JULY 26, 2015
5:00 PM + For the People of the Parish
SUNDAY, July 26
8:00 AM + For the People of the Parish
10:30 AM + Balys Medziunas r/b his Family
5:00 PM + Fred Alfano r/b Leslie, Luis & Mia
SUNDAY, Aug. 2
8:00 AM + Diane Wallace r/b Terry Guarino
10:30 AM + Evelyn Diller r/b Skip & Judy Diller
5:00 PM + Family & Fiends of the Cokinos & Sullivan
SUNDAY, July 26
9:00 AM + Bill Braccone r/b Ginny Dobbs & M/M Dobbs
11:00 AM + Catherin Corcoran r/b Kathy & Al Piehieri
MONDAY, July 27
7:30 P.M. + Peter Heaney, Sr. r/b Ingram Family
TUESDAY, July 28
8:00 AM. – George Spohrer r/b Tom & Pat Barrett
Rosary: 7:00 p.m.
8:00 A.M. – Patrick D’Amore r/b Mary Anemone
8:00 A.M. – Edward/Dolores Stanol r/b Jean & Eric
FRIDAY, July 31
8:00 A.M. – For the People of the Parish
5:00 PM + Hattie Karpowicz r/b Jean Stroud
SUNDAY, Aug. 2
9:00 AM + Helen Presbruhi r/b Kathy Presbruhi
11:00 AM + Shirley Zajdel r/b Zajdel Family
Bishop Serratelli will make a
visit to St. Thomas the
Apostle on Saturday, August 1st and
will celebrate the 5:00 p.m. Mass. All are
invited to attend this liturgy.
Dear Parish Family,
Today and the next four Sundays we interrupt
the Gospels of Mark to hear five passages
from the Gospel according to John. All of these
Gospel passages have to do with Jesus
feeding a large crowd and the Bread of Life Discourse
that follows. So let us prepare ourselves for a midsummer
course on the meaning of the Eucharist.
WELCOME HOME FR. JHON: We welcome Fr. Jhon
home from his Mission Trip to Kenya. Despite his last day
of travel and the unfortunate circumstance, he is doing
well, even if a bit frazzled. The people of Samburu, Kenya
have been blessed with his presence.
This coming Monday Fr. will be going on vacation to his
home in Colombia. We wish him a safe and relaxing time
with his family. He needs this welcomed rest.
GOD’S GENEROSITY: The Lord fed a large crowd of
people. After testing Philip and Andrew on logistics, he
showed everyone that the priority lay elsewhere. With
the usual generosity of members of the Holy Trinity,
Jesus gave the crowd as much as was wanted; then he
ordered that leftovers be picked up so nothing would be
wasted. Twelve baskets were left over—one for each
apostle’s use. This prophetic gesture foreshadowed the
Eucharist. The Lord nourishes each of us in the bosom of
the apostolic church. Thanks be to God! Text, Philip J.
Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Brennan McCoy, Veronica
Janssen, Marge Endlicher, Fr. Charles Parr, Fr. Kenneth
Hewitt, Kathy Brennan, Bill Povalitis, Aaron Alonzo, Tony
Cabrera, Adela Glusiec, Sal Giello, Sal D ’Arco, Samantha
Rhinesmith, Ted Ciesla, Marie Claude Jerome & Family,
Janet Eltringham, Msgr. Brendan P. Madden, Kevin
Wickert, Christine, Kim Riggi, Ron Tuminelli, Msgr. John
Demkovich, Deacon Kevin’s Father, Jeannette Geary,
Betty Kline and Joe Endlicher.
Alfano Makenzie Hooke, Marge Ribnicky, Joseph
Montroni, Diane Wallace, Isabella McCormick, James
DeLucia, Marian Petti, Carolyn Wright, William Reilly,
Elena Cespedes, Ines D’Arco, Chris Ashman, Mary Bohn,
Marion Murphy, George Azzerillo, Regina & Mary Gannon,
Deacon William Harty, Barbara Trumbaur, Regina
McCartney, Deacon James G. McGrory, Jeanine Hundt,
Cardinal Edward Egan, Bill Braccone, James Flynn, Patsy
Pirozzi, Doris Bentley and Msgr. Francis Matarazzo, Dr.
