Pupil Premium Funding 2013 – 2014


Pupil Premium used for

Narrow the




Mentoring including staff training


New or continued activity/ cost centre?


Ed Psych SLA x

15 sessions

£1,500 Existing

One to one teaching assistants with

DSEN specialism for pupils in EYFS.

Part funded 5 short-term contracts x


Sensory resources.


Initiatives to Raise Standards through Pupil Premium Funding 2013-14

Brief summary of the intervention including details of year groups and pupils

Planning and evaluation outline

Specific intended outcomes: How will this intervention raise achievement? What will it achieve if successful?

How will this be monitored when and by whom? How will success be evidenced?

Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific:

“As a result of this action…..”

Assertive Mentoring materials

Provide specialist external advice for pupils across the school

School establishes culture of achievement by using data that identifies its most vulnerable pupils on

PP. Continue with coding of red, amber or green. Pupils in red category will be targeted through either 1:1 interventions or small groups. All PP pupils from Y1 to Y6, including those who join the school late are provided with a programme of learning that suits their needs.

Support schools DSEN process to ensure that pupils who have PP are given the precise provision that will impact on their outcomes.

Focus on ensuring effective support for pupils in EYFS who are not able to access mainstream education. Pupils awaiting statements or transition to Special

School places need bespoke learning packages in the interim based on.Ed

Psych/ SALT’’s recommendations. These programmes are delivered using specialist TA support.

Termly monitoring of Provision


Half termly monitoring of assertive mentoring assessments.

All pupils on the red quartile in receipt of PP will be receiving 1:1 interventions. Pupil progress meetings will always include discussions with CT about impact of intervention.

School has accurate evidence of pupils and their DSEN status that provides both a historical picture and identifies future actions that are required to ensure that pupils’ needs are being met.

15 sessions over an academic year. There is some opportunity to increase this with additional funding.

Interim support for pupils will require specialist skills to address pupils with more complex needs. School will show a commitment to supporting these pupils from main budget and some PP budget in the interim. Bespoke programmes of support will address possible emotional, physical, medical and educational needs of pupils. This will ensure achievement and behavioural targets for pupil are met.

These pupils will be provided with

IEPs which will have targets identified by Inclusion Manager,

SALT or Ed Psych. These will be monitored by the class teacher and TA and through termly meetings with parents and pupils.

Once statement are issued the

Annual Reviews with other professionals will ensure pupils needs are being met.

The Inclusion team and Class teachers have clear evidence of pupils’ special needs and support to meet these needs. 3 additional statutory assessment requests have been submitted since September 2013.

Effective intervention will ensure that a pupil awaiting a statement or transfer to a special school place receives a tailored package of support to meet identified targets for development.

Pupil Premium

used for

Speech and

Language Link


Salary of

Admissions and








Inclusion time

Inclusion SOS £9,750

1.5 days a week

New or continued activity/ cost






Brief summary of the intervention including details of year groups and


Specific intended outcomes:

How will this intervention raise achievement? What will

it achieve if successful?

How will this be monitored when and by whom? How will

success be evidenced?

Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific: “As a result of this


Pilot in Reception and Y3

Identification of specific speech and language needs and provision of structured intervention to meet pupil needs.

Attendance and Admissions

Administrator, calls pupil’s home for explanation of absence. Attendance is tracked with interviews with parents booked with HT. No term time holidays authorised.

Attendance and Admissions

Administrator will be the first line of contact with new arrivals’ family. Provide link to

CT ensuring previous educational history, medical needs etc.

Promotes the vision of high expectation for PP pupils by ensuring that systems and procedures are now in place and are fit for purpose. Staff will be held accountable through PM to ensure that PP pupils are achieving their targets.

Provides high level consultancy support, advice and modelling for all staff. Ensures that school meets all it’s statutory duties for Inclusion.

Pupils are able to access the curriculum as they are given strategies to deal with complexities of language.

To narrow the gap for attendance for non FSM and FSM pupils.

School will have effective induction systems for all FSM pupils so gives them an understanding of how PP is being used to raise standards.

The school will have effective systems in place including effective monitoring, support and challenge for staff to enable them to plan effectively to meet the gaps in learning for all pupils including those in receipt of PP.

School will have fit for purpose inclusion Strategy that will effectively support all pupils on the Inclusion register to achieve their learning targets. Staff will know their roles and accountability for raising achievement for PP pupils.

