Literacy medium term plan Area of Study Literacy Cross Curricular Links Class / Year group Year 1/2S Time available 5 hours Additional Information : eg speaking and listening focus / risk assessment Lesson Focus Learning objectives (including NC refs) Main Learning Activity Resources (including staffing) Reading ‘The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud’ Decomposition of story features through speaking and listening and hot seat activity. Children carry out comprehension related task IWB Book Activity sheets Pretend microphone and chair Lesson 2 Lesson 1 Week 3 I can identify features of a Story decomposition story (En1) 1d focus on the main points (En1) 2b ask questions to clarify understanding Story sequencing I can sequence the events within a story Speaking and listening and discussing story events. Children will try to put the story together in (En2) 3b Use their knowledge of the correct sequence by acting out the sequence and story language story when retelling stories Children will complete a story sequencing (En3) 1b sequence events and activity recount them in appropriate detail Laminated characters Activity sheets and pictures iPad to record good examples Lesson 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 3 Literacy medium term plan Explaining a story setting and using adjectives I can describe a story setting Images (En2) 3a identify and describe characters, events and settings in fiction. Children will look for clues in the story to describe and explain its setting. Children to use adjectives Using pictures from previous weeks icy weather children will describe the setting of the picture RE focus day RE focus day RE focus day RE focus day SIKHISM SIKHISM SIKHISM SIKHISM Beginning to design a story I can begin to plan a story Children will consider characters and story lines as part of a story mountain (En3) 2b assemble and develop ideas on paper