Larry Barnet, Fr. John Weiss, Miriam Onembo, Richard
Gott, Ruth Gaccionne, Anita Farias, Sebastian
Choondassery, Eleanor Siegrist and Sandy Pittman.
PRAYER FOR LIFE: That Christ, who multiplied the
loaves, may fill us with active compassion for those
whose rights to food, work, and life itself are threatened,
we pray.
PRAY THE ROSARY: 7 P.M. every Tuesday
evening at STA Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
FAMILY CONNECTION: Parents may sympathize with
the disciples' protests when Jesus asks Philip
where food might be found for the crowd. In
the responses of both Philip and Andrew, we
hear feelings of inadequacy as they survey
their limited resources in the face of such great need. We
may sometimes share these feelings about our own
material possessions or our emotional and spiritual
resources in the face of our family's needs. This is a
Gospel of hope for these times, which are all too frequent
in parenting and family life. As Jesus made the five barley
loaves and two fish sufficient to more than meet the
needs of over five thousand people, Jesus will also work
with what we have to provide for our family's needs.
When we offer our efforts to God, we ask him to
transform them so that they will be more than adequate
to the tasks and needs before us
Question of the Week: What are the humble gifts I
could place in Jesus’ hands this week to satisfy the
hunger of my own family and friends, of others who until
I share are strangers to me?
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: If you would like to
provide a shawl or lap blanket for someone who could
benefit from the comfort, please contact Gabrielle Dyl
a973-713-0280 or. If you have questions about the
ministry or would like to join us on Thursday evenings at
7:30 pm at St. Thomas, call Renee Ferreri at 518-3215236 or
Mass at 12:00 p.m. outdoors (weather Permitting);
bring folding chairs.
Picnic begins at 1:00 p.m. in the pine grove to the left
of the church.
Saturday, August 1st "You at Least Try to Console
Me." World Apostolate of Fatima, Blue Army Shrine, 674
Mt. View Rd., Washington, NJ, invites all. Honor Our
Lady's plea of Dec. 10, 1925 requesting Five consecutive
First Saturdays of Reparation. Blasphemy of Alienating
Children from Devotion to Mary will be explained this
month. Confessions 10:00 am; 11:30 Rosary w/15 minute
Meditation Fr. R. Murphy, 12:00 Holy Mass/Homilist Fr. R.
Murphy; 2:00 Confessions; Outdoor Rosary/Children's
Video; 3:00 Divine Mercy Chaplet. Bring your family and
friends to answer the call of the Child Jesus: "And have
you spread through the world what our heavenly Mother
requested of you?" 908-689-1700
STA K of C Council #5510 BLOOD
DRIVE: Friday, August 7, 4:00 PM 8:00 PM in the Social Hall.
FEED THE WORKING POOR: we will hand out trays
the weekend of August 8/9 and bring the frozen meals
to the Fr. English Center on Saturday, August 15.
Please bring the frozen Trays to SJV & STA by 9:00 a.m.
July 29 – St. Martha – Martha was the sister of Lazarus
and Mary, friends of Jesus. She appears to have
been a practical-minded woman, for she seems
to have organized the dinner in Luke’s Gospel
and she protests when Jesus command that the
stone be rolled from the entrance to her brother’s tomb
after he’d been dead for three days. At the same time,
however, she is one of the few in the Gospel to profess
her faith in Jesus as the Messiah: “Yes, Lord, I have
come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God
the one who is coming into the world.” The Golden
Legend records the tradition that Martha, with her sister,
Mary, and brother, Lazarus, fled Judea after the death of
Jesus and landed at Marseilles. Martha is supposed to
have traveled to Avignon, where she converted many to
Christianity. St. Martha is shown in art bearing the tools
of a housekeeper – keys or a broom – and is patron saint
of domestic servant, homemakers, cooks and single lay
July 31 – St. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder and
first Father General of the Society of Jesus, or
Jesuits, and author of the Spiritual Exercises.
Born in the Basque region of Spain, he joined
the army and was severely sounded in battle.
