirondack Iron

“I’ve learned that’s generally true of life, if you’re not worth the paperwork adults won’t hassle you(49).”

Chapter 5 - Presumed Dead

“Since everybody stepped across the line and did a wrong thing at least once in his life then everybody was doomed. Everybody was a criminal. Even my mom(69).”

“I didn’t know how Russ’ mom would take it but mine would be sad at first and then she’d get over it and my stepdad would be secretly happy especially since he could carry on like he’d lost something important to him(83).”

Chapter 6 - Skull & Bones

“Bone is hard, man. Hard(107).”

“It’s the kind of power as all those superheroes who have secret identities get from being able to change back and forth from one person into another. No matter who you think he is, man, the dude is always somebody else(108).”

Chapter 7 - The Bone Rules

“Let there be light, man! he said(117).”

“…I didn’t even tell him about although I don’t know why not except maybe because he’s so excitable and all I didn’t trust him with it(122).”

“It was like I had gone and changed completely who I was, my name, my whole attitude, my hair even, and he hadn’t changed anything. I was the Bone now for sure but Russ was still Russ(123).”

Chapter 8 - The Soul Assassins

Chapter 9 - School Days

Chapter 10 - Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig

Chapter 11 - Red Rover

Chapter 12 - Over the River and Through the Woods

Chapter 13 - Mister Yesterday

Chapter 14 - Crossing the Bar

Chapter 15 - Sunsplashed

Chapter 16 - Starport

Chapter 17 - Happy Birthday to the Bone

Chapter 18 - Bone Goes Native

Chapter 19 - Second Thoughts

Chapter 20 - Bone Phones Home

Chapter 21 - Bone’s Revenge

Chapter 22 - Shipping Out
