Saint Damian Office of Religious Education 5300 W. 155th Street Oak Forest, IL 60452 (708) 687-7778 Religious Ed classes are for Registered parishioners DATE: ____________ CHURCH#________ FAMILY INFORMATION: (Child’s Primary Residence) Family Last Name:____________________________________Home Phone( )______________________ Address______________________________________City_____________________________Zip__________ Has address changed from last year?_____________Email:__________________________________________ Alt. email_______________________________________ MOTHER (Or female guardian): First Name_____________________Last name____________________Maiden Name____________________ Marital status________________Occupation:______________________Cell:( )_____________________ Address (if different) ___________________________________Work Phone ( )_____________________ FATHER (or male guardian): First Name_______________________Last name_________________________________________________ Marital status________________Occupation:__________________Cell:( )___________________________ Address (if different) ____________________________________Work Phone( ) ______________________ Student Information Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name First/Last (only if different from family name) School Grade (2015-2016) Date of Birth Gender Custody/lives with Previous RE complete (other than St. Damian) Sacraments: Please check ( ) those your child has already received ( ( ( ( )Baptism )First Reconciliation ) First Communion )Confirmation ( ( ( ( )Baptism )First Reconciliation ) First Communion )Confirmation ( ( ( ( )Baptism )First Reconciliation ) First Communion )Confirmation Payment plans for next year are as follows: ½ of tuition/ book and supply and sacramental fees (if applicable) must be paid up on registration and full payment is due on or before first day of session. If your family is experiencing hardship we ask you to fill out the Financial Consideration Request found on the website or available at the Religious Education Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TUITION AND FEES 2015/2016 ACTIVE FAMILIES TUITION BOOK FEES ONE CHILD $250 $45 TWO CHILDREN $400 $90 THREE CHILDREN $525 $135 BOOK FEES OF $35 APPLY TO EACH ADDITIONAL CHILD SACRAMENTAL FEE $100 APPLIES FOR FIRST EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION LOST BOOK/BIBLE REPLACEMENT $35 OFFICE USE ONLY Notes:___________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Bapt. Cert:____________________________ Date Entered:__________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Tuition:________________________ Sacrament Fee:___________________________ Catechist Discount:_______________ Total Due:______________________ Total Paid:______________________