The Weather*Heat video

The Weather—Heat video
Name ____________________________________
Date ________________________ Hour ________
1. Heat from ___________________ is the power behind the weather.
2. The jungle has no _________________________--just hot and wet.
3. The jungles skies are _________________________.
4. Skin and clothing can ___________ in the jungle from the wet.
5. A heat wave in Chicago in _______________ killed over _____________ people.
6. There’s _________ hours of darkness in the jungle along the equator.
7. ______________________________________________ is the hottest place on Earth.
8. In 1922, temperature in the Sahara reached __________________ degrees F.
9. 35 million years ago the Sahara had _________________ and ___________________
10. Heat causes __________________ storms.
11. Sand of the Sahara desert becomes __________________________ in other parts of
the world.
12. Lightning strikes the Earth about ______________ times per second.
13. The _________________ in the car (not the rubber tires) protect you from a
lightning strike.
14. Lightning can be ________ miles long, is about the width of your ______________,
and ________ times hotter than ___________________________.
15. Our world’s ___________________________________________ may be making it
rain on the weekends.
16. On a mountain in Hawaii is the ___________________________________ on Earth.
17. As the world heats up, the _______________________ will rise.