Concurrent access on query aware Encrypted Cloud Database

Paper Template
Concurrent access on query aware Encrypted Cloud Database
Jayshri C.Wagh
Prof. Sonali Mhatre
Mumbai University
Computer Department
BVCOE, Navi-Mumbai
Mumbai University
Information Technology
BVCOE, Navi-Mumbai
Cloud computing enables highly scalable services to be
consume over the Internet. Cloud services are provided on
user request basis. Placing critical and confidential data
outside the premises of an organization and in hands of cloud
providers should come with guarantee that our data should be
secure and available at any point of time. DataBase as a
Service (DBaaS) model is used to manage databases in cloud
environment. When we are storing our database on cloud then
every user should be able to retrieve cloud database
efficiently. Architecture Proposed in this paper provides data
confidentiality for cloud databases. It is designed to allow
multiple and independent clients to connect to the cloud
without intermediate server. Data is encrypted before upload
to the cloud. Multiple cryptography techniques are used to
convert plaintext into encrypted data. Data will not be
exposed to the cloud provider and any other public user who
are not registered to access the database. Encrypted query
submission model is used to secure the query values. Existing
system require the choice of which encryption scheme must
be adopted for each database column and SQL operation at
design time. Some encryption schemes are not able to perform
all query operations on encrypted cloud database. So it
performs limited SQL operation on encrypted database and
set of query are decided at design time only. Proposed system
works even when set of query will change dynamically.
Access control mechanism is used to grant permissions to
Keywords- Public cloud database, security, adaptive,
encryption, confidentiality, onion structure.
Cloud computing is a recent trend in IT that moves computing
and data away from desktop and portable PCs into large data
canters. It refers to applications delivered as services over the
Internet as well as to the actual cloud infrastructure —
namely, the hardware and systems software in data centres
that provide these services.
Today user may spend lot of time with a computer to collect
lot of data over network and store it where it as portable for
the user. During the roaming time user may need the data
from their PC (Personal Computer) it is very difficult to take
it as a portable one with large datasets. So they may problem
occurred while their roaming time. For this reason storing an
enough data in network can solve this problem. Cloud storage
is used to avoid this problem. Cloud storage refers to storing a
large amount of data which in the form of pay-per-use scheme
which is referred to cloud computing. It is used to off-site
storage scheme maintained by a third party i.e. cloud
provider. It is most popular one to store the data in
geographical environment with infinite computing resources
and access the data where the user need without worry about
the data loss. Hence it provides greater availability,
scalability, and reliability to the users. This paper shows the
features are provided by the cloud provider as a service of
Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Cloud Database Services
i) Software as a Service (SaaS): This provides a service to the
user by offering different software to the different user over
internet. A distinct instance of service which runs in the
cloud, here one or more user can utilize the service. Here no
charges are detected from the user for the service or software
license. In some cases, charges may detected for the
maintenance of the service [1].
ii) Platform as a Service (PaaS): This provides a service to the
user for the layer of software platform. It provides a storage
mechanism for the various applications and consumptions.
User can have an independency to build their personal
applications that provides infrastructure for the user. It offers
predefined components of combined OS and the application
server, e.g. LAMP platforms [1].
iii) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This provides a service
to the user for the basic storage and processor infrastructure as
a service over the network. It provides service to the computer
infrastructure for the servers, network administrators, data
centre, etc. to handle the workload of this service through
IaaS. For this service user need to pay charges, when they use
this service over network. In this mechanism cloud computing
provides a service over the internet, hardware and software in
data enters as a services. The data centre of hardware and
software is called as Cloud [1].
The IaaS again classify into three types.
i) Database as a Service ii) Storage as a Service
iii) Computing as a service
These types of IaaS are depends on the type of service
provided by it. Among these types our interest is Database as
a Service.
Database as a Service (DBaaS):
This provides a service to the user for their data. It does not
require modifications to the database hence it is controlled by
the cloud provider. Cloud provider manage and direct the
database and aim to avail the instant services to the data users.
Here organizations pay for the database service for getting the
service from the service provider. For the organization with
fewer amounts of resources limited hardware and time-bound
projects, DBaas solve this problem; it is in the bases of pay
per-usage manner. DBaaS is a successful paradigm where the
data and the storage devices are located in cloud infrastructure
and use the data in anywhere by the user [3].
from violating confidentiality of tenant data stored in plain
form, SecureDBaaS adopts multiple cryptographic techniques
to transform plaintext data into encrypted tenant data and
encrypted tenant data structures because even the names of
the tables and of their columns must be encrypted.
SecureDBaaS clients produce also a set of metadata
consisting of information required to encrypt and decrypt data
as well as other administration information. Even metadata
are encrypted and stored in the cloud DBaaS.
Fig 1: Database as a Service Architecture
In some case user have worry about the security and privacy
problems from the cloud provider. Cloud provider provides a
security to the frontend resource only and failed to provide a
security to the backend resources, so the attackers may hack
the data easily from the backend resources. Hence malicious
user could compromise the data integrity and confidentiality.
Where leakage details of data might be in the user’s cloud
resources and cloud provider are the responsible for this issue
[2]. Thus user must provide a security from the cloud provider
between the attackers and the forgoing cloud resources by
encrypting their data. Encryption is a process of encoding the
data in some format i.e. embedding the text in the form of
ciphertext to protect data managed by untrusted server.
