Abstract Submission Template Guidelines for authors: Authors should take the time to familiarise themselves with the Conference Paper Preparation Guidelines. Please note that you are only expected to submit an abstract, in the first instance, for the Program Subcommittee’s consideration. Please complete the template on the following page as per the information below. Title. The title (BOLD, Calibri 12 point, centred) should be as brief as possible, while being sufficiently descriptive to enable potential readers to determine whether or not it is of interest to them. Authors. All authors (BOLD, Calibri 11 point, centred) must be listed, followed by their affiliations (NOT BOLD, Calibri 11 point). The committee has no policy on the determination of the order of listing of authors. Qualifications and addresses may be listed. Please underline the author that will be presenting the paper- see example above. Example: Will climate change be nature’s answer to the sea change? Greg Stuart1 and Sue Sargent2 1 Bureau of Meteorology, GPO Box 413 Brisbane QLD 4001 2 Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) PO Box 501 Bundaberg QLD 4670 Abstract. An abstract (NOT BOLD, Calibri 11 point, justified) will be required to be submitted with the paper if not submitted prior. The abstract should summarise the essential points of the paper and be not more than 300 words in length. It should state the purpose of the work and important findings and conclusions. Finally, please indicate the theme or themes that you believe your paper is relevant to. Abstracts should be emailed to info@reefrangereddust.org by Friday 17 April 2015. Authors will be advised of the status of their abstract after 18 May 2015 via email. Following this, successful authors will be given 6 weeks to finalise their full paper. Name: Organisation: Address: Phone number: E-mail: Mobile: Paper title Authors Affiliations / addresses Abstract: [300 words or less] Themes: Community engagement and policy influence doing more with less – funding challenges, less rainfall, less predictability future challenges- changing climate, growing urban population, declining rangeland population, urbanisation, engaging younger generation Use of technology – social media, remote sensing. Type of presentation: Oral Workshop Poster Other ______________________________ Abstracts should be emailed to info@reefrangereddust.org by Friday 17 April 2015.