Curriculum Information for Parents

Curriculum Information for Parents
Year Group: 3
Date: Summer 2011
Some children will be continuing the phenomenal progress they have
made during Read, Write inc. Helping them to sound out words, blend
sounds together and therefore be more fluent when reading. This will
also impact on their writing abilities which are a crucial part of Read,
Write inc.
The remainder of the children will be undertaking Literacy Framework
lessons where they will be learning all about different authors and their
style of writing, they will be writing letters and exciting adventure
You can help by:
.Encourage your child to read a variety of
texts e.g. story books, newspapers,
magazines and comics.
. Support your child by helping them
complete their homework.
. Please listen to your child read every
day and fill in their reading diaries as
evidence. If they struggle to read nay
words please write them down so we can
address them in class.
After such a big impact last term we are carrying on with our emphasis
on times tables with a weekly test. The children have really embraced
the challenge and have made great progress with a lot of children
already in the Premiership.
The children will also be concentrating on applying the skills they have
learnt throughout the year by solving problems and puzzles.
You can help by:
. Support your child by helping them
complete their homework.
. Practice their times table with them.
Discuss the shapes the children see
around the house, when shopping or on
the way to school.
. Talk about the maths your child has
done that day and ask them to show you
an example.
Theme – The games that children play
Geography: Children will have the opportunity to explore games that are played in different countries and learn
about the culture of other children across the world.
ICT: Children will be using the I-Pads to research different games that are played around the world and in the past.
PSHE: Relationships- children will be taught to develop and sustain relationships.
(Subjects not covered this half term will be covered at other times throughout the school year)
Home learning
The children will bring home reading books every day, they are expected to read five times a week to an adult, this
must recorded in their reading diaries for their book to be changed. Children will also be given homework on a
Friday which will reflect the work we have done in class during the week. This is due in the following Wednesday.
Please help your child to complete this as it will inform you of what your child has been doing in school and they will
get a chance to show you all they have learnt.
Other Information:
Your child’s PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school (plain black/blue shorts, white T-shirt, plimsolls for
indoors and trainer for outside, plain jogging bottoms/leggings for cold weather).