Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 – 2017/18 Gippsland Region Traralgon Office 71 Hotham Street Traralgon VIC 3844 Phone No. (03) 5172 2111 Fax No. (03) 5172 2100 © The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2015 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit ISBN 978-1-74146-689-8 (pdf) Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186, email or via the National Relay Service on 133 677 This document is also available on the internet at Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. The location and boundaries of proposed planned burn/worksites shown on the attached maps are only approximate and indicative. The precise boundary of any Previously Approved burn will be identified on site by DELWP before operations begin. Contents Regional Director’s Foreword 2 Gippsland Fire Operations Plan 3 Activities in the Fire Operations Plan Planned Burns Non Burn Fuel Treatments Strategic Fuelbreaks Viewing the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan How to send us your comments 4 4 4 4 5 5 Preparation of the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan 6 How to read this Fire Operations Plan 6 Information provided on schedules 7 LATROBE DISTRICT 8 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 8 14 14 MACALISTER DISTRICT 15 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 15 25 25 SNOWY DISTRICT 26 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments 26 36 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 36 TAMBO DISTRICT 37 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 37 54 54 Regional Schedule 55 SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones 55 Regional Director’s Foreword The Victorian Government is committed to reducing the risk of bushfires on public land. Fuel management is a key mechanism for reducing bushfire risk. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Parks Victoria carry out fire management activities on Victoria’s public land to help reduce the impacts of bushfires to communities and the environment. DELWP’s Fire Operations Plan outlines where these activities are intended to be carried out over a three year period, if weather and other conditions permit. These activities include planned burning, slashing, mowing and clearing works, track works and construction of fire breaks. The development of the FOP is informed by Strategic Bushfire Management Planning, carried out by DELWPs bushfire risk landscape teams. There are seven bushfire risk landscape teams across the state. Each team develops a strategy to reduce the risk of bushfire impacting on communities, infrastructure and the environment. Each year we review and update the Gippsland FOP. Updates are based on the latest local information and driven by DELWPs strategic bushfire risk management planning. East Central and the Alpine and Greater Gippsland Bushfire Risk Landscape teams produce Strategic Bushfire Management Plans that assist with developing the Gippsland FOP by focussing on fuel management activities in areas where there is the most impact on risk. This leads to an effective and efficient plan for delivering fuel management and ecological burns. The FOP development is shaped by feedback and knowledge from local communities and key stakeholders such as local councils, forest managers and flora and fauna specialists, as well as key industries. The Country Fire Authority works in partnership with DELWP to provide local knowledge and expertise for planned burns. The Fire Operations Plan is an important part of our work to reduce the risk of damaging bushfires. We make changes to the plan wherever we can, but the decision to carry out fire prevention activities is always driven by the need to reduce the impact of bushfires to our local people, property and the environment. The Plan is prepared in consultation with communities, local councils, key stakeholders, Parks Victoria, CFA and technical specialists within DELWP. DELWP also works with interest groups and the wider community to understand how planned burns may impact people and industries and to gain important local knowledge to better plan and deliver burns. Michael Timpano, Regional Director, Gippsland Region Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 2 Gippsland Fire Operations Plan This document sets out where and when fuel reduction activities will take place over the next three years for the period 2015/16 to 2017/18 within the Gippsland Region. These activities are carried out to reduce bushfire fuels – like leaves, twigs and grass – to make bushfires less intense. Activities are also done to maintain the health of ecosystems that rely on fire to regenerate. The area covered by this plan is shown in Map 1. This Plan covers all public land including all national parks, State parks and regional parks and all State forests. Numerous other small reserves and Crown land are also included. Some areas of neighbouring private property may be included in this plan if identified through strategic planning as being a possibility for inclusion with public land fuel treatment. No works would be undertaken in this area until approval is granted by the landowner. The Plan is prepared, and will be implemented, in accordance with the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land (the Code), and relevant DELWP Instructions, Manuals and Guidelines. The objectives for the fire management zones are outlined in the Code and form the basis of this Fire Operations Plan. It should be noted that burns associated with logging regeneration as well as small heap and grass burns are not included in the Fire Operation Planning process. The locations of strategic fuelbreaks are included for information only. These activities are approved via other DELWP and Parks Victoria processes. Map 1: Gippsland Region Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 3 Activities in the Fire Operations Plan Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DELWP’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that firefighters have a much better chance of managing bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require a range of preparation works to make the planned area ready to ignite when the weather and other conditions are right. Preparation works may include, brushing up or grading of existing boundaries and internal tracks, management of hazardous trees, the construction and preparation of boundary and control lines with machinery and pest plant controls. The preparation works will have on-site inspections which will assess the surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuel breaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application (in alignment with safety standards), grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the risk of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DELWP’s planned burning season. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 4 Viewing the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan The Plan can be viewed during normal business hours at the following office locations: Location Address Bairnsdale Nowa Nowa Heyfield Yarram 574 Main St, Bairnsdale 5 Forest Rd, Nowa Nowa 1 Licola Rd, Heyfield 310 Commercial Road, Yarram Swifts Creek McMillans Ave, Swifts Creek Orbost 171-173 Nicholson St, Orbost Cann River Princes Hwy, Cann River Bendoc 2 Nichol St, Bendoc Erica Thomson Valley Rd/Parkers Cnr Erica Noojee 12 McCarthy Spur Rd Noojee Foster Cnr McDonald & Victory St Foster Traralgon 70 Hotham Street Traralgon Viewing the Plan online: You can view planned burns and other works in the Plan online at: /burns. How to send us your comments DELWP welcomes comment on fire management all year round, on all parts of the planning process – both strategic and operational. Please be aware that due to the planning cycle your comments relating to fire operations may be included in next year’s Fire Operations Plan. Contact Details: Comments and suggestions about DELWP fire management planning can be sent to: Program Manager Planned Burning and Roading 71 Hotham St Traralgon 3844 Planned Burning Email contact details: Comments may also be sent by email to: Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 5 Preparation of the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan The development of the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan involves the identification of planned burns and other fuel management works by DELWP, Parks Victoria and other interested stakeholders. Values and priorities must be balanced in the development of the Plan including: relevant legislation and Departmental policies relating to environmental and cultural heritage protection, and emergency management; various Departmental fire instructions and guidelines; relevant Strategic Bushfire Management Plans; the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land; the Code of Practice for Timber Production; relevant Forest Management and Park Management Plans; Important note: The ability to carry out burns is dependent on seasonal and local weather conditions. To allow for this, planned burns from the second and third years of the Plan are considered as contingencies for the first year. This means that a second or third year burn may be brought forward to the current year to replace a burn planned for the first year. biodiversity, soil, water, economic and cultural values within the District; and environmental, cultural or economic strategies which could be impacted by the Plan’s implementation. Where necessary, prescriptions for particular values maybe specified for each burn which are then incorporated into individual Burn Plans. These prescriptions are reviewed annually to take into account experience from burning operations in the previous season. How to read this Fire Operations Plan This Fire Operations Plan contains all proposed fuel management activities for Gippsland and consists of District Sub Plans containing a number of District Schedules and a Regional schedule for Fire Zone Amendments. District Schedules: Schedule 1 – Planned Burns. This schedule lists planned fuel reduction, ecological and other planned burns by indicative year for the three year period. Schedule 2 – Non Burn Fuel Treatments. This schedule lists the fuel treatment program to support the planned burning program. Schedule 3 – Strategic Fuelbreaks. This schedule provides an overview of strategic fuelbreaks to be constructed or maintained during the three year period. Regional Schedule: Schedule 4 – Amendments to Fire Management Zones. This schedule lists the location where zoning will change. