Cllr. George Sandy ( Chairman) Cllr. Louise Symons
Cllr. John Kennedy
Cllr. Roger Worthington
Cllr. Toby Greeves
Cllr. Janette Mackay
Cllr. Jamie Barnard
Cllr. Zoe Hatch
Cllr. John Bamberg
Mrs. K H Holder – clerk
Nine members of the public.
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.00pm.
In open forum Mr. Barrie Peroni said he was concerned about rumours that the decision
regarding the Horton mural would be taken on grounds of cost alone. He believed that
the original idea was to obtain the best recording possible. It was his belief having
investigated the matter with experts that the tilt and shift technology would best achieve
the least distortion of images. He said it would be wrong of the Council to make a
decision on cost alone with no consideration of artistic quality. He referred to the criteria
set by Land Security which made no reference to the need for cost considerations. He
offered to pay the difference in cost to ensure that the tilt and shift technology was used.
PC/39/15 Apologies for absence
Apologies from County Cllr. Dev Dhillon.
PC/40/15 To confirm the Minutes of the meetings of 19th May 2015
These were approved without amendment and signed by the Chairman.
PC/41/15 Matters Arising
41.1 The Chairman asked what progress had been made in assigning the Old Priory
Garden Lease to THRGA as noted in item 24.2. The Clerk said she had not heard from
SBDC but would follow up.
41.2 Re item 28, Cllr. Worthington said it was important for the Council to be pushing
forward issues relevant to Taplow rather than wait for the Local Plan process to get
underway. In particular he referred to the Chairman’s idea to push for specialized
station parking for cycles motorbikes and micro cars to encourage modest transport to
the station.
41.3 Re item 29 it was agreed that the Council would pay for the acquisition and
installation of a ‘frog’ bin with a metal galvanized liner on the jubilee river footpath
provided that the Council was given assurances that the school would use its best
endeavours to organize a rota to transport the litter from the frog bin to a larger bin on
Mill Lane which the Environment Agency would collect from. It was acknowledged that
there could be problems with litter collection during school holidays in which case the
Clerk could take steps to engage a contractor on reasonable terms to cover the holiday
period if problems were reported. The Clerk would write to the school to applaud the
children’s initiative.
41.4 The LAF meeting had taken place on 24 th June but as yet there was no feedback
on the issue of the double yellow lines in Institute Road. County Cllr. Dev Dhillon
represented Taplow’s interests on the LAF but he had yet to report back.
PC/42/15 To consider the co-option of new councillors
Three candidates had applied to become councillors but only two vacancies existed.
Janet Appleton and Val Pridmore were in attendance but Gerry O’Riordan had given
apologies as he was detained at work. Ms. Appleton said she had lived in the area since
2006 and had teenage daughters. She had recently reduced her workload and had
some spare capacity to devote to council business. She would be willing to help with
projects in any event. Dr. Pridmore had lived in Cliveden Village since 2009 on retiring
from her career in education. She was keen to help integrate Cliveden residents into
Taplow village life. Mr. O’Riordan’s application was read out. He had moved to the area
in 2012 and worked in the music industry. He lived in Marsh Lane and was keen to help
residents there feel more connected to the parish. Two rounds of voting were taken by
secret ballot. Dr. Pridmore was successful in obtaining a majority of votes for the first
seat and Mr. O’Riordan was successful in obtaining the majority of votes for the second
seat. They were duly invited to become councillors and Dr. Pridmore signed her
declaration of office and took her seat on the Council.
PC/43/15 To receive a presentation on infra red heating systems
Mr. Mervyn Rutter gave a presentation. The benefits should see a 70% reduction in
heating bills. The devices were 90% energy efficient and came with a 5 year guarantee.
There would be no pipes, moving parts, dust or damp. Heat was absorbed by walls
floors and ceilings and radiated back warming the air as a secondary effect. Rays
travelled 9 metres at 45 degrees and the devices could be put anywhere high up
including on ceilings. Various devices were available. It was agreed in principle to
investigate this further and Mr. Rutter was asked to undertake a free of charge survey
and quote for the supply and installation of a new system together with a breakdown of
running costs and savings.
