ECH 395 Rubric for the Environment Design Criteria Meets Expectation Proficient Partially Proficient Photo of the Team with Titles and Name of Design 50 Points A clear photograph is attached along with the name of the design. 0 Points n/a 0 Points n/a 30 Points No photo is attached. Mission Statement 50 Points Mission statement clearly describes the beliefs and foundations of the environmental design. 40 Points Mission statement adequately describes the beliefs and foundations of the environmental design. 35 Points Mission statement minimally describes the beliefs and foundations of the environmental design. 30 Points Mission statement is unclear or missing. Foundational Approach and Theory 50 Points The design information is specific, relevant and explanations are given that show a firm understanding of the course including comprehensive understanding of a specific early childhood developmental theory/approach. 40 Points The design information is adequate and explanations are given that show an adequate understanding of the course including an adequate understanding of a specific early childhood developmental theory/approach. 35 Points The design information is minimal and explanations are given that show a minimal understanding of the course including minimal understanding of a specific early childhood developmental theory/approach. 30 Points Information is not relevant and/or is not explained. ECERs 50 Points Student creates an original, accurate and interesting product design that clearly addresses developmentally appropriate practices including a comprehensive 40 Points Student creates a product design that adequately addresses developmentally appropriate practices including an adequate knowledge of the 35 Points Student creates a product design that minimally addresses developmentally appropriate practices including minimal knowledge of the 30 Points Product shows little original thought. Work shows virtually no new ideas and insights. ECH 395 Dr. Kathryn A. Short Incomplete Meets Expectation Proficient Partially Proficient knowledge of the ECERS rating system. Product shows original thought. ECERS system. Product shows some original thought. ECERS rating system. Product shows minimal original thought. Alignment with the University's Core Four and the 4 ECS SLOs 50 Points Through the environment design, the student shows a firm understanding of the course including comprehensive alignment with the Core Four and the 4 ECS-SLOs. 40 Points Through the environment design, the student shows an adequate understanding of the course including adequate alignment with the Core Four and the 4 ECS-SLOs. 35 Points Through the environment design, the student shows a minimal understanding of the course including minimal alignment with the Core Four and the 4 ECS-SLOs. 30 Points Student illustrates little or no alignment with the Core Four and the 4 ECS-SLOs. Design Information Conventions 50 Points Design information has no grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. 40 Points Design information has 1-2 errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 35 Points Design information has 3-4 errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 30 Points Design information has more than 4 errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Product Design 50 Points The product clearly meets university standards, ,i.e., use of computergenerated graphics and keyboarding. 40 Points The product adequately meets university standards, i.e., use of computergenerated graphics and keyboarding. 39 Points The product minimally meets university standards, i.e., use of computergenerated graphics and keyboarding. 30 Points The product is not meet university standards, i.e., use of computergenerated graphics and keyboarding. Oral Presentation 50 Points Student is completely prepared. A clear, strong, animated voice was used. It was apparent that the student had rehearsed and was 40 Points Student is adequately prepared. Student voice could have been louder and more animated. Some rehearsal was apparent, but notes 35 Points Student is minimally prepared. Student voice was weak and very timid. Not much evidence of previous rehearsal. Student 30 Points Student has not completed the assignment and is not prepared. No evidence of rehearsal was shown. Student didn't make use Criteria ECH 395 Dr. Kathryn A. Short Incomplete Criteria Partially Proficient Meets Expectation Proficient very well prepared. The presentation was very organized. The student spoke with authority. All "artifacts" if needed for presentation were ready and visible. were necessary. The presentation was a bit unorganized and didn't flow clearly. "Artifacts" were not clearly marked and utilized. read entirely from notes. The presentation was a bit unorganized. No "artifacts" were used. of speaking notes or any "artifacts" to help with presentation. There was no sign of organization. Narrative Paper Conventions 50 Points No grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Evidence of effective and thorough proofreading & editing skills displayed. 40 Points 1-2 errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Evidence of adequate proofreading and editing skills displayed. 35 Points 3-4 errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Inadequate proofreading and editing skills displayed 30 Points More than 4 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Little or no evidence of proofreading and editing. Group Evaluation 50 Points According to the group evaluation, student fully participated in the design creation. 40 Points According to the group evaluation, student adequately participated in the design creation. 35 Points According to the group evaluation, student minimally participated in the design creation. 30 Points According to the group evaluation, student did not participate in the design creation. ECH 395 Dr. Kathryn A. Short Incomplete