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 6 Information provided on schedules The schedules contain information about burns and fuel treatments. For each schedule there are a number of attributes used to provide information about the fuel treatments. The definitions of the attributes are listed below. Schedule 1 Local Government Area (LGA) – the municipality in which the majority of the fuel management activity is located. Burn Number and Name / Road Name / Address – the unique identifier for each burn or planned fuel management activity. Location – a bearing and distance of the planned burn from the nearest major township/locality. Land Manager – the organisation responsible for day-to-day management of the works site – DELWP (Department of Environment Land Water and Planning); PV (Parks Victoria). Burn Season – indicates the preferred season in which the burn will be completed. Actual delivery may be any time of the year. Burn Type – indicates the primary purpose of the burn including fuel reduction burn (FRB), ecological burn (ECO). Land Management Objective - identifies the desired land management outcome(s) of the burn. Fire Management Zone (FMZ) – an area of land in which fire is managed for specific asset, fuel and ecological objectives. Values included in this column can be APZ - Asset Protection Zone; BMZ – Bushfire Management Zone; LMZ - Landscape Management Zone, PBEZ – Planned Burn Exclusion Zone; or, NZ -Not Zoned. Grid Reference – the six figure grid reference used to locate burns on a map. Area/Planned Burn Area – the maximum area of the fuel management activity measured in hectares (ha), including areas specifically excluded from disturbance. New Burn– ‘YES’ = New burns did not appear on last year’s FOP. ‘NO’ = Not new burns. Burns were approved in the previous (2014/15- 2016/17) Fire Operations Plan but have not been carried out. They are included in this FOP and may be conducted at any time. Schedule 2 Non Burn Fuel Treatments – the type of works planned. Maintenance (ha) – activities within a previously approved and impacted area or easement. Such as mowing the regrowth on a road easement or fuelbreak. Renewal (ha) – a high impact activity such as soil disturbance or vegetation modification on an existing footprint. The area has previously been subject to significant disturbance. For example reclaiming an existing road verge, which was once cleared, but not been maintained. The vegetation to be cleared is obviously younger regrowth, compared to surrounding vegetation outside the footprint. The Road Class is not being upgraded in this process, just restoring the verge to its previous width. New (ha) – A high impact activity such as soil disturbance or vegetation modification on an area has not been subject to this type of disturbance previously. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 7 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LATROBE DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Bass Coast Wonthaggi Campbell Street 2SBC0019 1.2km WSW of Wonthaggi PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on nearby residences and critical community infrastructure (Wonthaggi Hospital), and (2) to reduce the risk of high intensity unplanned fire in fire-influenced Forby Forest EVD. LMZ CT760256 16 No Baw Baw Erica - Telbit Crossing 2BER0002 2 Km SW of Erica Township DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets such as the township of Erica and associated out dwellings APZ DT438955 216 No Baw Baw Rawson Happy Jack 2BER0003 1km north of Rawson DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DU474000 53 No Baw Baw Erica - Rintoul Creek 2BER0014 10km SE of Erica DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of the fire ecology assessment. LMZ DT507879 2437 No Baw Baw Tyers - W4 Track 2BER0018 5 Kms NNW of Tyers DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and to protect the townships to the south (Including Tyers) BMZ DT525831 488 No Baw Baw Moe South – Coalville 2BER0022 1km east of Coalville PARKS VICTORIA WINTER FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ DT362672 23 No Baw Baw Tanjil - Tanjil Junction East 2BER0023 7KM NE of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ DT314978 1193 No Baw Baw Erica Mathiesons Rd 2BER0027 2 Km South of Erica DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the surrounding township and settlement of Erica APZ DT447951 122 No Baw Baw Erica - Knots Siding 2BER0037 2 km SE of Erica DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DT466956 97 No Baw Baw Palmer Benyons 2BER0038 8Km West of Erica DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of the fire ecology assessments. BMZ DT358985 750 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 8 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Baw Baw Moondarra Wild Cow 2BER0040 7km NE of Tanjil South PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DT397866 1000 No Baw Baw Moondarra Reservoir South 2BER0047 8 km North of Yallourn North DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and provide protection to reservoir infrastructure LMZ DT440840 183 Yes Baw Baw Crossover Crossover Creek 2BNJ0003 5 km SE of Neerim South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT122884 260 No Baw