PC/44/15 To review street lighting on Approach Road and Station Road
Cllr. Hatch had met with the Council’s lighting contractors and investigated the Ministry
of Transport’s advice on the spacing of lampposts needed along Approach Road. A
report had been circulated before the meeting and the recommendation was to have
another 7 lampposts at a total cost of £5,705 plus VAT along Approach Road to achieve
the level of lighting desired and eliminate dark spots. Cllr. Barnard was more concerned
with the lighting in Station Road which was an area he considered to be threatening
particularly for vulnerable residents. Cllr. Hatch agreed to undertake a review of Station
Road and report back so that a total picture of what was needed could be achieved
before any decisions were made.
PC/45/15 To appoint a photographer for the Horton Mural
The Chairman expressed concern that this item had been debated at a number of
meetings for over a year. He referred to the lengths that had been taken to gain advice
from different independent professional sources and the divergence of opinions on the
subject. He encouraged councillors to make a decision that was both cost effective and
recorded the mural in a way that was satisfactory and fit for purpose. He added that the
most recent advice received was from Dr. Michael Pritchard, the Director General of the
Royal Photographic Society, who recommended a new line of technology again and it
was simply not practical to keep pursuing more opinions. Cllr. Bamberg said that Mr.
Peroni had been wrong to assert that the Land Securities monies had been donated
with strings attached. The criteria developed to judge applications had been set by the
Parish Council. Cllr. Barnard concurred that no two photographers seemed able to
agree on the technology to use but the specification was clear that a high standard of
recording was required. As a copyright lawyer he was particularly concerned to ensure
that the Council retained copyright in the images. Accordingly he would not be willing for
the Council to contract with Strobix because of the expense, the copyright issues and
the fact that the latest advice seems to discredit the technology they recommended. He
proposed that the Council accepted the Todd White proposal. Cllr. Bamberg seconded
this. This was agreed by a majority decision of five in favour with one against and four
abstentions. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the contractor with a view to the work
being carried out over the Summer.
PC/46/15 To consider items of improvement to the village halls for a community
The Clerk explained that the Council had been notified of a community grant fund
available to enable capital projects. After debating possible ideas it was agreed that the
Clerk should make an application for disabled toilets to the fund.
PC/47/15 To approve a contribution from the Land Securities monies towards
reducing speed limits on Rectory Road and High Street
Following debate it was agreed that, at a price of £8,400 and given the fact that traffic
had a problem going fast in these areas anyway, the Parish Council would not agree to
pay towards reducing the speed limits on Rectory Road and High Street.
PC/48/15 To consider undertaking speed assessments on Cliveden Road/ Berry
48.1 It was agreed to spend £380 plus Vat on having speed tubes installed on Berry
Hill to assess speeds in that area.
48.2 Cllr. Mackay was concerned about speeding in Hill Farm Road and that the MVAS
was rarely seen. Cllr. Bamberg was concerned that the MVAS we acquired was not
being deployed properly and the Clerk was asked to tighten up the contract so as to
spell out exactly where and when it is being deployed at the four different sites.
PC/49/15 Planning
Cllr. Worthington reported:49.1 Cycleway -BCC are planning a cycleway along the A4 from Maidenhead bridge to
the parish’s eastern boundary. This will be a fully separated lane, along the northern
edge as far as Marsh Lane, then crossing to the south. Toucan crossing at Berry Hill.
Still at development stage before any funding approval.
49.2 Taplow Station – the Council will need to include suggestions for improved parking
at the station in time for Crossrail and the new Local Plan. Immediate suggestion for TfL
is the creation of a facility on the south park for bicycles, scooters, motorbikes and
possibly micro cars.
49.3 RBWM call for sites – the Council have been copied by RBWM on a call for
development site suggestions for their new Local Plan. It was agreed not to respond.
