Barrier Removal Update #2 Site: Piti Bomb Holes Preserve Period

Barrier Removal Update #2
Site: Piti Bomb Holes Preserve
Period covered: December 20, 2012 to February 1, 2013
Activity title: 12/20/12 Communication Plan brainstorm with DAWR Law enforcement
Description: Who? DAWR: Jane Dia and DAWR Law Enforcement: Rolando Delfin
What were objectives? 1) Discuss goals for Piti communication plan with DAWR law enforcement (L.E.); 2) identify
communication plan writer; and 3) define audience and partners for plan development
What was accomplished? 1) Delfin offered recommendations; 2) Delfin offered to write SOP for communication plan and 3)
audience and partners were defined (see attachment dated 12/20/12).
What are next steps? Hold Communication Plan meetings with DAWR, L.E. and agencies to review SOP
Photos: None taken
Activity title: 01/04/13 Communication Plan meeting #1
Description: Who? DAWR: Jane Dia, Tino Aguon, Jay Guiterrez; DAWR Law Enforcement: Mike Reyes, Rolando Delfin; NOAA: Val
What were objectives? 1) Discuss the objectives of the Piti Communication Plan; long term and short term goals with DAWR; 2)
verify if other law enforcement or agencies need to be included in the development of the plan; and 3) give a tentative
timetable of activities to complete the plan and 4) a schedule when the results of the plan will be evaluated. (See attached
meeting agenda from January 4, 2013).
What was accomplished? 1) Objectives for DAWR and Rare was discussed to emphasize alignment of both; 2) No additional law
enforcement of agency was added to communication team at this time; 3) No changes made to timeline and 4) data
collection to include recording and have someone review and categorize activities observed, such as number of people,
type of activity, time of day, and ethnicity
What are next steps? Hold Communication Plan meetings with DAWR, L.E. and division chief to review first draft
Photos: None taken
Activity title: 01/11/13 Communication Plan meeting #2
Description: Who? DAWR: Jane Dia, Tino Aguon, DAWR L.E.: Rolando Delfin
What were objectives? 1) Review the first draft of the SOP for the communication plan with DAWR division chief.
What was accomplished? 1) First draft approved by division chief (see Conservation L.E. Communication Plan)
What are next steps? Add SOP for camera surveillance; get other agency feedback for SOP development and enforcement
enhancement ideas
Photos: None taken
Activity title: 01/25/13 Communication Plan meeting #3
Description: Who? DAWR: Jane Dia, Jay Guiterrez; DAWR L.E. Rolando Delfin; NOAA Val Brown
What were objectives? 1) Review the first draft of the SOP for the communication plan with another agency; 2) brainstorm ideas
for enforcement enhancement for Piti.
What was accomplished? 1) Agreed to use DAWR mission for communication plan 2) list of enforcement enhancement items
and estimated costs (See January 25, 2013 notes)
What are next steps? 1) Finalize plan for review with all agencies 2) get quotations on enforcement items, rewrite BROP
Photos: None taken
5. Activity title: 01/11/13 Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring – First Piti visit
Description: Who? DAWR: Jane Dia; NOAA Val Brown; UOG Green Interns; Americorp
What were objectives? 1) Apply coral reef monitoring techniques; 2) brainstorm ideas for reef care for Piti.
What was accomplished? 1) UOG and Americorp successfully collected data 2) listed of reef care activities
What are next steps? 1) Follow up with UOG and Americorp for KAP survey assistance 2) review list of reef care with agencies