Through pupil progress meetings with DH and Assistant DH with class teachers.

Attendance of PP pupils reviewed by

HT continually with attendance admin.

Half termly by SLT .

Evidence of end of term data for reading in Reception and Year 3 show better comprehension skills.

Autumn term 1: Attendance of non FSM ~

93.4% FSM pupils – 92.2%

Autumn term 2: Attendance of non FSM ~

94.7% FSM pupils – 94.6%

Gap narrowed from 1.2% in Autumn 1 to

0.1% in Autumn 2.

Class teachers will be alerted to new arrivals who are in receipt of PP.

They will continue to be supported to ensure secure systems in place.

New Arrivals are making at least 6 APS in first few months of arrival.

Data will be monitored termly through whole school LA data.

Assertive Mentoring ~ half termly for those PP pupils not meeting their targets.

Inclusion deputy will monitor through pupil progress meetings each term.

The school now has data that allows class teachers to plan for the needs of all pupils.

IEPs have smart targets. Parents, pupils and staff all write IEPs together under the guidance of the Inclusion Deputy..

The Inclusion HLTA ensures fidelity and commitment of her team to effective delivery of interventions. And is supported by Inclusion Consultant and

Inclusion Deputy to measure impact.

EAL HLTA/ Senior TA have begun induction for new arrivals. Pupils in new to

English interventions typically make over a level progress in reading over 10 weeks.

Pupil Premium used for


More Able

Gifted and

Talented leader

One day X 10 supply cover over a year


New or continued activity/ cost centre?


EAL leader One day x 10 supply cover over a year



Inclusion team Tas x 3 ~


HLTAs (x3) ~


Senior Tas

(x4) ~



Brief summary of the intervention including details of year groups and pupils

Specific intended outcomes:

How will this intervention raise achievement? What will it achieve if successful?

How will this be monitored when and by whom? How will success be evidenced?

Establishment of coherent

MAG&T register. Provision of resources to ensure that these pupils are provided with sufficient challenge to achieve their potential. Support for other subject leaders to provide opportunities for

MAG&T pupils in their subject areas.

Tracks the effectiveness of school’s procedures for EAL..

EAL leader will provide staff with resources to ensure that those pupils identified as EAL are provided with sufficient challenge to achieve their potential. This term there will be a focus of Pre teaching for

Foundation subjects

Tas, Senior Support staff and

HLTAs have been identified through a rigorous interview process to build capacity for PP pupils on the Inclusion Register.

As a result we have a fit for purpose provision map that links costs to PP provision.

Intervention Team run booster groups, pupil conferencing, behaviour mentoring sessions, interventions.

The school will have a MAG&T register for Reading, Writing,

Maths and Science. The leader will monitor the impact of interventions and will support and challenge staff to ensure pupils reach challenging targets. Aim to develop sponsorship links with local business to promote enterprise.

The EAL leader will monitor the impact of the practice of class teachers on EAL learners. Will observe effectiveness of both class teacher and TA in providing support and challenge to enable pupils. To reach challenging targets.

Progress indicates that all PP pupils are achieving at least 1APS progress per term in KS2.

Through the LA

Excellence in Schools Programme

MAG&T leader monitors the pupils’ progress data.

EAL leader monitors the pupils’ progress data and identifies underperforming EAL groups.

EAL leader to review impact of specific EAL interventions.

Termly data supports the impact of interventions that are being delivered by Intervention Team.

Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific: “As a result of this action…..”

Increasing % of pupils achieving Level 6 in

Reading, Grammar and Maths year on year.

Effective pre teaching will ensure that pupils have both visual and verbal support before a new topic is taught. EAL initial language interventions will support newly arrived pupils with no existing knowledge of English.

FSM Y6 in Autumn term (this figure includes new arrivals who have been in school since September 2013)

Reading 0.8 APS

Writing 1.1 APS

Maths 1.8 APS


Reading 1.6 APS

Writing 1.6 APS

Maths 1.3 APS

Pupil Premium used for

Boosters ~ half term

Boosters ~

Easter holidays


Booster groups

(2hours weekly)


Kids Company £11,000

Resources for interventions



Reading Tree


+ possible

£10,000 for

Rapid Maths and Writing materials.


New or continued activity/ cost centre?


