(Only in this page, leave 4,5 cm for top margin) IINSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS REGARDING SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPERS TO CONEM 2000. TITLE OF THE PAPER. José Wilson Lage Nogueira Luiz Pereira de Brito Selma Hissae Shimura da Nóbrega Federal University of R.G. do Norte, C.T., Mechanical Engineering Department, 59072-970, Natal/RN, Brasil. E-mail: conem2000@ufrnet.br P.S. Do not include authors’names in the first paper version to be evaluated. Abstract Instructions are presented here regarding full version of papers to CONEM 2000 with the following format. Use Times New Roman font 12 in the full paper. The title should be written in bold capital letter. The authors’name must in bold and aligned to the left. The institution’s data (informations, details) and address must be typed in normal style: The world ABSTRACT must be in bold and lined up in the left margin. The abstract text should be no larger than 150 words in one single paragraph. Papers will only be submitted if written in Portuguese, Spanish or English and sent in PostScript file without authors identification. Keywords: First word, second word, third word, (up to five keywords). 1. INTRODUCTION It is expected that CONEM 2000 annals will be published in CD-ROM. Therefore, it is important that the papers follow the instructions presented here. 2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE PAPER BODY. The main text should be typed in one column (Time New Roman 12) with simple spacing and lined up both sides. The paragraphs must start around 0,75 cm falling back. Foreing words must appear in italic. 2.1 Number and size of the pages. The full paper can not exceed 08 pages of A4 (210mm x 297mm) format. 2.2 Page configuration Use 2.5 cm margin in all sides (Top, botton, left and right). 2.3 Equation, symbols and units. The equations with the same size and font as the text, should have the same identation as the paragraph. Number the equations following a sequence and using Arabic numbers between parenthesis and lined up to the right. Example: q = T4 (1) Avoid making symbols or nomenclature sections. Define the symbol when mentioned for the first time in the text. Use the units from the International System (IS). 2.4 Figures and (table, list, schedule) The figures and tables should be centralized in the middle of the text. Caring for figure, write in the botton of the figure its name. Leave only one line between figures or tables and the text. Space for the figure Figure 1. Place advised to the figure’s name. For tables, place their names in the top of them. Table 1. Space advised for the table’s name. Be sure that the full text, figures, tables and equations are easily legible. Do not use color! 2.5 Authorizations and/or Acknowledgements They should be placed after the text body and before the references. 3. REFERENCES In the text, the reference must start from the last name (surname) of the authors, following the issue year. Depending on the best style in your text, use “… in a recent paper Ramalho et al’ (1998) …” or “… recently (Mota & Oliveira, 1999) …”. The references must be listed by authors alphabetic order in the end of the paper. Further informations about this section, follow the instructions from Brazilian Magazine of the Mechanical Sciences(ABCM). Following, the example of the references list from ABCM is showed. Bordalo, S.N., Ferziger, J.H. and Kline, S.J., 1989, “The Development of Zonal Models for Turbulence”, Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 41-44. Silva, L.H.M., 1988, “Nova Formulação Integral para Problemas em Mecânica”, Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, S.C., Brasil, 223p. Coimbra, A.L., 1978, “Lessons of Continuum Mechanics”, Ed. Edgard Blücher, S. Paulo, Brazil, 428p. Clark, J.A., 1986, Private Communication, University of Michigan, Ann Harbor. General recommendations on how to send papers: a) The paper to be sent must be in “postscript” format ; b) They must be sent by filling in a proper “Eletronic Form”in our site; c) Just for safety, one floppy disk copy including a tag mentioning the paper code must be sent to the address below: CONEM 2000 P.O. Box 1585 Campus Universitário Natal – RN – Brazil 59078-970