Moving Together Symposium Melville SK Horizon Credit Union


Moving Together Symposium

Melville SK

Horizon Credit Union Centre

Conference Room

January 28, 2014

Let’s get more kids, more active, more often.

The City of Melville and Saskatchewan in motion are excited to have you attend their Moving

Together: Solutions for a Physically Active Community Symposium. The Moving Together

Symposium is one component of an overall community engagement process to create active communities. An active community is one where leaders work together to create opportunities for families, children and youth to be more active, more often.

The Moving Together Symposium is designed to:

 Engage and motivate our communities and our key stake holders to work together to create the conditions needed to make physical activity a viable component in our communities.

 Help leaders and participants understand required community action, partnership investment, and policy change required to create more active communities.

Develop a local action plan that will address specific areas to create opportunities for children and youth to be more active, more often in our communities.

 Celebrate local successes in our communities.

Join Others

We encourage all members of our communities to attend the Moving Together Symposium and become a part of the movement. It is also an opportunity to engage key stakeholders and decision makers. So please extend the invite to other leaders within Melville.

Experience the benefits!

Saskatchewan communities that have hosted their own Moving Together Symposium have gained valuable skills and knowledge to help take their in motion activities to the next step.

Here are some examples of community happenings:

Action teams are discussing possibilities with the municipality, recreation, health, education and other local leaders.

 Action teams are making presentations to chamber of commerce, city councils, and other groups.

Partners are working on practical solutions such as having more bike racks downtown and getting cross walks and intersections painted.

Moving Together

Saskatchewan in motion, and Melville are working together to make sure communities and the province of Saskatchewan are active. Here’s what they are doing to make this happen:

 New relationships are being built with a wide cross-section of community leaders

Working together with the business community

Talking to a variety of partners to connect communities to quality initiatives that will assist in achieving local actions

Meet the Keynote Speaker

Mark Fenton is an entertaining, persuasive and knowledgeable motivational speaker and walking advocate. He was a member of the U.S. national race-walking team from 1986 to 1990 and coached the U.S. team at the 1995 World Championships in Beijing. His interest in the field began by studying biomechanics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After earning his BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering, he worked as a manager of research studies at Reebok. This work led to numerous publications and plenty of insight into the health benefits of walking.

Mark continues to share his knowledge as an author, consultant to communities and work sites, and as a motivational speaker regarding public health and fitness issues. He has become a vocal pedestrian advocate and recognized authority on public health issues and the need for community, environmental, and public-policy initiatives to encourage more people to walk and bike.

Mark is now host of the PBS television series “America’s Walking”, a consultant to the

University of North Carolina’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Centre, an instructor in the walkable community workshop series for the National Centre for Bicycling and Walking, a contributing editor to Health magazine, and serves on the boards of the National Pedestrian

Advocacy Organization, America Walks, and the East Coast Greenway Association. Mark also has numerous books including The Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weight Loss, and

Fitness, and Walking Through Pregnancy and Beyond (with his wife Luisa).

Certain that he must practice what he preaches, Mark still walks as often as he can – usually with his wife and two children – for fun, transportation, and to stay in shape for hiking, cycling, orienteering, kayaking, and cross-country skiing whenever there is a chance!

Moving Together Symposium Agenda: This is a FREE Event.

9:00 – 9:30a.m. Registration

9:30 – 10:00a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks

10:00 – 11:15a.m. Keynote Speaker: Mark Fenton

Mark Fenton is an entertaining, persuasive and knowledgeable motivational speaker and walking advocate. He was a member of the U.S. national race-walking team from

1986 to 1990 and coached the U.S. team at the 1995 World Championships in Beijing.

Mark continues to share his knowledge as an author, consultant to communities and work sites, and as a motivational speaker regarding public health and fitness issues. He has become a vocal pedestrian advocate and recognized authority on public health issues and the need for community, environmental, and public-policy initiatives to encourage more people to walk and bike. Mark is now host of the PBS television series

“America’s Walking”, a consultant to the University of North Carolina’s Pedestrian and

Bicycle Information Centre, an instructor in the walkable community workshop series for the National Centre for Bicycling and Walking, a contributing editor to Health magazine, and serves on the boards of the National Pedestrian Advocacy Organization,

America Walks, and the East Coast Greenway Association. Mark also has numerous books including The Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weight Loss, and Fitness, and Walking Through Pregnancy and Beyond (with his wife Luisa).

11:15-12:15 p.m. Physical Activity in Your Communities – A Blueprint for Moving Forward

12:15 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch is provided

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Community Action Planning

3:00 – 3:15 p.m. Next Steps

3:15 – 3:30 p.m. Closing Remarks

Important Note: Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. This is a day themes around being active, so please come prepared.

Moving Together Symposium

Melville SK

Horizon Credit Union Centre

Conference Room

January 28, 2014
