Trends in Assistive Technology: the big picture E.A.Draffan 8-18 years Time spent using screens spend 2x as much time behind a screen compared to time spent in school (Pew) Internet non-users by disability status • The 3.5 million disabled adults who had never used the Internet represented 30% of the adult population who were disabled. • Of those adults who reported no disability, 7% (3.0 million adults) had never used the Internet. Office for National Statistics Q1 2014 Nicholas Negroponte 1995 smartphones, pervasive connectivity, pervasive connectivity cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and big data Big Data Standards Interoperability Google Analytics for TextHelp app data I am still a Speech Therapist at heart! Hololens from Microsoft UltraHaptics: Multi-Point Mid-Air Haptic Feedback for Touch Surfaces are The Big picture – AT as a Service Personalisation gone too far Back to reality… “It is terrible that producers seem to forget that some areas of the country still have poor internet access and whilst I mourn the passing of software on DVDs, CDs and Floppy discs (yes I go back that far) there are benefits to online versions not least ease of deployment, not having to pay for additional licences so teachers can use the software at home and avoiding costly updates when the latest version comes out. My main concern is the 'all or nothing' nature of these packages. Having to sign up to the entire suite even if I only want to use a small part of it. For some of our students the sheer quantity of options they would be presented with would be overwhelming.” Anne-Marie Medhurst after Bett 2015 Thank You