IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEM ON AUTOMATED TOOL CHANGER (ATC) BASED ON ANALYSIS CUTTING STYLE AND EATING STLE Abstract Application of automation systems in a production process has been successful in increasing product quality, costs and enhance security in the implementation process. In the field of machining processes, machine tool development capabilities continue to be made, among others, by applying intelligent systems that can actively correct the course of the cutting process. This paper discusses the automation process of changing the cutting style and eating style. Style actual pieces and eating style was measured simultaneously with the cutting process and the results compared with a reference data stored in a database system. Specific values shown can be used to identify changes in process parameters including the occurrence of wear and tear that occurs chisel. The identification data is used as a command execution for the mechanical system ATC. The results showed that the accuracy of the identification process is determined by the value of R2 (coefficient determinant) which means the system needs cutting force measurements and precise style of eating. Keywords: ATC, cutting style, eating style, value of correlation, intelligent systems Introduction The invention of CNC machine is a major breakthrough in manufacturing process technology both in terms of quality production and cost of production. Development capabilities CNC machines continue to be made primarily for reasons of ease of operation and effectiveness of the implementation of the machining process. One method is the application of intelligent systems developed in the CNC machine so that the machine has the ability to independently diagnose the entire process worked to obtain the optimum conditions based on the specified criteria. These studies include: research to estimate the dynamic tool life on a CNC lathing process performed by Tangjitsitcharoen (Tangjitsitcharoen, 2005). The system developed is based on tool wear monitoring. Price is always updated and incorporated into the tool life equation that will be used in the optimization procedure in order to obtain optimum cutting price referring to the criteria for maximum production speed and production costs to a minimum. Jerard et al (2008) developed the intelligent machining system (smart machining -SMS system) is described as a system that can estimate the model coefficients tool wear tangential cutting forces. Model coefficients were estimated by measuring spindle motor power (Jerard et al, 2008). Fang presented the analytical predictions and experimental validation using slip line models for the machining process with cutting chisel contact restrictions. The main finding of the study is: the use of regional model of slip line is the extreme friction conditions and the determination of common rules variations in conditions of friction between fury and chisel (Fang and Jawahir, 2002). Identification of the chatter is a challenge in automated machining process. In addition to cause a decline in the quality of surface, chatter also lower tool life. Khalifa et al (2006) uses the processing of the image data to identify vibration chatter in the process of turning. Chatter is characterized by the formation of the relationship between surface roughnesses with the vibration level. Image data without chatter and chatter due to the process of turning analyzed. Some qualification parameter is used to distinguish between the conditions without chatter chatter with the condition, and then the average level computed gray area. Intensity histogram reconstructed and then put in a variant, the average roughness parameters to calculate the optimal (Khalifa et al, 2006). Dijk et al (2008) presented a real time method in the detection and control of chatter at high speed milling machine tools. They concluded that the working conditions were stable (free of chatter) are usually chosen by adjusting the spindle speed and depth of cut (Dijk et al, 2008). Development of machine operating system also has done a lot, among others, for the application of machine tools concept mechatronics. Operating system built with optimization approach, adaptation and diagnosis independently (Zoriktuev, 2008). This study aimed to develop an operating system with the intelligent lathe cutting forces and utilize data feeds. The data is used as a feedback signal to optimize the speed setting eating, cutting speed and turn chisel based on the desired characteristics of the machining process. Specifically this paper will discuss a method of replacing a chisel automatically based on the identification of the results of the analysis tool wear style cut and style of eating. Intelligent system that is built to be integrated into the operating system CNC lathe that has been developed previously. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Measurement-Based Intelligent Systems Style Cut and Style Eating In the process of cutting, cutting forces and eating styles can be used as a reference to determine the specific conditions that occur. Associated with the work piece material, the geometry of the chisel and enabling conditions, cutting force and style of eating can indicate specific values for various parameter changes can therefore be used as a basis for decision-making process. Like the case of tool wear (flank mapun crater) in the process of cutting, cutting forces and dining styles will change as shown in Figure 1 In its application, cutting force measurement results and the actual funeral is stored in a memory registers. Referring to the sampling time specified, the stored data used to compile the equation of a line cut style and the style of eating. The second slope of the correlation value can be calculated. Furthermore, the actual correlation value compared with the reference correlation value data in the data base system. Correlation value approaching interpreted as representing the value of the parameter changes that occur. For each value of the correlation, paired with a number of command execution is stored in a data base system. The workings of intelligent systems can be shown in the form of a flow diagram Figure 2. Chisel is illustrated in Figure 3. In current command still turn chisel based on the input command format G / M code. ATC