All Saints Catholic School MARKING POLICY Rationale All pupils’ work is of value and pupils must be made aware of this. Pupils need to be aware of their personal achievements and to be provided with relevant advice and feedback on how to improve. Broad Principles 1. Marking can be formative or summative, or both. It can be carried out by teachers, pupils (self or peer) or external markers, as appropriate. 2. Marking is based on an interpretation of criteria (internal and external) and can serve the following purposes: diagnosis of the nature of learning barriers; identification of strengths and areas for improvement (formative assessment); to comment on presentational skills including spelling, punctuation and grammar; to celebrate pupils’ achievements and progress in their learning. Guidelines 1 2 GUIDANCE All books should be marked formatively at least once every six lessons. This could include alternating between structured selfor peer-assessment in one cycle and teacher assessment in the next cycle. ACTION MARK BOOKS FORMATIVELY AT LEAST EVERY SIX LESSONS To indicate that work in-between formatively marked work has been checked, a small tick with the date checked and teacher initials should be used. INDICATE THAT WORK HAS BEEN MERELY CHECKED, RATHER THAN FORMATIVELY MARKED, BY INSERTING A TICK, DATED LIKE 2/10/14 (TO AVOID CONFUSION WITH SCORES!), AND INITIALLED Note that this policy makes no distinction between classwork and homework: all work should be checked or marked, with pupils assisting teachers to achieve this. ENSURE, WITHIN REASON, THAT ALL WORK IS CHECKED OR MARKED FORMATIVELY, MAKING USE OF PUPILS TO HELP ACHIEVE THIS Formative Marking should give pupils some sense of what they can do and, when appropriate, some sense of what they need to do to improve, with teachers ensuring that those improvements are made (our Impactive Marking, involving teacher intervention, pupil response and teacher follow-up). REVIEW AND REFINE YOUR MARKING BY CONSIDERING WHAT EVIDENCE THERE IS IN WRITTEN WORK THAT IT HELPS PUPILS MAKE PROGRESS TOWARDS OBJECTIVES Comments written should relate, in the main, to the learning objectives in hand, to add focus, for teachers and for pupils. ENSURE THAT FOCUSED COMMENTS ARE WRITTEN IN BOOKS (BY TEACHERS OR PUPILS) ACTIVELY SEEK TO DEVELOP TECHNIQUES FOR MARKING EFFICIENTLY BY TRYING FOR YOURSELF THOSE IDENTIFIED BY THE MARKING TLC/OTP PRACTITIONERS Page 1 All Saints Catholic School 3 Where appropriate, verbal feedback should be recorded by pupils under the heading “Verbal Feedback Given”, with pupils essentially writing teachers’ comments for them. ENSURE THAT PUPILS RECORD VERBAL FEEDBACK (AS APPROPRIATE) UNDER THE HEADING “VERBAL FEEDBACK GIVEN”, AVOIDING ABBREVIATIONS LIKE VFG! Integrated Response Time (IRT), allowing pupils time to reflect and to act on comments, should be built into lesson plans as appropriate. ALLOW PUPILS TIME IN LESSONS (IRT) TO REFLECT AND TO ACT ON COMMENTS WHEN MARKING IMPACTIVELY Pupils (maybe a couple who “get the idea”) should, where possible, be activated as Teaching Assistants to support their peers as they work to make improvements, checking that improvements have been made. MAKE SURE YOU COMPLETE THE CYCLE BY CHECKING/ACKNOWLEDGING (WITH PUPIL HELP) THAT IMPROVEMENTS HAVE IN FACT BEEN MADE Pupils should be trained and supported to self- and peer-assess, with, for example, teachers helping them to tease out key objectives and learning goals (pupilfriendly success criteria work well) in tasks and asking them to identify, for themselves or for their peers, one that was achieved and one that requires some work, with pupils doing that work there and then (IRT). TRAIN PUPILS, SHOWING THEM HOW TO ASSESS THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER, HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANCE OF THEM FOCUSING ON WHAT EXACTLY IS BEING LEARNED OR ON WHAT NEEDS TO BE LEARNED, AND ALLOWING THEM REGULAR, STRUCTURED OPPORTUNITIES TO DO SO Regular summative assessment, at the end of units of work or themes, should