Existing system[10] allow multiple and independent clients to
connect directly to the untrusted cloud DBaaS without any
intermediate server. Fig.2 describes the overall architecture. It
assumes that a tenant organization acquires a cloud database
service from an untrusted DBaaS provider. The tenant then
deploys one or more machines (Client 1 through N) and
installs a SecureDBaaS client on each of them. This client
allows a user to connect to the cloud DBaaS to administer it,
to read and write data, and even to create and modify the
database tables after creation. They assume the same security
model that is commonly adopted by the literature in this field
(e.g., [8], [9]), where tenant users are trusted, network is
untrusted, and the cloud provider is honest-but-curious, that
is, cloud service operations are executed correctly, but tenant
information confidentiality is at risk. For these reasons, tenant
data, data structures, and metadata must be encrypted before
exiting from the client. The information managed by
SecureDBaaS includes plaintext data, encrypted data,
metadata, and encrypted metadata. Plaintext data consist of
information that a tenant wants to store and process remotely
in the cloud DBaaS. To prevent an untrusted cloud provider
Fig 2 : SecureDBaaS Architecture
Existing system requires the choice of which encryption
scheme must be adopted for each database column and SQL
operations. These proposals works only when the set of
queries can be statically determined at design time, if
workload may change after the database design so it will not
work dynamically. Some system can perform access control
mechanism without the intervention of cloud provider but do
not allow execution of SQL operations on encrypted data.
We Proposed architecture which is extension of existing
system [10] describes the overall structure shown in Fig.4.
We assume that a tenant organization acquires a cloud
database service from an untrusted DBaaS provider [10]. The
proposed system supports adaptive encryption for public
cloud database services, where distributed and concurrent
clients can issue direct SQL operations. By avoiding an
architecture based on intermediate servers [8, 9] between the
clients and the cloud database, the proposed solution
guarantees the same level of scalability and availability of the
cloud service. All data and metadata stored in the cloud
database are encrypted. This system stores overall database in
encrypted form. In this system details of the user and what he
wants to store on the cloud both stores in cloud. As per the
requirement, the database designer will store user data using
onion structure (adaptive encryption scheme [8]), because
using normal encryption tenant are not able to perform all
SQL operations. The adaptive encryption scheme, which was
initially proposed for applications not referring to the cloud,
encrypts each plain column into multiple encrypted columns,
and each value is encapsulated into different layers of
encryption, so that the outer layers guarantee higher
confidentiality but support fewer computation capabilities
with respect to the inner layers. In proposed system each plain
column of the table is encrypted into one or more columns
which depends on the need of database designer. It is
encrypted into multiple columns then it will provide higher
confidentiality. If number of encrypted layers are more then it
is very difficult to perform operation over those columns as
compared to the inner layer so it will provide higher security
and confidentiality. Legitimate client can transparently issue
SQL operations (e.g., SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and
DELETE) to the encrypted cloud database through the
encrypted database interface. Every user has assign privilege
according to access policy he can perform SQL operation on
the encrypted cloud database. Every user can store a file on
the cloud in encrypted form. Same file can be access or
download by users using same access policies.
Fig 4: System Architecture
The DBA shown in fig.4 is the only subject that owns root
credentials for the DBA client, and that no internal nor
external attackers are able to access, steal or crack the
credentials. The DBA manages user accounts, and enforces
the tenant access control policies [11]. These policies
represent the set of rules adopted by the tenant organization to
define which user can access to which subset of tenant data.
The importance of data isolation through access control
policies should be clear: the tenant users must access all and
only authorized data where authorizations are specified as if
the database was maintained by the tenant.
Adaptive encryption schemes SQL-aware encryption
schemes [8] that guarantee data confidentiality and allow the
cloud database server to execute SQL operations over
encrypted data. As each algorithm supports a specific subset
of SQL operators, we refer to the following encryption
• Random (Rand): it is the most secure encryption (IND-CPA)
because it does not reveal any information about the original
plain value. It does not support any SQL operator, and it is
used only for data retrieval.
• Deterministic (Det): it deterministically encrypts data, so
that equality of plaintext data is preserved. It supports the
equality operator.
• Order Preserving Encryption (Ope): it preserves in the
encrypted values the numerical order of the original
unencrypted data. It supports the comparison SQL operators
(i.e., =,<,≤,>,≥).
• Homomorphic Sum (Sum) [: it is homomorphic with respect
to the sum operation, so that the multiplication of encrypted
integers is equal to the sum of plaintext integers. It supports
the sum operator between integer values.
• Search (Search): it supports equality check on full strings
(i.e., the LIKE operator).
• Plain: it does not encrypt data; it is useful to support all SQL
operators on non-confidential data.
The innovation of the proposed models and schemes is to
enforce access control mechanisms on cloud databases while
allowing the execution of SQL operations on encrypted data
stored in the cloud that are accessible by any tenant cloud
client. At the best of our knowledge, no existing proposal is
able to satisfy both requirements. For example, there are
encryption schemes that enforce access control mechanisms
for cloud storage services [12], and other solutions that
support concurrent accesses from independent clients [13].
Using query-aware encryption algorithms [8] allow a user to
obtain all and only the requested data from the database, but
that proposal is based on a trusted proxy that intercepts all
operations between the tenant clients and the encrypted
database, executes data re-encryption, and implements access
control policies as in a privately managed infrastructure.
In this paper we have shown that cloud tenants can take full
advantage of DBaaS qualities like accessibility, security and
reliability while not exposing encrypted knowledge to the
cloud provider. It permits multiple and regionally distributed
clients to execute concurrent operations on encrypted data. It
eliminates intermediate server between the tenant and cloud
provider.Client registration details are stored in cloud
database using adaptive encryption scheme. Clients are
capable of reading and writing data on cloud database which
is stored in encrypted form. The scheme proposed in this
paper allows a client to encrypt all stored and transmitted
data, to enforce standard database access control mechanisms
where each tenant user has a different secret key, and to
support the execution of SQL operations on encrypted data
stored in a public cloud provider.
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