system mechanism The proposed described as follows after data showed the results of the analysis process which shows the tool wear occurs, then the actual usage data chisel combined with data from process analysis is used to determine the position between the actual relative chisel with chisel replacement. Position data will be used as reference to the motor commands ATC to put the chisel replacement the cutting position. On stage the same data removal chisel positions as done which means the position of the chisel the same cannot be used returned as an alternative to replacement chisel. The application of intelligent systems The device replacement process automation process measuring cutting forces and eating style work simultaneously the motion control system and positioning. Considering the conditions this, the determination of sample data and calculations the time to process the analysis becomes very important that intelligent systems work optimally for each parameter changes that are very dynamic. In general the force measuring system consists of a device load cell, signal converter system (signal conditioning device that consists of a Wheatstone bridge (changing R into V), amplifier and ADC and interface software to display the desired output format and calculate price based on the data outputs priced calibration measurements. The device measuring force as shown schematically in Figure 4. The main device style of cutting forces measuring system and style of eating in the form of a device that used a transducer strain gage load cell. Load cell is basically a mechanical device whose dimensions are determined by calculating the amount of strain. Load cell mechanical construction shown in Figure 5. Load cell design procedure is described as follows: Material: duralumin with the modulus of elasticity (E) = 75 GPa, maximum strain of 400 mikrostrain selected (depending on the type of election strain gage and price to determine the price sensitivity and maximum load cell), so that the load voltage for: = 400.106.75.109 = 300 105 = 3 kg / mm2 When the load cell area is assumed to be square (y), then the loading voltage can be used to calculate y, namely: By assuming the cutting force of 10 kg with a fulcrum distance to the point of load on the cantilever beam construction is 46 mm, then the edge of the square load cell obtained by: y3 = 115 y = 4,7mm long side of the cross-section is load cell. In the installation, the ATC system mounted on load cell systems which are located on cross slide construction lathe... Therefore the burden borne by the load cell is not just a style of cut and style of eating due to the process of cutting, but also in the form of static load is the mass of the mechanical system and the ATC other styles that may arise as impact loads. Based on the analysis of the load force sectional dimension load cell then enlarged to 10 x 10 mm. ATC system construction and load cell mounted on the machine trainer lathe as shown in Figure 6. Measurement Style Cut and Style Eat As Reference Data Execution process which is outcome of intelligent systems based on the comparison between the actual data results measurement with reference data stored in the system database. Similarity value is the address of the execution procedure which will be used to stabilize cutting process. To produce execution process specific to each parameter changes that occur, the value the comparison should also be worth specific. By using the data system logger, cutting force measurement results and style eating can be displayed in form equation of a line and each the line equation is calculated slope. Correlation value is obtained by the second compares the gradient equation the lines that are proven to used to identify lathing process parameter changes. Correlation value measurement results incorporated into the database system will be used as a comparison value (reference value). These values obtained from the measurement process cutting with a variety of parameters depth of cut (a), the condition of the chisel, feeding speed (Vf) and speed piece (V). Test material used in the form of Al 2024 alloy (duralumin) with such as inserting a chisel cutting tool tip carbide with geometry. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of Measurement Data Cutting force measurement results and style eat line equation for each variation of parameters as shown in Table 1. Rates R2 (coefficient determinant) shows the condition of the distribution points of measurement results as a function of time, while the price Correlation shows the price comparison the gradient of the cutting forces gradient style dining. Table 1 data line cutting force equation and eating style measurement results and processing process Based on the data in Table 1 it can be concluded, if the actual correlation value close to the price of about 2.4 to 3.3, then chisel indicated experiencing wear and tear. However, in the range of 3.0 to 3.3, the correlation value can also be indicated chisel under normal conditions. For that additional data is required so that the process of interpretation to be accurate. Additional data can be the price of eating style gradient between normal cutting conditions that range in price and style eating 2200 on condition chisel wear (flank or crater) valued at over 3200. In practice, price range correlations apply very specific depending on work piece material, the type and geometry of the chisel and force measuring system is used. CONCLUSION A method that aims to identify changes lathing process parameters have been developed by using the correlation between cutting styles and eating style. From the analysis of value, specifically the correlation value can indicate changes in the cutting process parameters, but the accuracy is determined by the price of R2 interpretation of the equation line cutting forces or force feeding. It required a cutting force measuring device and eating style precision. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Fang N, Jawahir, L S., (2002), Analytical Predictions and Experimental Validations of Cutting Force Ratio, Chip Thickness and Chip Back-Flow Angle in Restricted Contact Machining Using The Universal Slip-Line Model. International Journal of Machine Tools And Manufacture,; 42: 681-694. 2. 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