be used to provide stakeholders with broad measures (levels for KS3, grades for KS4/5) of pupils’ attainment. ASSESS SUMMATIVELY IN LINE WITH DEPARTMENTAL POLICY (AT LEAST ONCE PER TERM), RECORDING LEVELS IN KS3 AND GRADES IN KS4/5 Levels and grades should be used for summative assessments only. Summative assessment should take place at least once every term, with formal end-ofyear examinations in the Summer Term. 4 End-of-Year and/or Key Stage target levels/grades should be indicated on the front covers, or inside front covers, of exercise books. If possible, these should be accompanied by current grades/levels…. “My Y9 grade was…… My Y10 target is…… My GCSE target is……” ENSURE THAT PUPILS DISPLAY CURRENT GRADES/LEVELS AND TARGETS (AS APPROPRIATE) AT THE FRONT OF EXERCISE BOOKS (HAND-WRITTEN OR STICKER) AND THAT THESE GRADES/LEVELS ARE TRANSFERRED TO ANY NEW EXERCISE BOOKS LATER DOWN THE LINE Page 2 All Saints Catholic School 5 6 Current grades/levels and targets should be discussed with pupils at the start of the year (or unit), giving them some sense of where they are and where they are trying to go, with the formative assessment to follow later down the line identifying what pupils need to do, objective-wise, to approach these targets DISCUSS CURRENT GRADES/LEVELS AND TARGETS WITH PUPILS, ENSURING THAT PUPILS KNOW WHERE THEY ARE, WHERE THEY ARE TRYING TO GO AND, THROUGH ASSESSEMENT, HOW THEY MIGHT GET THERE To assist with the learning dialogue, pupils should be regularly encouraged to reflect on their learning, describing in writing what they are learning, either at the point of learning, or at the end of a body of work. ENSURE THAT PUPILS REFLECT, IN WRITING, ON THEIR LEARNING, AS AND WHEN APPROPRIATE Pupils enjoy learning about origins of words, so etymology should be discussed at appropriate points, not only because it is interesting, but because it can assist with spelling and help pupils see a bigger picture. DISCUSS THE ORIGINS OF WORDS AS APPROPRIATE, IN ORDER THAT PUPILS MIGHT BETTER WORK OUT MEANINGS OF NEW, BUT RELATED WORDS To support the drive to improve Literacy across the board, key-word spelling errors (no more than three per task) and grammatical errors should be highlighted and addressed. HIGHLIGHT KEY SPELLING AND GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, DEVELOPING INDEPENDENCE BY ENSURING THAT PUPILS WORK TO CORRECT THEM FOR THEMSELVES…… SP-spelling error; P-punctuation error; C-capital letter error; NP-new paragraph 7 Pupils’ achievements should be regularly celebrated through the marking process by the use of praise, reward points and commendations. Pupils should be given opportunities to show off their excellent work/achievements to their peers USE REWARD POINTS TO CELEBRATE ACHIEVEMENTS ALLOW PUPILS OPPORTUNITIES TO SHOW/PRESENT IMPRESSIVE WORK TO THEIR PEERS, HIGHLIGHTING WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE (ONE WAY: PUPILS ENJOY USING SMARTPHONES TO TAKE SNAPSHOTS OF WORK AND DISPLAYING THEM AS SLIDESHOWS) DISPLAY EXCELLENT WORK FOR PUPILS TO LEARN FROM AND ASPIRE TO 8 To encourage best practice and consistency, monitoring of the impact of this policy will take place termly, with review meetings involving Marking TLC Members, Heads of Department and Line Managers. Exercise books will be scrutinised, generally or with a particular focus, as appropriate. LINE MANAGERS TO LIAISE WITH HEADS OF DEPARTMENT AND MARKING TLC MEMBERS, ENSURING THAT TERMLY REVIEWS (FOCUS PROVIDED BY GE) TAKE PLACE, IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT, WITH THE LATTER TO BE REVIEWED IN THE NEXT CYCLE Page 3 All Saints Catholic School 9 Note that HODs need not conduct separate scrutinies, but that additional scrutinies may take place, for individuals or departments, should HOD/SMT deem them necessary. LINE MANAGERS TO SUMMARISE REVIEW FINDINGS AND SHARE WITH GE/HEADS OF DEPARTMENT/MARKING TLC MEMBERS This policy should be reviewed annually. REVIEWED NOVEMBER 2014 BY GE Adopted date: November 2014 Date of review : November 2015 Page 4