Molecular Biology-2014 Assignment #5 Exercise 4 Amplification and mutagenesis of LacZ 1. Submit a figure representing your PCR of the LacZ gene. Include an appropriate legend indicating the expected size as determined by bioinformatics and the experimental size, determined from your gel. Exercise 6 Transformation and screening of LacZ recombinants 2. Indicate the number of transformants obtained following the transformation of the ligation mixtures with and without the LacZ amplicon. Submit your data as colony counts/mL 3. Submit a figure of the digestions performed on the amplicons obtained by colony PCR. Include an appropriate figure legend which includes the primers used for the mutagenesis (PCRmutagen) and the sizes of the undigested amplicons. 4. Submit a table which presents the following information for each of the 4 clones you screened: Digestion with XbaI: yes or no Digestion with XhoI: yes or no 5. According to the results obtained with the above digestions what is the codon sequence corresponding to the ASP position on the LacZ gene for each of the clones screened. 6. Indicate whether you would predict that each of the clones screened would cut with the restriction enzyme BamHI. Exercise 7 RT-PCR 7. Complete the following table. Indicate whether an amplification product would be expected (yes or no; theoretical) and whether a amplification product was obtained (yes or no; experimental): Source of PCR template RT reaction of DNAse treated RNA RT reaction of RNA NOT treated with DNAse PCR of DNAse treated RNA not treated with RT PCR of RT reaction on DNAse treated RNA PCR of RT reaction on RNA NOT treated with DNAse PCR of RNA NOT treated with either DNAse or RT PCR without RNA (No template) Theoretical Experimental Page 1 of 2 Molecular Biology-2014 8. Complete the following table. Indicate whether the source template of the amplification product is DNA, RNA or both: Source of PCR template RT of DNAse treated RNA RT of RNA NOT treated with DNAse PCR of DNAse treated RNA not treated with RT PCR of RT reaction on DNAse treated RNA PCR of RT reaction on RNA NOT treated with DNAse PCR of RNA NOT treated with either DNAse or RT PCR without RNA (No template) Theoretical Experimental Bioinformatics 4 9. Submit the definition, the source organism and the FASTA sequence corresponding to the accession number NM_000558.3. 10. Submit a table indicating the percentage amino acid identity between each pair of protein homologs. 11. Submit a table indicating the percentage nucleotide identity between each pair of nucleotide homologs. 12. With respect to the initial protein sequence, what type of homologue is each of the other protein homologues? 13. Submit a table which indicates the number of the different types of amino acid substitutions between the two most closely related proteins. Page 2 of 2