RTI Module Part 5: Special Education Assessment

Andrea Thomas; RTI Module Part 5
Andrea Thomas
SPED 4131.01
Assessment in Special Education
Dr. Gavins
Andrea Thomas; RTI Module Part 5
Q/A Assessment Section; RTI (Part 5): A Closer Look at Tier 3
1. Compare and contrast the RTI model and the traditional method of identifying and serving
struggling students.
RTI—Early identification; more collaboration between general education and special
education teachers; everyone receives RTI instruction; Tier system
Traditional model—later identification model; intervention requires that student is in
special education
2. What are the two ways in which Tier 3 instruction differs from that provided in Tiers 1 and
Tier 3 a special education teacher provides the intervention; one-on-one instruction or
small group based on needs as opposed to school-wide or small group instruction;
increased intensity and explicitness
3. What key instructional principles do research-validated reading interventions often
validated practices and research-based
4. Imagine you are a second-grade teacher. A student in your class, Fatima, is struggling with
reading. Fatima is from Egypt. What should you consider before referring Fatima for special
education services?
Andrea Thomas; RTI Module Part 5
The teacher should not assume that a student's level of conversational proficiency indicates
his or her level of academic proficiency; the possibility that there was a lack of high-quality
instruction or inconsistent school experience. Administer nonbiased assessments
5. If Fatima is referred for special education services, describe at least two things you would
do to ensure that her parents are informed of their rights as parents.
Have an interpreter present when explaining and increase parent participation
6. Imagine Fatima has been receiving special education services and now it is time for an IEP
annual review meeting. Her progress monitoring data indicate that, although at the beginning
of the year Fatima was not making adequate progress in reading, in the last three months her
scores have increased. If you were a member of the IEP team, what would you recommend?
Justify your recommendations.
I would recommend that she remains in general education because her scored indicate that
she is receiving and processing the information. She is making progress
Andrea Thomas; RTI Module Part 5
Reflection, Personal Goals, and Standards
Standard 14: Communicate assessment results to stakeholders in an appropriate
Module 5 touches on the subject of collaboration. Teams are formed to ensure that
students get the full benefit of the educational system and the different areas of expertise.
The classroom teacher, special education teacher, the student's parents, school
psychologist, the principal, and other professionals such as the speech pathologist, will all
communicate through the RTI process. Information about how the child's progress, tier
interventions, instructional decisions will be shared/made with parents. The RTI process can
be explained to parents and they can be notified of their rights.
It is also important to communicate with students by meeting with the student,
discussing progress, and giving them a progress monitoring graph will the goal listed.