Describing Graphs: Deaths in Someland(millions), Medical research

Describing Graphs:
Deaths in Someland(millions), Medical research funding
in Someland(millions)
The first graph shows the number of deaths in Someland in 1990 and the second graph
shows the medical research funding in Someland in a bar graph form. The Y-axis represents six
different types of diseases (AIDS, leprosy, tropical diseases, diarrhea, malaria, and TB) in both
graphs, while the X-axis represents the death tolls in the first graph and the amount of money in the
second graph.
The smallest number 0.3 million people passed away because of AIDS. Diarrhea killed 0.5
million people. 0.1 million people passed away because of leprosy and 0.4 million people passed
away due to malaria. Tropical diseases caused 0.35 million deaths. The largest number 1.8 million
people passed away because of TB.
People in Someland spent the largest amount of money $175 million on AIDS research. They
used $75 million in leprosy and tropical diseases research. 60 million dollars was spent on diarrhea
research. 50 million dollars was spent on malaria. TB research cost only 25 million dollars while the
death toll caused by TB is the highest.
The dramatic amount of money spent on AIDS research made a great achievement that the
number of people who died because of AIDS marked the lowest. Ironically, the money that was
invested in TB research is the lowest; however, the number of deaths caused by TB was the largest.
That indicates that Someland’s government should give attention to TB.