
Assary Edition
116 Rue Damremont, 75018 Paris, France
Sales and number of employees
150K€ a year and employs 5 people including the owner
Goods and services offered
Sells the owner’s fiction book “Saint Pierre m’a dit…”
Holds conferences and coaching services that reflect the values of the book
Conceives custom made books for company leaders and owners
Key online marketing personnel
Nathalie Rodary
Age of the company:
Assary Edition is less than one year old. It was created in August 2009.
URL, website age, website management: was created by Phillipe Chevalier in August 2009 and is now
being maintained by EDESCOM advertising agency.
Company presence and sales via online and offline channels:
“Saint Pierre m’a dit” is being sold at “Librairie Tschann Montparnasse” in Paris. Printed in
2000 copies, it has 584€ online sales and 1698€ offline sales since August 2009.
Market Analysis
Current and potential customers:
The book is for everybody but most specifically for those who are seeking guidance in
their spiritual life
The conferences and potential development coaching are mainly prospecting
company leaders and owners
Current and potential competitors:
Keywords and website content show as a main competitor. Potential
competitors will be blog sites of authors selling their own books and niche websites of the
same theme.
Overview of the industry:
The traditional market is saturated with €4.2 billion overall sales in 2009 (70 000 new
books per year in France).
It is projected to decrease in sales by 2010 but electronic books which comprise 1%
of last year’s overall sales is projected to double every year.
Market position and unique selling points:
“Saint Pierre m’a dit” book belongs to the niche market of the industry
The author delivers the book with personalized dedication
The company offers conference that tackle values of the book tailored for everybody
but unique in its kind.
The company offers coaching service to entrepreneurs and company leaders toward
humanist vocation.
Current Marketing
The website’s goal is to sell the book “Saint Pierre m’a dit” to the public and get leads for its
conferences, seminars at coaching activities. The website’s strengths include its rapidity to
load (0.05 secs.), its clarity, its simple but nice-to-look-at design, and its homepage that
invites the visitors to open the book just like in the library. Parts of the website’s weaknesses
are its poor search engine optimization (absence of meta tags, alternate texts for images, etc.)
and lack of forms to measure its call to action for services. The website has also a poor
Google PageRank ranging from 0-3 and a non-visible keyword search results for “livre
spirituel”, “livre spiritualité”, “roman initiatique”, to name a few. The company has no
offline and online marketing campaign aside from email marketing.
Statistics of February to March 2010 show an average traffic of 162 visits a month, 1013
page views, 6.25 pages per visit, 29.01% bounce rate, 10 mins. 35 secs. of time spent per
visitor, 55.56% new visits out of 90 visitors. Visitors are mostly generated by search engines
(50%), followed by direct traffic (37.65%) and lastly by referring sites (12.5%).
Assary Edition’s product and services belong to a niche market with a very poor online and
offline marketing campaign. Even without search engine optimization, the statistics show
that the visitors are interested with the website’s content and activity. Adwords campaign will
help the company be immediately visible to the market using targeted keywords, thus
increasing its conversion rate in both sales and leads.
Our AdWords account needs to reflect our goals and product. Our campaign is grouped
according to two themes: product sales and activity promotion related to conferences,
seminars and coaching.
Ad groups and keyword match types
Our account will contain 2 campaigns and 4 Ad groups. Our Ad groups are organized by
theme and some keyword match types used are specified after each Ad group.
First campaign: “Sell Book” with a goal to sell “Saint Pierre m’a dit” book
Ad Group: SPMD
Keyword match types : Nathalie Rodary, "dédicace auteur", "Livre Saint-Pierre", "livre
spirituel", "livre spiritualité ", "ouvrage spiritualité" ,"roman initiatique", "romans
initiatiques", "livre de la vie", "nouvelle humanité ", "Se réaliser ", "Se connaître", "prise de
conscience", [romans dédicacés], [dédicace de romans], [achat roman dedicace], [achat livre
dedicace], [livre dédicacé], [achat livre dédicacé], [livre spirituelle],[ le livre de la vie]…
Negative keywords : -ésotérisme,- religion, -religions, -religieux
2nd campaign : “Leads” with a goal to get more leads
Ad Group 1: Conference
Keyword match types : "vocation humaniste", "changer soi-même", "développer son
potentiel", "conferences Paris", "conférences Lyon", "conférences interactives", "conférence
connaissance de soi", "sens de sa vie", [conférence spirituelle], [conference spirituel]…
Negative keywords: -vidéo, -télé, -call
Ad Group 2: Coaching
Keyword match types: "coaching entrepreneur", "coaching dirigeants", "coaching
individuel", "formation dirigeant", "coaching entrepreneur", "coaching leadership",
"accompagnement dirigeant", "guide entrepreneur", "conseil accompagnement"…
Negative keywords: - sportif, -formation coaching, -relooking
Ad Group 3: Seminar
Keyword match types: "séminaire de direction", "séminaire leadership", "seminaire comment
diriger", "séminaire management", "séminaire stratégie management", "séminaire manager
entreprise", "séminaire entreprise et management"…
Negative keywords: -organisation, - salle
Daily and weekly plans of spending our campaign budget
Our daily budget for 21 days will be equal to 9.52 USD divided to 4.76USD per campaign.
Networks for our Adwords ads
Assary will use both Search and Content Networks of Google in automatic mode to increase
Sample text advertisements for each AdWord campaign
Votre livre dédicacé
Conférence connaissance de soi
Rapidement chez vous
"Se Connaître, Se Reconnaître"
Commandez-le vite !
Découvrez-vous avec Assary !
Roman Spirituel
Coaching dirigeant
Une nouvelle vision du monde
Mieux diriger votre entreprise
A découvrir maintenant !
Pour en savoir plus
Target audience settings
We will direct our campaign to French speaking people in Europe, who carry out Google
searches in French. Our “Sell Book” campaign will be directed to people located in France,
Monaco, Belgium and Switzerland. Our “Leads” campaign will be targeted to people located
in France since our conferences and seminars are taking place in Paris and Lyon.
Ad serving options
We will allot a maximum amount of 0.10USD or more if necessary to the most performing ad
text in our ad groups.
Goals for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR
To get a better quality score, our goal for impression is to focus on the relevance of our text
ad to search match. We will be refining our ads and keywords by choosing to discontinue the
ones that are performing badly. Thus, we will be privileging keywords and text ads with high
CTR to increase visibility and to increase conversion rate.
Success metrics
Increase rate of sales conversion
Increase rate of leads conversion
Increase of visibility measured by the rate of new visitors of the website