Metabolism and Survival Success Criteria

Metabolism and Survival Success Criteria
1. Metabolism is essential for life
I can
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Give the meaning of catabolic and anabolic pathways
Give examples of catabolic and anabolic reactions
State that metabolic reactions are controlled by enzymes
Give an example of a metabolic reaction which is reversible
Give an example of a metabolic reaction which is irreversible
Give an example of an alternative route for a metabolic pathway
State that membranes form surfaces and compartments for
metabolic pathways
State that compartmentalisation enables cells to keep sets of
enzymes together and away from other enzymes and examples
Describe the Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane to
include phopholipid bilayer and position of the proteins
Describe the functions of membrane proteins to include protein
pores, pumps and enzymes
Explain that enzymes speed up chemical reactions by lowering
the activation energy
Explain the induced fit model of enzyme action in terms of
enzyme shape and binding at the active site
Describe the effects of increasing substrate concentration on
enzyme activity
Describe the effects of increasing end product concentration on
the rate of enzyme reaction
Give examples of enzymes that work in groups or multi enzyme
State that enzymes activity can be controlled by inhibitors
Explain competitive, non competitive and negative feedback
Metabolic Pathways of Cellular Respiration
I can
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State the chemical equation for aerobic respiration to include
the total number of ATP molecules produced per glucose
Describe the glycolysis in terms of the chemicals and ATP and
NADH production
Name the hydrogen carriers involved in aerobic respiration
State where in the cell the following occur, glycolysis, citric acid
cycle and the electron transport chain
State that oxygen needs to be present to allow the pyruvate
molecule to be broken down into acetyl group and carbon
Describe the stages of the citric acid cycle
Explain the function of dehydrogenase and decarboxylase
enzymes in the Citric acid cycle
State that the Citric acid cycle produces NADH, FADH, ATP,
carbon dioxide and the regeneration of oxaloacetic acid
Explain movement of hydrogen ions through the electron
transport chain to produce ATP molecules
Explain that the hydrogen ions at the end of the electron
transport chain join with oxygen to produce water
State anaerobic respiration equation in yeast cells to include the
number of ATP molecules produced per glucose molecule
Describe the pathway of a glucose molecule in anaerobic
respiration in yeast and muscle cells
State that other respiratory substrates such as fats, proteins and
other sugars can be used in the respiration pathways
2.Maintaining Metabolism
I can
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State that metabolic rate can be measured by calculating the
oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production and the amount of
heat produced
State that high metabolic rates require efficient delivery of
oxygen to cells
Describe the physiology of the heart, circulation and lungs in
amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds
Describe the heart and circulation in fish
Explain how some organisms have adapted to survive in low
oxygen areas, eg high altitude and under water
Describe the graph showing how oxygen concentration changed
over the geological timescale
Compare the oxygen uptake in fit and unfit people and explain
the reasons behind this
Explain the term conformer and regulator in terms of metabolic
Explain that the ability of an organism to maintain its metabolic
rate is affected by abiotic factors
State that conformers internal environment is dependent on the
external environment
Explain why conformers may have a narrow ecological niche
Explain why regulators have an increased range of possible
ecological niches
State that regulators require energy for homeostasis
Explain how thermoregulation takes place in mammals in terms
of hypothalamus, nerves, effectors and skin
State that organisms must have adaptations to survive
environmental change
Methods for surviving adverse conditions
I can
 Explain the meaning of dormancy and give an example of
organisms who use this as a means of survival
 Explain the difference between predicted and consequential
 Give examples of hibernation in animals and aestivation in
organisms and how these help their survival in adverse
 Say what is meant by daily torpor and why it is important for
some organisms
 State that some animals avoid adverse conditions by migration
Understand why migration is important for some organisms
Explain how innate and learned behaviour influences migratory
Give the meaning of extremophiles and examples of where they
will be found
Give an adaptation of an extremophile to enable them to survive
in their environment
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3.Metabolism in Micro-organisms
Environmental Control of Metabolism
I can
 State that microorganisms include bacteria, archea
(thermophiles) which are prokaryotes
State that some species of eukaryotes are also classed as
microorganisms eg photosynthetic algae
State that microorganisms can use a wide range of substrates
for metabolism and produce a wide range of products in their
metabolic pathways
State that all microorganisms require an energy source
Say why simple chemical compounds are necessary in the
growth media of microorganisms
Explain why some growth media require more complex
Explain why sterile techniques are important when culturing
State that microorganisms require a suitable temperature,
suitable oxygen concentration and an optimum pH for growth
Say how to control the above conditions when culturing bacteria
Draw a growth curve and note the lag, log/exponential,
stationary and death phases on the graph
Relate the phases of the growth curve to changes in the growth
State that some microorganisms can exhibit two types of
metabolism – primary and secondary
State when primary metabolism takes place and explain that it
produces primary metabolites and energy
State when secondary metabolism takes place and the
secondary metabolites can confer an ecological advantage
Give examples of how the secondary metabolites can confer an
ecological advantage to the microorganism and how some can
be beneficial to humans
Explain how metabolism can be manipulated using induction,
inhibition and end product inhibition
Describe how lactose can be an inducer molecule in the
formation of galactosidase in E.coli
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Genetic control of Metabolism
I can
 State what mutagenesis is and how this can be induced in
Explain how sexual reproduction between microorganisms eg
fungi can produce desirable characteristics in the daughter cells
Describe the process of alteration of the DNA in a bacterial cell
by recombination of a gene(genes) from another organism to
include the terms endonucleases ,ligase, restriction site, vectors
Explain how some bacteria can transfer plasmids or
chromosomal DNA to each other
State that wild strains of bacteria can be improved by
mutagenesis, selective breeding, or recombinant DNA
State how recombinant DNA technology can improve the strain
of bacteria
Know that the purpose of an artificial chromosome allows a
much longer sequence of DNA to be carried from the donor
organism to the recipient organism.
Give various examples of recombinant yeast cells.
State the ethics, risks and control of the risks when using
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