49.4 M4 widening - The recent consultation on this contained the draft details of bridge
widening at the southern end of Taplow. There are compulsory purchase orders, loss of
tree coverage of the M4 and likely severe disruption for residents. The Council has
submitted an objection and request for much more detail. The decision to object was
49.5 Maidenhead Rowing Club – the Council has submitted an objection to their
application to extend the club house. Parking in the area is severely over capacity with
distress to residents and any extension will worsen this. He added that footpath sign 24
had been taken down and should b reinstated. The Chairman noted that when original
permission was granted the club had 75 members but now it claimed to have 400. The
redevelopment of Skindles will make the problems with parking worse. The decision to
object was ratified.
49.6 Mill Lane -the new Berkeley Homes’ applications have been submitted, including a
premature application to clear the Skindles site of trees. The willow tree at the front of
Skindles should be protected. There has always been considerable concern over the
low design quality of the Skindles area. Berkeley Homes claim to be constrained by
English Heritage input relating to the Grade 1 Maidenhead Bridge approach. This
concern cannot be seen as of high quality if they have totally ignored this tree that
beautifully sets off the bridge and clearly shows that Mill Lane has a rural quality.
It was agreed that the tree clearing should be opposed as there is no approval yet for
the demolition of Skindles and the site is dominated by a fine willow. Any clearing must
await the main application hearings. The Council has received our consultant’s review
of the new applications. There has been quite some response from Berkeley Homes
over various rejection reasons on the original applications. It was agreed the Council
should raise concerns over the National Grid applications not being present (due
apparently to internal company structure problems). This is quite contrary to the SPD
requirement for an integrated development. The Council will require only provisional
approval in the interim with no start authorised until the full National Grid component is
approved. Failure to do so leaves a serious gap in the proper protection of the overall
development, especially if some contamination problem subsequently arises. Berkeley
Homes indicate that the process may take 6 months. They should be required to wait to
ensure correct planning process. It was further agreed to express concern that there is
still no effective mixed use.
PC/50/15 To receive reports from outside bodies
Cllr. Hatch had attended the recent SBALC meeting and would ask the Clerk to circulate
the minutes when they were issued. She reported that Denham had said that they had
had some success with footpath clearance by continuously phoning and getting
residents to phone BCC. Gerrards Cross was campaigning against parking on verges.
Burnham had reported difficulties in spending their Land Securities monies. Many
parishes were undertaking parish plans.
PC/51/15 Finance
51.1 Expenditure shown in the cashbook circulated prior to the meeting was approved
for payment
51.2. It was agreed to pursue an insurance claim for a lamppost recently knocked down
in Hillmead Court. It was noted that too many claims would affect our premium but this
was the first claim made this year. Our insurance was currently £1863 pa of which £300
covered lampposts. There was a £250 excess on claims. It was agreed to continue
insuring lampposts until any claims started to affect premiums.
51.3 Payment from the Land Securities monies of the planning consultant’s fees in the
sum of £360 plus VAT was ratified.
51.4 The Chairman advised that Clarke Bros would be buying materials and charging
labour costs only for work on the main green which was due to start at the end of
July/early August. The soil would cost £7,500 and the total costs should be no more
than £15,000 from the Land Securities monies. Cllr. Greeves suggested a permanent
area of hard standing would be useful for the village green party. The Chairman added
that a hard standing path across the green might also be useful.
51.5 Cllr. Bamberg said that some £30,000 of the Land Securities monies were likely to
be spent this year. The original deposit was coming to an end and it was agreed to
delegate to the Chairman and Cllr. Bamberg how much should be reinvested and on
what terms.
PC/52/15 Any other business
52.1 Cllr. Kennedy asked if Cllr. Dhillon could find money to install an extra dog bin at
the end of River Road beside the path to Bray Lock.
52.2 Cllr. Kennedy asked for the disabled bay in the car park to be re-marked.
52.3 Cllr Hatch was keen to have the signage on the corner of the A4 and Approach
road removed. She was advised by the Chairman that she was entitled to remove the
same under delegated authority from BCC granted to the Council provided she notified
the owners and allowed them to collect their signs.
52.4 Cllr. Hatch was keen to improve parish communications and it was agreed that she
should look into how best to achieve that.
PC/53/15 To consider agenda items for the next meeting on 20th October 2015
There were none.
The meeting ended at 9.34pm.