While recovering, he read about the life of
Christ and the lives of the saints, and decided to emulate
them. He laid his military equipment before a statue of
Mary at the Benedictine abbey of Montserrat, and spent
several months in a cave near Manresa. After making a
pilgrimage to the Holy Land, enrolled at the University of
Paris, and he gathered six companions who would
become the first Jesuits.
The Novena to St. John Vianney begins
on July 27 and extends to his feast
day August 4. Universally known as
the "Cure of Ars),"St. John Mary
Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815.
Three years later he was made parish priest of Ars,
a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a
confessor and director of souls made him known
throughout the Christian world. His life was one of
extreme mortification.
Charles* wanted to work full-time, but
needed a job that would accommodate his
visual impairment. His persistence paid off
when he was offered what seemed to be
the perfect job--except it was four blocks from the
nearest bus route, making it nearly impossible for Charles
to get there safely. Thankfully, a transportation program
run by his local Catholic Charities agency enabled him to
accept the job and make strides towards self-sufficiency.
*name changed to protect privacy
PROJECT RACHEL is a process that leads people to
healing and reconciliation after an abortion experience.
To talk to someone about beginning this journey, please
call 973-777-8818, ext. 272. All calls are confidential.
A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: In today’s gospel Philip
worried about “enough food” for the crowd. What is
ENOUGH? When does our ENOUGH deprive another
family of their fair share? Jesus performed today’s miracle
because one child was willing to share and risk living with
less. Can your family live more simply so that other
families can simply live?
“CHOOSE LIFE”: “Since the Roe v. Wade decision, the
number one cause of death in the African American
community is abortion. We have lost over 13 million lives.
To put that in perspective, that is one third of our present
Black population. 1,452 Black children are lost each day
to abortion.” Bishop Martin D. Holley, chairman of the
USCCB Subcommittee on African American Affairs
Readings for the17th Week in Ordinary Time
Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Mt 13:31-35
Ex 33:7-11, 34:5b-9, 28; Mt 13:36-43
Ex 34:29-35; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Mt 13:47-53
Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Mt 13:54-58
First Saturday
Lv 25:1, 8-17; Mt 14:1-12
At SJV: the last Sunday of the month after the 10:30
a.m. Liturgy (or during the Mass)
At STA: the first Sunday of the month after the 11:00
a.m. Liturgy (or during the Mass)
Couples desiring to have their child baptized should be
active parishioners, attending Mass regularly. Exception
may be made at the discretion of the pastor. Parents
must attend a Baptism Preparation Meeting, which
takes place at Saint Thomas the Apostle the second
Monday evening of the month at 7:00 p.m. To make
baptismal arrangements contact the parish office: Saint
John Vianney at 973-697-6550, or email at Saint Thomas
the Apostle at or call 973-208-0090.
Prior to your booking of the reception, please call the
Parish Office 1 year in advance of the wedding date to
allow for proper pre-marital preparation.
Knights of Columbus
Council Meetings:
St. John Vianney Council #12649 meets
at Saint John Vianney Church Hall the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of each month.
Joseph Lamb Council #5510 meets on the
1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at Wiegand Farm –
Department for Persons with Disabilities’ meeting room.
Both meetings start at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday Evening: 4:00 to 4:45 PM.
By request: contact the parish office.
Saint John Vianney/Saint Thomas the Apostle
Grades K-8: Saturday mornings 9:00 a.m.–10:15
September – April at White Rock Elementary School.
Combined Confirmation Classes (9th & 10th Grade)
September – April, Bi-Monthly on Sunday mornings at
Saint Thomas – Grade 9 - 10:30 AM - Noon
Grade 10 - 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM
A parishioner is one who belongs to the parish family.
As such, he/she is registered and is committed through
participation in the life of the parish community by
attending mass regularly and by financially supporting
your parish. In order for Baptism and Marriages to be
administered and Sponsor Certificates, recommendations,
etc. to be issued by the office, the person requesting
such must be registered and an active member of Saint
John Vianney Parish or Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish
community. We request that you register at the rectory
when you move into our community so that we may be
of service to you.