Two Revolutions in Russia I. March Revolution*

Two Revolutions in Russia
I. March Revolution*
A. Causes
i. Autocratic Czar ____________________
ii. World War I
a. Badly equipped and poorly led
b. Transportation broke down
c. Nicholas II at the front – why was it a problem?
iii. __________________ influenced Alexandra while Nicholas was away
a. Why?
b. What happened to him?
B. Result
i. Temporary _________________ government drafts constitution
II. Socialists vie for Power
A. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
i. Origin of his beliefs
ii. Disagreed with gradual socialism
iii. "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"
a. What is it?
b. How was it different from Marx's ideas?
iv. Leader of Bolsheviks - "majority"
v. Assisted by Leon Trotsky
III. November Revolution*
A. Bolsheviks promised "____________, ____________, and ______________"
B. With the war effort failing; Bolsheviks overthrew the government
C. Lenin signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with _____________ in order to quit the
war and focus on enemies at home
IV. Russian Civil War
A. Reds (Bolsheviks) v. Whites (Their opponents – supporters of the czar,
opponents of communism)
1. Bolsheviks killed Czar Nicholas II and his family
2. Trotsky formed the _______ Army and a secret police force to crush
3. Bolsheviks used __________________________________ to force
peasants and factories
to produce for them, peasants
were drafted into military or factory work
B. Bolsheviks won and changed their name to _______________________
C. Bolsheviks renamed Russia the _________ ____ ___________ ____________
_______________________ (USSR)