Letter to Second Grade Parents

Second Grade Parents
At St. Francis de Sales Parish the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and
First Holy Communion are an early step on your child’s journey of faith –
not the end of the journey. It will be the beginning of a life-long
communion in the Catholic faith. Reconciliation and the Body and Blood of
Christ will be available to strengthen and grace your child at every step of
life’s journey. For each family, these sacraments are a chance for a new
beginning, for a renewal of dedication and appreciation of the
There will be a meeting for the parents of all second graders on October
16, 2013 at 6:30 PM. We request that at least one parent attend this
meeting. Father Ed will speak about the sacraments and information is
gathered and shared. This year we are planning a First Reconciliation
Retreat and a First Communion Retreat. Information on these retreats will
be available at this meeting.
We will be celebrating Initiation Weekend on November 2nd and 3rd.
The children who are preparing to receive a sacrament will be given a
blessing at Mass. We put up prayer cards for them on that weekend and
parishioners are asked to take a card and pray for that child as they prepare
for the sacrament they will receive. Please make plans to attend one of the
Masses that weekend.
If you have any questions concerning sacramental preparation please do not
hesitate to contact me at 715-520-2667 or schmidtabbie@gmail.com.
Yours in Christ,
Abbie Schmidt, CRE