Full - University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth
Full Equality Impact Assessment
Final Report
Department or Faculty:
Information Services
Item facing assessment:
IT Open Access IT Suites
Lead assessor:
Date of publication:
Nancy Jefferies
Who was involved in
the assessment?
Nancy Jefferies, Sharon Cole and Sara Macdonald
(IS EIA team), Robert Cox and Natalie Wragg (IS
student focus groups), 18 UoP students in three
focus groups, Bob Belcher (head of ASDAC), Barry
Millin (IS accessible workstation coordinator)
In addition to the involvement stated above the assessment has also involved two EIA panels
(made up of staff and student volunteers of a variety of ages, races, religions, sexual
orientations, disability statuses and genders) and at least one member of the University's
Equality & Diversity Unit. For More Information on EIA Panels please see the document:
Information on EIA Assessment Panels
What are the potential effects of the item on equality target groups?
The IT open access suites could have an impact on disabled service users.
IT open access suites provide students with easy access to computers when
on-campus, those who cannot easily access these services could be
disadvantaged in their studies especially as e-learning plays a larger role in
teaching and students' learning
Which of the following evidences were used to assess the effects of the item?
Brief description
Questions 17 & 18 in the National Students
Findings from the IS Student Focus Groups
Surveys/Questionnaires Y
Statement from Bob Belcher head of Additional
Support and Disability Advice service.
Statement from Barry Millin, IS coordinator for
Accessible Workstation service and IS Service
Manager for the Additional Support and
Disability Advice service.
What conclusions were drawn from the evidence?
Questions 17 and 18 in the National Student Survey indicate that, for nearly
all groups of disabled service users, the level of satisfaction was higher than
for non disabled service users. It also indicates that the level of satisfaction
for disabled service users was higher than the sector wide mean.
University of Portsmouth
Full Equality Impact Assessment
Final Report
The findings from the IS Student focus groups provided no evidence that
disabled service users were being negatively affected by the IS provision of
Open Access IT Suites. Students indicated that they particularly liked the
digital signage which provides current status of available PCs in each of the
IT Open Access Areas. This can be seen as particularly useful to disabled
service users with mobility issues as it may prevent unnecessary travelling
across campus.
The statement provided by Barry Millin indicates that the needs of each
disabled service users are individually assessed. This assessment includes
their ability to use open access areas where appropriate. Any issues
identified by these service users are reviewed and where possible, resolved
by dedicated members of IS. Although the availability of the accessibility
workstations has been identified as a possible issue this is not corroborated
by any of the other evidence and is further mitigated by the evidence from
Bob Belcher indicating that, where appropriate, students have their own
mobile assistive technology.
The statement provided by Bob Belcher indicates that 60% of all disabled
service users are in receipt of an allowance which enables the individual to
purchase appropriate mobile assistive technology. In addition Bob indicates
that he believes the provision of assistive technologies in the IT Open Access
Areas meets the needs of the service users but should be routinely reviewed.
In conclusion, the evidence indicates that the provision of facilities within the
open access areas does not have an adverse affect on students in the
Disability Equality Target Group.
What adjustments to the policy and/or initiatives will be undertaken based on
the conclusions drawn above?
Initiative 1
The Equality and Diversity Office are working with
the Marketing And Communications Department to
ensure that future focus groups include a good
representation of different types of service users.
Currently Ongoing
The above form is an easily digestible summary of the EIA's findings and the
action taken to either promote equality or to eliminate discrimination.
However, much more information was used in coming to the conclusions seen
and - subject to confidentiality - this is available upon request from the
University's Equality & Diversity Unit.