Cougar Choir

Cougar Choir
September 23, 2015
Dear Choir Parent,
Thank you for your support. The Cougar Choir Boys have been invited to sing the National Anthem with
the Mighty Hawk Men’s Choir, at Harlingen South’s Homecoming football game on Friday Oct. 2nd. We will go
over to South to rehearse with the Men’s Choir, then head over to the game to perform. We will not be staying to
attend the game. We should be back at Coakley for parent pick up approximately at 8:00 PM. The boys should
plan to wear a pair of jeans (no tears or holes), black shoes (tennis shoes are ok), and their choir shirt. Please
contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Vanessa E. Hinojosa
Choir Director
Coakley Middle School
427 – 3000
Cougar Choir
September 23, 2015
Dear Choir Parent,
Thank you for your support. The Cougar Choir Boys have been invited to sing the National Anthem with
the Mighty Hawk Men’s Choir, at Harlingen South’s Homecoming football game on Friday Oct. 2nd. We will go
over to South to rehearse with the Men’s Choir, then head over to the game to perform. We will not be staying to
attend the game. We should be back at Coakley for parent pick up approximately at 8:00 PM. The boys should
plan to wear a pair of jeans (no tears or holes), black shoes (tennis shoes are ok), and their choir shirt. Please
contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Vanessa E. Hinojosa
Choir Director
Coakley Middle School
427 – 3000