Syllabus Spanish 3 2014-2015 Teacher: Malena Downes

Syllabus Spanish 3
Teacher: Malena Downes
Description: 1 credit
Prerequisite: Spanish 2
Spanish 3 will develop a higher level of thinking of competence in the four areas of communication:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students engage in teacher led discussions, study advanced
grammatical concepts. They study Spanish culture in depth. Students understand main ideas and
some detail when listening and reading and learn to cope successfully in simple conversation and
survival situations.
Goals: The five C’s of Language Education.
1. Communication: Students develop communicative abilities in three modes:
interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational, integrating the skills of listening,
speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and showing.
2. Cultures: Students learn about and experience other cultures.
3. Connections: Students use language to acquire new information and knowledge in other
subject areas.
4. Comparisons: Students learn the nature of language and culture by comparing other
languages and cultures with their own.
5. Communities: Students use languages to participate in communities both home and
around the world.
Expectations: The student is expected to:
Engage in oral and written exchanges to socialize, to express preferences and feelings, and to
satisfy basic needs.
Demonstrate an understanding of simple, straightforward spoken and written language such as
instructions, directions, announcements, reports, conversations, brief descriptions, and
Present information and convey short messages on everyday topics to listeners and readers.
Spanish 3
First quarter
Chapter 3B (book 2) Theme: Tú y tu comunidad/ You and your community. Cómo se va..?/How do you
do to..
Give directions for getting to places.
Give a friend directions for a task.
Discuss driving and good driving habits.
Culture: Cultural perspectives on neighborhoods.
Grammar: Irregular affirmative tú commands; present progressive: irregular forms.
Chapter 4B (book 2) Theme: Recuerdos del pasado (Memories of the past) Celebrando los días
festivos/Celebrating holidays.
Describe holiday celebrations.
Talk about your family and relatives.
Describe people, places, and situations in the past.
Talk about how people interact.
Culture: Cultural perspectives on holidays and special events.
Grammar: The imperfect tense: describing a situation; reciprocal actions.
Second quarter
Chapter 5A (book 2) Theme: En las noticias (on the news) Un acto heroic/ Heroic act.
Discuss emergencies, crises, rescues, and heroic acts.
Describe past situations, and settings.
Describe weather conditions.
Understand cultural perspectives on natural disasters and legends.
Vocabulary: Natural disasters, the news, rescues. Grammar: The imperfect tense, other uses
of the preterite of the verb oir, leer, creer, destrui
Chapter 5B (book2) Theme: En las noticias (on the news) Un accidente/ An accident
Describe an accident scene.
Talk about injuries and treatments.
Talk about what you were doing when the accident occurred.
Understand cultural perspectives on health.
Vocabulary: Treatment for medical conditions, words related to an accident, parts of the body.
Third quarter
Chapter 6B (book 2) Theme: La television y el cine (TV and movies) Que peliculas has visto? / What
movies have you seen?
Discuss movie plots and characters.
Give opinion about movies.
Talk about activities you have done.
Understand cultural perspectives on movies.
Vocabulary: movies movie production. / Grammar: Verbs that use the indirect object pronoun,
and present perfect.
Chapter 7A (book 2) Theme: Buen provecho (Bon appetite) Como se hace la paella? / How is the paella
Talk about food and cooking.
Tell others what not to do.
Describe what people generally do
Understand cultural perspectives on recipes and food preparation.
Vocabulary: food and cooking, following recipes, giving instructions in the kitchen? /Grammar:
Negative tu commands, the impersonal se.
Fourth quarter
Chapter 7B (book 2) Theme: Buen provecho (Bon appetite) Te gusta comer al aire libre?/ Do you like to
eat outdoors?
Discuss food and outdoor cooking.
Tell people what to do or not to do.
Indicate duration, exchange, reason, and other expressions.
Understand cultural perspectives on special foods and outdoor food vendors.
Vocabulary: food, the outdoors, eating outdoors./Grammar: Usted and Ustedes commands, Por.
Chapter 8A (book 2) Theme: Como ser un buen turista (How to be a good tourist) Un viaje en avion/
A trip by plane.
Talk about visiting an airport.
Plan for a trip to a foreign country.
Make suggestions about safe travel.
Read about travel destinations in Spanish-speaking countries.
Understand cultural perspectives on traveling.
Vocabulary: visiting an airport, taking a trip to a foreign country, safe travel./ Grammar: The
present subjunctive, irregular verbs ser, estar, ir, saber, dar.