Room 303 - Homework Week of: October 26-30 Parents, please initial beside each part of your child’s homework after it has been completed. I will be checking it daily. Please clean out binder each night! ___ Read Book of Choice 15 minutes Monday Spelling Words ___ Fill reading log Behavior chick ___Three=You are on task. ____ Vocabulary make vocabulary cards ___Two= Remember the rules. ____ Spelling: 1 spelling menu activity ___One=Stop and think! Miss 5 ____Math: Study for Math Test minutes of recess. ___Zero=Miss 10 minutes of recess. Note sent home to parent ___ Fluency Read p.93-94 reading workbook (WPM________) ___Three=You are on task. ___ Answer accompanying comprehension ___Two= Remember the rules. questions ___One=Stop and think! Miss 5 ____ Practice Vocabulary Words: minutes of recess. Tuesday Behavior ___Zero=Miss 10 minutes of Workbook p. 91 recess. Note sent home to parent. ____ Spelling: 1 spelling menu activity ___ Read book of choice for 15 minutes ___ Fill in reading log response. ___Three=You are on task. ____ Practice Vocabulary Words: ___Two= Remember the rules. read and discuss definitions ___One=Stop and think! Miss 5 ____ Spelling: 1 spelling menu activity minutes of recess. Wednesday Behavior ___Zero=Miss 10 minutes of recess. Note sent home to parent. ___ Math: ______________________ teacher cheese truth fish much lunch stretch pathway whales pitch hatch thick them what challenge words: sandwich seashells pathway whales shadow Vocabulary Words bounce: to spring back after hitting something inventor: a person who ____ Read big reader poetry:188-193 Thursday creates something for the Behavior ____ look for the literary elements in the first time. ___Three=You are on task. poems. observer: someone who ___Two= Remember the rules. ___One=Stop and think! Miss 5 watches something. ____ Math: minutes of recess. alliteration: several word ___Zero=Miss 10 minutes of or syllable in a row start recess. Note sent home to parent. with the same sound. ______________________ free verse: some verses ___Spelling: 1 spelling menu activity/ use rhyme and some do not. practice test to study (if you did not score a limerick: a funny poem of 100% on pretest. If you scored 100%, no five lines with a specific spelling homework.) rhyme pattern. rhyme: to have the same ending sound. Spelling and Reading Tests Tomorrow Friday Behavior ANNOUNCEMENTS: * This is spirit week! Each day is a special theme ___Three=You are on task. Monday-Camo Day- wear camo ___Two= Remember the rules. Tuesday- Hat Day- wear a hat ___One=Stop and think! Miss 5 Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day minutes of recess. Thursday- PJ Day ___Zero=Miss 10 minutes of Friday- Favorite Character Day (no scary costumes please) recess. Note sent home to parent. *Our fall party is this Friday; please send in party goodies if you are able.