Journey to date cont - Freight and Logistics Council of Western

Update on implementation of National
Compliance and Enforcement (C&E)
Freight and Logistics Council of WA
28 March 2013
Journey to date
Draft legislation was first introduced into Parliament in 2007
Part of the legislation was passed in June 2008
Remaining legislation lapsed with change of Government in August
Government undertook further consultation between 2008/11 to
determine whether model law was still relevant for WA
Journey to date cont
Government agreed to modify aspects of the national policy in
November 2011 to address industry concerns
Outstanding legislation passed by Parliament in May 2012 and is
currently awaiting proclamation
Legislation also facilitates a restructure of WA’s current Road Traffic
Act 1974 which was a necessary consequence given the size and
complexity of the model law
Approved legislation available on the Department of Transport website
Current status
• Approved legislation cannot be proclaimed until;
all necessary regulatory amendments have been
affected agencies have made necessary administrative
Statewide communication strategy has been delivered on
new C& E laws.
Current status cont.
• Project Board has been formed consisting of members from
Main Roads WA, Western Australia Police and the
Department of Transport to oversee implementation of new
• Communications strategy is being developed in conjunction
with Main Roads to inform industry and stakeholders of the
new C&E laws
• Target proclamation date of new laws - December 2013
Enforcement responsibilities
Enforcement of new C&E laws will predominately be
undertaken by Main Roads Heavy Vehicles Transport
Western Australia Police will have authority to enforce new
C&E laws
Main Roads Enforcement strategies
• Adopt an educational approach to new C& E laws to seek
voluntary compliance
• Enforcement effort that is intelligence driven
• Targeting recidivist and high risk offenders
• Investigation of persistent chain of responsibility breaches
• Long term sustainable enforcement efforts rather than one
off road blitzes
• Appointment of (2) investigators in June 2013
Contact persons
Department of Transport Driver and Vehicle Services
Jim Stiles Legislative Implementation Manager
Phone 9428 4860
Vince Tamigi Assistant Director Strategy and Policy
Phone 9428 4036
Main Roads Western Australia
Paul Bond, Manager Heavy Vehicle Transport Compliance
Phone 9475 8421
Questions ?