MATH 49 – Mathematics I – Winter 2013 – Schmode Walla Walla Community College Instructor: Office Location: Phone: Email: Michelle Schmode, P.E. R2014 (Water Center) (509) 524-5237 Daily: 9:30-10:20 am or by appointment Textbook (Required): MyMathLab - Basic College Mathematics with Early Integers, Martin-Gay, 2nd Edition MyMathLab course ID is “schmode36301.” Supplies and Materials: Required: o Notebook paper for homework assignments (no spiral edges) o Spiral notebook for entry tasks, notes, in-class activities, and MyMathLab homework. o 3-ring binder with dividers (for assignments, quizzes, handouts, etc.) o No. 2 pencil or mechanical pencil Recommended: o Colored pencils o Basic calculator (with minimum capability to add, subtract, multiply and divide). Calculators will not be used for quizzes and exams. Course Description: Basic mathematical concepts with an emphasis on practical application and consumer-related word problems. Also deals with the fundamental operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages. Provides an introduction to measurement, graphs, exponents, integers, and informal geometry including perimeter, area, volume, and basic construction. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement score or instructor permission. Intended Learning Outcomes: Students will develop skill sets towards the following upon completion of this course: 1. Solve mathematical problems involving fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, percentages, ratios, and proportions. 2. Simplify problems using integer operations. 3. Interpret written information, including graphs and application problems. 4. Understand and use creative thinking processes to support solving problems and making decisions. 5. Apply interpersonal skills in relating to others. 6. Effectively communicate mathematical ideas in both everyday and mathematical language. 7. Explain how mathematical ideas connect to other subject areas, real-life situations, and career goals. 8. Perform basic arithmetic calculations without a calculator. 1 Access and Accommodation: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Claudia Angus, Coordinator of Disability Support Services on campus (room D113; (509) 527-4543; email: as early as possible in the quarter. Student Responsibilities: Check Angel daily for announcements, emails, and content videos. Attend class regularly and be prompt. Attendance is mandatory and is taken at the beginning of class. If you are tardy, you will be marked absent, and you may miss the quiz. Turn in assigned homework on time. Absolutely no late work will be accepted. Prearrange makeup exams with the instructor. Absolutely no makeup exams will be given unless they are prearranged. Obtain all materials and information covered in class and submit assigned homework on the due date regardless of whether or not you were in attendance on the day that it was assigned. Abide by the rules and guidelines as outlined in the WWCC Handbook: Code of Conduct. The instructors maintain the right to address any misconduct accordingly depending on the severity of the offense. Turn off cell phones and any other electronic devices before coming to class. Students who use electronic devices during class will be asked to leave the classroom. Do not socialize during class. Be positive and encouraging of others. Do not pack up before class is finished and do not leave early, unless you let the instructor know in advance. All electronic contact with the instructors shall be through WWCC email or ANGEL. Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory. It is imperative to be punctual. If you are going to be absent, it is your responsibility to arrange this with the instructor beforehand. Course Format: Lecture, group discussion, group projects and activities, and problem solving. For most in-class activities, you will be required to submit a written summary of the activity before the end of the class period. Grading Criteria: Final grades will be assigned at the end of the quarter based on the following point distribution: Attendance 10% Daily In-class Activities, quizzes, and notebooks 20% Homework 10% Chapter Exams 30% Final Exam 30% 2 Letter Grades: Your course is calculated as a weighted average based on the percentages above. Grades will be made available to each student through the Angel website and will be regularly updated throughout the quarter and are based on the following scale: Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F Percentage 93.0 - 100 90.0 – 92.9 87.0 - 89.9 83.0 - 86.9 80.0 – 82.9 77.0 – 79.9 73.0-76.9 70.0-72.9 65.0-69.9 60.0-64.9 <60 Homework: Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will completed online using the software program “MyMathLab.” NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED, regardless of the excuse. You are required to show all work for the MyMathLab homework in your notebook, which will be checked periodically throughout the quarter. You will be assigned weekly pencil and paper assignments that will be due the following Monday (or Tuesday, if a holiday on Monday). Periodically, extra credit problem sets will be assigned. These problem sets will provide a good review of chapter concepts, and each student is encouraged to complete them. The lowest two homework scores will be dropped. To learn the material in this course, it is imperative that a serious effort is made on all assignments. Most students need to spend one or two hours daily on their homework. Repetition and practice are essential for understanding and retaining information. To receive a maximum of 5 points on each pencil and paper homework assignment, students will: Use lined notebook paper, graph paper, or engineering graph paper (NO SPIRAL EDGES). Use pencil. Label the first sheet of each homework assignment in the top right corner of the paper with the following information: name, course number, chapter and section number of assignment (i.e. 2.3), and date. Staple all pages of the assignment together, in order. Show all work. A list of answers will not suffice. Check your answers with the answers in the back of the book and make corrections when needed. Be neat. Circle or box your answer.. Make an honest attempt on all problems. Incomplete homework assignments may receive zero points. To receive a maximum of five points on each MyMathLab homework assignment, students will show work in their notebook. Do not use scraps of paper. Keep all work organized in order in your notebook. Clearly label the homework assignment number in your notebook. 3 Quizzes: Periodic “10-minute” quizzes will be given at the beginning of the class period. Any student may rework a quiz one time for a maximum of 50% of the points missed on the original quiz. There are no make-up quizzes. If a student is absent on the day of a quiz, he or she may rework the quiz for a maximum of 50% of the maximum quiz score. All reworked quizzes may be reworked as open book, including help from the TLC, the instructors, or other students, and are due on Monday (or the first day of class) of the following week. Exams: There will be a total of four chapter exams and one final exam. Each exam will cover material from the two most recent chapters, as well as several questions from previous material. If you will be absent on a test date, you must make arrangements with the instructor to take the test prior to the scheduled test date. If you do not show up to take the test on the scheduled date, you will not be able to take a make-up test. All make-ups must be taken within two class days of the regularly scheduled exam date or you will not be given credit for the exam. Maximum of 90% of points possible on make-up tests, no exceptions. The final exam is cumulative and covers all of the topics covered throughout the quarter. Student Code of Conduct: Students will abide by the policies and procedures set forth in the Student Handbook, which may be viewed at: Please note: (1) There shall be no use of tobacco products in the classroom; (2) Students will not cheat or plagiarize on any coursework or exams. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will, at a minimum, receive a zero on the assignment or exam, and will possibly receive a failing grade in the course, and/or be immediately dropped from the course, and/or be recommended for dismissal or suspension from the college. Course Notebook: You are required to keep a course spiral notebook. Notebook must include daily entries including entry tasks, notes, and in-class work. Each day of class should start on the top of a new page and be clearly marked with the date on the outside top corner of the page. Materials should be placed in chronological order. Notes should be labeled with the chapter, section number, and topic title. Notebooks will be checked on every exam day, and periodically throughout the quarter. Be sure to bring your spiral notebook on exam days! Helpful Hints for OCSUP 107: Prepare for each class day by reading the textbook and watching the videos. Do not fall behind. Ask questions. Attend class regularly. Strive to understand concepts, not just memorize answers. Work the problems first and then check your answer. Work homework problems first individually and then review in study groups. Use all available resources: Tutoring and Learning Center (Room 244), ANGEL classroom, the instructors, computer lab 246 (lab monitor is available if you have questions), library computers, and your classmates. 4