DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). Groups (6): One group per Kingdom (Bacteria, Archaea, Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals) Members/Group (varies): Bacteria (2) Archaea (2) Protists (3) Fungi (4) Plants (4) Animals (9) Project Guidelines: Each group will produce a PowerPoint presentation on their kingdom. Each group will be comprised of one Team Captain and Teammates (varies in number). Team Captain responsibilities: o Coordinating the efforts of each team member o Creating one PowerPoint slide introducing the kingdom assigned to group (see criteria below) o Assembling the final PowerPoint presentation o Submitting final PowerPoint (via email) to Mrs. Siegfriedt (msiegfriedt@dadeschools.net) by due date. o Leading the groups presentation of the PowerPoint Individual Team member responsibilities: o Creating one PowerPoint slide on each group of organisms assigned (see criteria below) o Submitting (via email) your slide(s) to the team captain by due date o Presenting your slide(s) We understand that PowerPoint presentations, in general, are brief outlines of a particular topic. THEREFORE…you may have notecards when presenting to expand on the information you are responsible for discussing on the slide you prepared. PowerPoint Slide Criteria: 1. Team Captain – Introduction to Kingdom a. Classification/Organization of Kingdom i. Cladogram of Kingdom (all clads/branches labeled) b. General Characteristics of Kingdom i. Type of cells (prokaryote/eukaryote) ii. Number of cells (unicellular/multicellular) iii. Method of obtaining energy (autotrophic/heterotrophic) iv. Size of Kingdom (number of members) v. Habitat(s) 2. Individual Teammates- Introduction to various organisms within the Kingdom a. Classification/Organization of Kingdom i. Cladogram identifying your clade (branch) that the organisms on your slide belong to. b. General Characteristics of the clad i. Type of cells (prokaryote/eukaryote) ii. Number of cells (unicellular/multicellular) iii. Method of obtaining energy (autotrophic/heterotrophic) iv. Diversity/Size of Kingdom (number of members)…if known v. Habitat(s) vi. Pictures of members of the clad (with names)… MUST INCLUDE… 1. (1) HELPFUL 2. (1) HARMFUL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY GROUP…. Name E-mail Team Leader: _____________________________ ______________________________ Teammates: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ KINGDOM assigned: ___________________________ ORGANISM GROUP(S) assigned to me: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ DUE DATE – email slide to captain: _____________ DUE DATE – email PPT to Siegfriedt: _____________ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN BACTERIA KINGDOM BACTERIA Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Proteobacteria Member #1: _________________________ Cyanobacteria Member #1: _________________________ Spirochaetes Member #2: _________________________ Actinobacteria Member #2: _________________________ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN BACTERIA KINGDOM ARCHEA Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Crenarchaeotes Member #1: _________________________ Korarchaeotes Member #1: _________________________ Nanoarchaeotes Member #2: _________________________ Euryarchaeotes Member #2: _________________________ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN EUKARYA KINGDOM PROTISTA Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Excavates Member #1: _________________________ *Diplomonads (Giardia) *(Euglena) *Discicristates (Trypanosoma) Chromalveolata Member #2: _________________________ *Phaeophyte (Brown algae) * Diatoms * Ciliate (Paramecium) * Dinoflagellate (Red Tide) Foraminifera’s (fossil records) Radiolarians Cercozoa Team Leader: _________________________ Amoebozoa Rhodophyta’s Choanozoa Member #1: ___________________________ ____mention only on clad_____ _____ mention only on clad ___ ____mention only on clad_____ ____mention only on clad_____ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN EUKARYA KINGDOM FUNGI Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Basidiomycetes Member #1: _________________________ Ascomycetes Member #2: _________________________ Zygomycetes Member #2_________________________ Chytrids (Lichen) Member #3: _________________________ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN EUKARYA KINGDOM PLANTEA Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Green Algae Member #1: _________________________ Bryophytes (moss) Member #1: _________________________ Seedless Vascular (ferns) Member #2_________________________ Gymnosperms (cycads, conifers) Member #2: _________________________ Angiosperms Member #3: _________________________ DIVERSITY of LIFE – Group Project Project GOAL: Introduce the variety of life. Share how scientists classify life (cladograms), general characteristics of organisms, their habitat, ecology, interactions within our biosphere (helpful and harmful interactions). DOMAIN EUKARYA KINGDOM ANIMALIA Team Leader:_________________________ GROUPS/CLADS: Porifera Cndarians Arthropods Crustaceans Centipedes Millipedes Insects Member #1: _________________________ Member #1: _________________________ Member #2_________________________ Worms-Nematodes Member #3: _________________________ -Annelids -Platehelminthes Molluscks Member #4: _________________________ Echinoderms Member #4: _________________________ Non-vertebrate chordates Team Leader: _________________________ Fish Member #5: _________________________ -Bony -jawless -cartilaginous -ray/fin Amphibians Member #6: _________________________ Reptiles Member #6: _________________________ Birds Mammals Member #7: _________________________ Member #8: _________________________