Getting Ready For School My Checklist • • • • • • • • Get dressed Eat my breakfast Clean up my dish Brush my teeth Brush my hair Pack my bag Put on my shoes Say politely “I’m ready to go” Thankyou to Ms Judy Friedman for submitting this Daily Routine chart. Each task has been listed on a laminated chart. A velcro tab (or blue tac) allows the child to take off each task as it is completed. This gives the child a sense of achievement as they take responsibility for getting themselves ready each day. Adjust the chart to suit your needs. My Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Hand in homework Homework English Assignment due Homework Soccer Homework Bring home homework Help with chores My Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Our Chores Roster Tim Beth Jane Tuesday Thursday Friday Help to cook wash up Dry dishes Dry dishes Help to cook wash up wash up Dry dishes Help to cook Our Chores Roster Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday If you have made a timetable or checklist that we could share with other parents/carers, please contact us on (07) 3264 0111 or drop in to the SNAP room