Syllabus Spanish 2 2014-2015 Description: 1 credit Prerequisite: Spanish 1 Spanish 2 continues to build student’s skills in the four basic areas of communication, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In level 2 they further develop their understanding of grammatical concepts and increase their cultural knowledge. Students learn to produce phrases and sentences when speaking and writing. Goals: The five C’s of Language Education. 1. Communication: Students develop communicative abilities in three modes: interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational, integrating the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and showing. 2. Cultures: Students learn about and experience other cultures. 3. Connections: Students use language to acquire new information and knowledge in other subject areas. 4. Comparisons: Students learn the nature of language and culture by comparing other languages and cultures with their own. 5. Communities: Students use languages to participate in communities both home and around the world. Expectations: The student is expected to: Engage in oral and written exchanges to socialize, to express preferences and feelings, and to satisfy basic needs. Demonstrate an understanding of simple, straightforward spoken and written language such as instructions, directions, announcements, reports, conversations, brief descriptions, and narrations. Present information and convey short messages on everyday topics to listeners and readers. Spanish 2 Course topics: First quarter Culture: Review of the 21 Spanish Speaking countries, their location with maps, and Capital cities. Vocabulary: major geographical names: Oceans, Rivers, Continents. Chapter 5B (book 1) Theme: A restaurant / Vamos a un restaurant/ Let’s go to a restaurant. Describe family members and friends. Ask politely to have something brought to you. Order a meal in a restaurant. Restaurant vocabulary /Grammar: Verb venir (to come), Ser and Estar (to be) Chapter 6A (book 1) Theme: La casa (the house) En mi dormitorio/ my bedroom. Talk about your bedroom. Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment. Make comparisons. Understand cultural perspectives on home. Grammar: The superlative, stem-changing verbs : poder and dormir. Second quarter Chapter 6B (book 1) Theme: La casa (the house) Como es tu casa?/ What does your house look like? Identify rooms in a house Name household chores. Tell where you live. Understand cultural perspectives on different types of housing. Grammar: Affirmative Tu commands, The present progressive tense. Chapter 7A (book 1) Theme: De compras (going shopping) Cuánto cuesta?/How much is it? Talk about clothes, shopping and prices. Describe your plans. Talk about what you want and what you prefer. Point out specific items. Numbers: 200-1000 Culture: cultural perspectives on shopping. Grammar: stem-changing verbs: pensar, querer, and preferir. Demonstrative adjectives. Third quarter: Chapter 2A (book 2) Theme: Un evento especial ( A special event) Como te preparas?/ Getting ready for a special event. Describe getting ready for a special event. Talk about daily routines. Describe people and things. Express possession. Understand cultural perspectives on clothing. Vocabulary daily routine, clothing. Grammar: reflexive verbs, Ser and Estar, possessive adjectives. Chapter 2B (book 2) Theme: Un evento especial (a special event) Que ropa compraste?/ What clothes did you buy? Describe clothing and fashion. Talk about going shopping. Describe events in the past. Point out specific objects. Avoid repetition when comparing similar things. Vocabulary: shopping, clothing, purchases/ Grammar: preterite of regular verbs, demonstrative adjectives, using adjectives as nouns. Fourth quarter Chapter 3A (book 2) Theme: Tu y tu comunidad ( You and your community) Que hiciste ayer? / What did you do yesterday? Talk about things you did and where you did them. Explain why you couldn’t do certain things. Describe things you bought and where you bought them. Understand cultural perspectives on shopping. Vocabulary: places around town, errands/ Grammar: direct object pronouns: lo, la, los, las; preterite forms of : ir, ser, hacer, tener, estar, poder. Chapter 4A (book 2) Theme: Recuerdosw del pasado (Memories of the past) Cuando éramos niños/ When we were little children. Discuss childhood toys and games. Describe what you were like as a child. Talk about activities that you used to do as a child. Discuss to or for whom something is done. Culture: Perspectives on childhood songs. Grammar: The imperfect tense, indirect object pronouns.