Homework club Link to HLTA salary



Brief summary of the intervention including details of year groups and pupils

Specific intended outcomes:

How will this intervention raise achievement? What will it achieve if successful?

How will this be monitored when and by whom? How will success be evidenced?

Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific: “As a result of this action…..”

Bespoke packages of support for pupils to narrow the gap for reading, writing, maths, science and grammar, spelling and punctuation.

The accuracy of data and gaps in learning supports effective planning for bespoke boosters that address gaps in learning.

Improving the outcomes for pupils in reading, writing, maths and science.

Monitoring through tracking of attainment and progress data. This will be termly for all PP pupils who are on track but those where there is underperformance this will be done half termly.

This intervention provides after school support to pupils who homes do not provide the right environment or where there is a lack of resources to be able to complete home learning tasks effectively.

Pupils with social, emotional or behavioural challenges are referred for therapy with Kids

Company therapists.

Purchase of reading books to support the effective development of pupils’ reading skilss nad to support the

Assertive Mentoring assessment of reading comprehension.

Purchase of intervention materials where evidence demonstrates a positive impact on meeting pupils’ needs.

Pupils are able to complete weekly homework task and to consolidate their learning.

Pupils are able to work through their difficulties and identify how to raise their own self-esteem and achievement. Kids Company therapists provide strategies that pupils can use on an on-going basis.

Providing staff with the right resources to meet the varying needs of pupils.

Through SLT drop-ins and through teacher, parent feedback.

By Kids Company manager.

By Inclusion Manager in Pupil

Progress Meetings and IEP review meetings and on an on-going basis in class.

There will termly observation of intervention staff as they deliver interventions.

Termly data collection will be used to assess impact of the use of intervention materials and reading scheme.

Last year’s data supported a three year upward trend. It identified that there is evidence of narrowing the gap over three years.

Year Non FSM FSM National





45% 80%

59% 84%

2013 71% 69% 81%

2014 75% 74%


Impact on pupils’ overall achievement.

Pupils develop coping strategies and increased resilience enabling them to focus more effectively on learning.

Outcomes for pupils improve.

Pupil Premium

used for


Guided reading/ home reading scheme

£20,000 including e- resources




Behaviour thermometer and rewards ~ stickers / posters

£5,000 including consultancy

Is this a new or continued activity/ cost





Brief summary of the intervention including details of year groups

and pupils

Specific intended outcomes:

How will this intervention raise achievement? What will it

achieve if successful?

How will this be monitored when and by whom?

How will success

be evidenced?

Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific:

“As a result of this action…..”

Ensure that guided reading resources are available to link with both non-fiction and fiction text types. Ensure that there are sufficient resources to support an effective daily guided session accurately matched to pupils’ needs.

Provide an environment that supports pupil conferencing, behaviour therapies, meetings with parents, storage and management of intervention materials and an intervention space suitable for group work.

This is a whole school behaviour and reward system that links with Assertive

Mentoring. Pupils who are entitled to PP are separately tracked on SIMs

Behaviour. Focus is on pupils whose behaviour impacts on their learning.

Where concerns are raised school engages in parent partnerships to link home and school expectations.

Ensuring that Guided Reading sessions allow for regular small flexible homogenous groups to work on a reading passage or skills. These groups are not static and children move within these groups based on their reading level or needs. Range of resources that ensure that group where they will have a maximum potential for reading success.

Wellbeing Centre also resourced with sensory resources that enable pupils with more complex needs to have a stimulating environment for learning and development.

This will be monitored by

Literacy leader and

Inclusion DH as well as by Class Teachers through impact on termly reading data.

Monitored by

Inclusion DH and HT.

There is an expectation that pupils’ behaviour will improve and they will begin to access more rewards. Pupils’ positive behaviour will enable them to have good strategies for behaviour for learning.

Monitored by the class teacher,

Behaviour and Safety leaders and SLT.

Reading across the year groups improves term on term. Reading results in RAISEonline reaches sig+.

There is a reduction in behavioural issues as the resource provides a break from classroom. Pupils make good progress on interventions as they are able to focus on their learning. Inclusion Team staff are able to meet with parents and inclusion professionals in order to identify particular needs and critical sensitive information about

PP pupils.

Pink and Purple behaviour incidents will decrease and positive behaviour and sensible choices will increase.
