Name Vocabulary Shopping Cart Glacier PowerPoint Universe 2015

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Vocabulary Shopping Cart
Glacier PowerPoint
Universe 2015 PowerPoint
Soil Formation PowerPoint
was a period of time in the early universe when the universe went under a very rapid expansion. This expansion of gas and
matter increased the overall size by a factor of 10 x 26
this is the process where glaciers flow over land and pick up rocky pieces
Milky Way
this is the galaxy in which we live. It contains about 2 billion stars. It gets its name because it looks milky in appearance as it
looks like a band of white stars
a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier and floats in the open water
Chemical weathering
process of adding or taking away minerals from a rock. Forms a new rock with a new identity. Can cause
Mechanical weathering
process of changing the shape of a rock or making it smaller due to erosion. Does not change the identity of a
the process of breaking down into simpler materials. This often happens when organc matter like bugs and worms fall apart and
add minerals to the soil
the uppermost, outermost layers of the soil. Usually makes up the top 2 inches of soil material
soil material that is black or brown in color. Made up of dead remains of organic materials. Helps the soil hold water
Binary stars
a star system that contains two stars
the force that pulls objects toward the earth
tiny rock fragments that form from weathering rock into smaller pieces. Sediments can also add together to form bigger rocks
the process that turns liquid to a solid by removing heat and bringing particles closer together
forms on a continental glacier. It is a long mound of snow or till that formed and moves in the direction of the glacier
a sharp ridge that forms between two cirques
a bowl shaped hollow valley formed by the erosion of a glacier
Star system
any group of stars that consists of two or more stars.
Valley glacier
a glacier that forms vertical in size and makes up sides of mountain glaciers. These vertical glaciers flow due ot the force of
gravity. They form in a mountain valley
Continental glacier
a glacier that covers the shape of land as on a continent or island
U shaped valley
this shape forms as a glacier moves and scoops out earth or land
the layer beneath the topsoil that contains clay and other materials
Molten Earth the inner layer of the earth above the core
the breaking off of chunks of ice at the end of a glacier
the sharp peak that forms at the top edge of glacier movement
the solid layer of rock beneath the soil
a large amount of gas and dust in space that often form into stars
Organic matter the part of soil that forms from remains of living things such as dead plants and animals
Fiord (fjord)
landform formed by glacier erosion that often fills with water in between steep sides or cliffs. this forms when sea level rises
and the water level fills in a valley space that was cut out by a glacier