School Board Minutes - St. Joseph`s School

School Board Minutes
Monday, April 14, 2015
Present: Jane Nordin, Sheila Schwirtz, Katie Callaghan, Sue Arvidson, Laura Saumer, Margaret
Fallon, Aaron Macke, Pat Randall, Paula Anderson, Meyrick Vaz, Jan Cotton,
Absent: Tom Gergen, Nick Smith, Amy Ball, Margie Bettenburg
Opening Prayer: Sue Arvidson
Approval of Minutes and Agenda:
The April agenda and the March minutes were approved.
Fr. Creagan:
No report
Faculty Report: Laura Saumer
The 6th grade Biography Fair was Thursday, March 26 and was well attended.
The 5th graders had their D.A.R.E. graduation on Friday, March 20.
The 2nd graders had their First Communion last Saturday on April 10.
Night of the Arts is next week on Thursday, April 23 from 6:00-8:30 pm. The Grade 3-5 Spring Music
Concert will be at 7:00 pm. Students in Prek-8 are showcasing their artwork.
We are registered for the WSP Parade on Saturday, May 16. Our Marching Band will be
Night of the Arts flyers will be passed out after mass.
On Sunday, May 31, the Varsity Band will be playing at one of the masses.
Principal Report: Jane
~ The school will be purchasing a new Language Arts curriculum for next year. We received approval
from Houghton Mifflin to be invoiced for ½ of the total so we can use State Funds from 2015-2016
and then the balance to be paid in 2016-2017 with State Funds from that year. We will not review
any curriculum in 2016-2017.
~ The infrastructure updates in the building were completed over Spring Break. We can now move
forward with our new Technology initiatives.
~ The new website will be launched this Friday. Sarah Macke was very instrumental in the design
and has been working with teachers for a smooth transition.
Jane was in Orlando attending the N.C.E.A. (National Catholic Education Assn) convention and was
able to meet up with Bishop Piche`
Jane and Sheila Schwirtz left for a meeting with the Parish Finance.
Comments & Updates: Katie Callaghan
Katie passed out an Enrollment Update sheet. The budget has set enrollment at 356 for next year.
The School Board has made phone calls to any families who received registration but have not yet
returned a registration.
Paula and Aaron have been working with Mission 2020. It is in the first phase of data collection. A
survey was sent to all school families and a separate one to parish families.
The parish is sponsoring a Welcome Brunch on Sunday, April 26 after the 11:00 am mass. We were
asked to have a representative from the School Board to attend.
The School Board meeting in May is changed to Monday, May 11th because of a conflict.
Committee Reports:
Strategic Long Range Planning & Marketing: Pat Randall
Pat offered to go to St. Patrick’s Church in Inver Grove to hand out information about St. Joseph’s
Marketing: Sue Arvidson
The committee is working on their objectives from the Strategic Plan for Improvement.
Finance: Sheila Schwirtz
Sheila is at the Parish Finance meeting with Jane.
Katie asked Board members to let her know of anyone who would be interested to serve on the Board
for next year. There will be 3 Board members going off the Board this year.
Closing prayer: Pat Randall
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm