Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: Ms. Carnes Date: January 19-23, 2015 Subject: Science Block: All science classes Alabama COS Standards Describe factors that cause changes to Earth’s surface over time.ACOS#2 RST.6-8.1, RST.6-8.4, RST.6-8.7, RST.6-8.9, WHST.6-8.1; WHST.6-8.2, WHST.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.9 ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: __ KWL __ Survey __ First Word X Word Map COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: __Word Splash __Possible Sentence X Concept Map __Anticipation Guide __ Think-Pair-Share X Vocabulary Overview X Lecture X Reading X Model X Graphic Organizer/VLT __Pictograph X Diagram __Frayer Model (DLP)___________________ _ Hands-on __Mind Map/Visual Guide Engagement Strategies: X- Collaborative Group Work X- Questioning Techniques X - Writing to Learn X- Scaffolding Text __ -Literacy Groups X -Classroom Talk Technology Integration: X Smart board __Document Camera X IPADS __Mac Books __Computers __ Clickers __ ACCESS __ Computer Program:________________________________ Other: __Poem, Rhymes, etc. _ Acronyms/Word __ Other: __TWIRL __Other:_____________________ __Kindles __ Interactive Tablets __ Digital/ Video Camera This Week’s Vocabulary: plain, plateau, folded mountains, upwarped mountain, fault-block mountain, volcanic mountain, equator, latitude, prime meridian, longitude PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday No School!! MLK Holiday!! Tuesday The Content Preview (Before) Instruction (During) The Process Thursday Friday What are landforms? What are landforms? What are possible uses a scientist would have for maps? What are landforms? What are possible uses a scientist would have for maps? What did you learn from your research on various landforms? The students will be able to: Describe folded, upwarped, fault-block, and volcanic mountains. The students will be able to: Define latitude and longitude. Explain how latitude and longitude are used to identify locations on Earth. 1. Vocabulary Preview 2. Access Prior Knowledge Divide students into pairs. Give each pair an outline map of the world and an outline map of the US. Have students circle familiar characteristics and underline or list unfamiliar characteristics. Have students share out their responses. Ex. Students may recognize the shapes of countries, they may point out their state or region, or they may identify familiar bodies of water. 1. Concept Map: Introduce the concepts of latitude and longitude. 2. Have students look at the U.S. map and find the lines running across which are latitude and the lines running up and down the page are longitude. Latitude runs 0–90° north and south. Longitude runs 0–180° east and west. 3. Have students write those labels on the maps. Point out the degrees of latitude and longitude and the patterns of numbers as you move away from 0°. 4. Have students practice figuring out latitude and longitude. The students will be able to: Determine the time and date in different time zones. The students will present their Landform Projects. Students will use I-Pads to research time zones. Find at least 5 states and list their time zones. Record information on map for each finding. Quick Write: What are landforms? Why is it important to learn about landforms? Essential Question Objective(s) Wednesday Watch and discuss Brain Pop Animated Movie on Mountain Types: Folded mountains, fault block mountains, and up-warped mountains. Writing to Learn: List the 3 Mountain Types and give a brief description of each one. Read and discuss passages on Mountains. Teacher will ask questions to scaffold students’ understanding of text. Brain Pop Quiz on Mountain Types (Review Questions) Compare and contrast the 3 types of mountains using a Three-Circle Venn Diagram http://www.timeanddate.com/ti me/map/#!cities=407 Read and discuss passages on Time Zones. Teacher will ask questions to scaffold students’ understanding of text. Review and discuss Landform Power point Note Taking Graphic Organizer Landform Project Presentations (After) The Product Extension/ Refining Closure/Exit Ticket 5. Have students find landmarks with the same latitude and longitude as their location. Closure/Exit Ticket Why are latitude and longitude lines helpful map tools? Closure/Exit Ticket Complete Section 2 SelfCheck Questions Closure/Exit Ticket What did you learn from your research on various landforms? http://education.nationalgeograp hic.com/education/activity/introd uction-latitudelongitude/?ar_a=1 Study class notes and vocabulary Assessment (formal or informal): X class work X notebook X homework __quizzes _ tests X computer activities X collaborative work __ project based __ Other: Summarizing: _ 3-2-1 X Ticket out the Door ___The Important Thing __Cue Cards X Teacher Questions X Student Summary X Other: Quick Write Homework