Instructions to Authors


Instructions to Authors

Michelle Yvette Picard

The University of Adelaide

Alistair McCulloch

The University of South Australia

Your abstract should follow the format of this Instructions to Authors page (Picard & McCulloch,

2015). Have a title of Calibri 14 and then put the full names of the authors and institutions underneath each other according to author order. The body of the text should be Calibri body size

11. The abstract should be maximum 250 words long including references. If you choose to have references, please use APA 5th or 6 th . Please use single spacing and do not use any footnotes. Your abstract should be one single paragraph of text and should summarise the main argument and/or findings of your paper. Ensure that you submit using a Microsoft Word compatible format. You need to include keywords for each abstract. Include a maximum of 5 keywords/phrases with a maximum of three words per key phrase. Leave one line between sections.


Picard, M.Y. & McCulloch, A. (2015). Instructions to Authors. Amazing Press: Adelaide.

Keywords: instructions; formatting requirements
