Revolutions in Russia

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Period ____________________________
Date _____________________________
Revolutions in Russia
While reading pgs. 867-873 fill-in the following charts and define the following terms
How did each of the following help to ignite the full-scale revolution?
1. Policies of the czars
2. Industrialization and
Autocratic rule – want to wipe revolutionaries
Strict censorship, political prisoners sent to Siberia, violence against Jews
(pogroms), only Russian language allowed
Led to angry people
Rapid industrialization led to discontent
 Low wages
 Bad working conditions
 Child labor
 Outlawed trade unions
 Workers had no political power
All led to growth of revolutionary groups
Left huge gap between rich and poor
3. Economic growth
4. The Russo-Japanese War
5. “Bloody Sunday”
6. World War I
Japan attacks after Russia tries to control Korea and Manchuria
Huge losses for Russia lead to unrest and revolt
Workers march on palace demanding better working conditions, more
freedoms, and a legislature
Soldiers fire on them killing hundreds
Leads to strikes and violence throughout country
Weak generals and poorly equipped troops lead to many defeats
4 million casualties
showed the weakness of the czar and military leaders
soldiers mutinied
At home: shortages of food and fuel, inflation
Czar Nicholas unable to solve
How did each of the following help the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control?
November 1917 Revolution
Civil war between the Red and White
Armed factory workers storm palace, fired on by soldiers
Ends up toppling provisional government
Bolsheviks take power – led by V. Lenin
Bolsheviks against anti-Bolsheviks
14 million die in Civil War – famine, flu
Russia in chaos
Red Army crushes all opposition
Showed Bolsheviks are able to seize and maintain power
What were the Causes and Effects of Two Russian Revolutions, 1917
Causes: Czarist Russia
Weak leadership of Czar
Effects/Causes: March Revolution
Czar abdicates
Provisional gov’t set up
Effects: Bolshevik (November) Revolution
Provisional government overthrown
Revolutionaries challenge gov’t
Provisional gov’t takes over
Lenin and soviets gain power
Bolsheviks take over
Widespread discontent among all
Russia stays in WWI
Bolsheviks sign peace treaty with Germany
and leave WWI
Civil War begins
Alexander Kerensky
What role did each of the following play in the Russian Revolution?
Head of provisional government
Made decision to stay in WWI
Overthrown by Bolsheviks
V.I. Lenin
Leader of Bolsheviks
Returns to Russia from exile
Distributes farmland to peasants and gives control of factories to workers
Ends Russian involvement in WWI – March 1918
Leader of the Bolshevik Red Army
Led them to defeat of White Army
Leon Trotsky
Define Thoroughly the following Terms:
proletariat: workers
Bolsheviks: radical Marxist group
Duma: national legislature (parliament) set up, then taken down, by Czar Nicholas
Rasputin: self-claimed “holy man” who helped Nicholas’s son with hemophilia. In return, Alexandra (wife of Nicholas)
gives him political power. He opposes any reforms and gives jobs to his friends. Finally murdered by group of nobles
Provisional Government: temporary government set up after Czar abdicates
soviet: local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers
Communist Party: new name of Bolshevik party. Followers of Karl Marx. Believed in classless society that would exist
after workers had seized power