Baw Noojee Trestle Bridge 2BNJ0012 2 km SW Noojee Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DU107045 73 No Baw Baw Thomson - Bb Jordan 2BNJ0016 4 km SE of Matlock DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ DU300380 2537 No Baw Baw Longwarry Bandicoot Reserve 2BNJ0030 Longwarry Longwarry Recreation Reserve Committe Inc AUTUMN ECO To reduce the pest animal (rabbit) population by promoting vegetation structure to provide habitat for the long nosed bandicoot in the reserve. Non FPA Land CT917804 1 No Latrobe City Callignee Olivers Track 2BER0041 6km NE of Callignee DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and to provide protection to properties directly south of the burn. LMZ DT657619 92 Yes Latrobe City Glengarry Francis Road 2BER0042 4km NW of Glengarry DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor south west of the Tandara Drive estate. BMZ DT586828 135 Yes Latrobe City Boolarra Barktown Road 2SLT0002 5Km SSW Boolarra PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the likely spread and intensity of future bushfires, and (2) to reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on private properties along Barktown and Fishers Roads. LMZ DT351477 42 No South Gippsland Mirboo North Samson Rd 2SLT0003 4km NNW Mirboo Nth DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting properties in the Old Thorpdale Road area south of Mirboo North State Forest. BMZ DT262530 10 No South Gippsland Mirboo North Hoods Hill 2SLT0006 1.5km E Mirboo Nth DELWP AUTUMN FRB (1)To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on nearby residences (2)to reduce the risk of high intensity unplanned fire in fire-influenced Moist ForestEVD. BMZ DT286499 26 No South Gippsland Walkerville Prom View South 2SMC0001 1km N Walkerville North Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB (1) To lower Overall Fuel Hazard to reduce the risk of highintensity bushfire impacting on Walkerville/Promontory Views, and (2) provide fire dependent EVCs with no recent fire history with the required disturbance (Heathy Woodland/Lowland Forest mosaic) BMZ DT128014 108 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 9 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no South Gippsland Waratah Bay Heath Loop Tk 2SMC0011 0.5km NNW Waratah Bay PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB BMZ DT162042 12 No South Gippsland Tarwin Lower - Bald Hills 2SMC0013 8km ESE Tarwin Lower PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO (1) To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfire impacting upon Waratah Bay township and (2) to maintain the resilience of Heathland sands EVD by burning within the tolerable fire interval. (1)To provide fire dependent Heathland Sands and Tall Mixed Forest EVDs with no recent fire history with the required disturbance, and (2) To reduce the Overall Fuel Hazard in the landscape to reduce the intensity of future bushfire events LMZ DT089122 70 No South Gippsland Foster - New Zealand Hill North 2SMC0025 1km NE Foster PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the risk of highintensity bushfire impacting upon Foster and critical community infrastructure (water supply & treatment facility) LMZ DT310222 8 No South Gippsland WPNP Squeaky South 2SWP0016 1km NW Tidal River PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire and ember attack impacting on Tidal River village, and (2) to provide fire dependent Heathland Sands and Coastal EVDs with no recent fire history with the required disturbance. BMZ DS402803 182 No South Gippsland WPNP Yanakie Isthmus East 2SWP0021 14km NNW Tidal River PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO 1) To assist with control of Coast Tea Tree to provide improved conditions for the re-establishment of Coastal Grassy Woodland EVC; and (2) to reduce the Overall Fuel Hazard in the landscape. LMZ DS371931 2019 No South Gippsland WPNP Airbase Heath 2SWP0025 15km SSW Yanakie PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO (1) To assist with control of Coast Tea Tree encroachment into Heathland vegetation following 2009 bushfire; and (2) to reduce the Overall Fuel Hazard in the landscape. LMZ DS376903 68 Yes WPNP Doughboy Island 2SWP0024 7.5km NE Yanakie PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO To manipulate vegetation structure to provide habitat for the Short-tailed Shearwater and the Cape barron Goose and to eliminate weeds and restore the EVC`s in addition encourage the rejuvenation of the existing tussocks. PBEZ DT373083 4 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 10 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Bass Coast Gurdies Cemetery Track 2SBC0012 3km SW The Gurdies PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting Grantville township, and (2) to provide fire dependant Heathland Sands EVD with no recent fire history with the required disturbance. LMZ CT735497 41 No Bass Coast Glen Forbes Stanley Rd 2SBC0020 2.5km SSE of Grantville PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting properties in the Adams Estate & Glen Forbes area, and (2) to provide fire dependant Grassy/Heathy Dry Forest EVD with no recent fire history with the required disturbance. LMZ CT722456 52 No Baw Baw Rawson - Old Depot 2BER0029 1Km SE of Rawson DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. BMZ DT484981 217 No Baw Baw Fumina South Tanjil Junction West 2BNJ0031 5km east of Fumina South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DT290984 2417 No Baw Baw Thomson Poole Jordan 2BNJ0032 St Clair DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and BMZ DU278359 4546 No Baw Baw Neerim East Tolleys Track East 2BNJ0034 9KM ESE OF Neerim Junction DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of fire ecology assessment. LMZ DT176994 699 No Latrobe City Boolarra Corkys Track 2SLT0007 2km S Boolarra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on properties in and south of Boolarra township. APZ DT361497 28 No South Gippsland Mirboo North Railway Road 2SLT0017 2km NE Mirboo North DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT284502 13 No South Gippsland Foster - New Zealand Hill South 2SMC0021 Foster township PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the risk of highintensity bushfire impacting upon Foster township and critical community infrastructure (water supply & treatment facility) LMZ DT310221 8 No South Gippsland Port Welshpool Heathlands Drive 2SMC0024 Port Welshpool DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on life, property and highly valued assets in Port Welshpool township. APZ DT526171 3 No South Gippsland WPNP Yanakie Isthmus West 2SWP0022 14km NW Tidal River PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO (1) To assist with control of Coast Tea Tree to provide improved conditions for the re-establishment of Coastal Grassy Woodland EVC; and (2) to reduce the Overall Fuel Hazard in the landscape. LMZ DS350920 3386 No Wellington Snake Island Big Plain West 2SMC0020 Snake Island Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO (1) To maintain the resilience of Heathland sands EVD by burning within the tolerable fire interval, and (2) to reduce the Overall Fuel Hazard in the landscape to reduce the intensity of future bushfires. LMZ DT545110 47 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 11 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Bass Coast Gurdies Dunbabbin Road West 2SBC0011 1.5km SW The Gurdies PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire spreading and impacting Pioneer Bay, Grantville and The Gurdies, and (2) to burn areas of Tall Mixed Forest EVD within Tolerable Fire Interval BMZ CT741502 28 No Baw Baw Walhalla Mormon Town 2BER0011 6km north of Walhalla PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of the fire ecology assessment. LMZ DU500064 601 No Baw Baw Hill End - Mervs 2BER0020 5km east of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DT341872 633 No Baw Baw Erica - W32 2BER0024 5km SE of Erica DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of the fire ecology assessment. LMZ DT481927 292 No Baw Baw Tanjil East Andersons 2BER0025 6KM NW of Yallourn North PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DT401815 434 No Baw Baw Yallourn North Leslie Track 2BER0026 5Km North of Yallourn North PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DT462804 257 No Baw Baw Tanjil - Wombat Link 2BER0033 5KM East of Fumina South DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ DU311007 933 No Baw Baw Tanjil - Stuart Mine 2BER0044 8 km East of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ DT339948 3491 Yes Baw Baw Tyers Matthews Quarry 2BER0048 8 km NW of Tyers DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and quarry lease LMZ DT507845 42 Yes Baw Baw Hill End William Rees 2BNJ0013 3km SW of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DT228909 246 No Baw Baw Neerim East Hawthorn Creek 2BNJ0015 4km NW of Fumina South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DU192016 369 No Baw Baw Fumina - Kings 2BNJ0018 West of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of fire ecology assessment. LMZ DT225965 518 No Baw Baw Nayook - Bt Divide 2BNJ0019 9 KM West Noojee DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ DU030051 425 No Baw Baw Springsure Hill Shady Creek 2BNJ0024 8KM East of Neerim South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. BMZ DT160899 300 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 12 Latrobe District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Baw Baw Hill End - Herbs West 2BNJ0029 2.5KM East Of Hill End DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones BMZ DT273940 455 No Baw Baw Fumina South Wild Bull 2BNJ0035 2 KM SW Fumina South DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of fire ecology assessment. LMZ DT212976 412 No Latrobe City Toongabbie - Mt Lookout 2BER0043 4 km NW of Toongabbie DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets ie. HVP Plantation APZ DT630905 591 Yes Latrobe City Boolarra South Lower Barktown 2SLT0010 5.5km SW Boolarra PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the likely spread and intensity of future bushfires, and (2) to reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on private properties along Barktown and Fishers Roads. LMZ DT340472 85 No Latrobe City Boolarra Foster Road 2SLT0011 1.5km S Boolarra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on properties along Foster Road south of Boolarra township. APZ DT365503 10 No South Gippsland Mirboo North Transfer Station 2SLT0012 1.5KM E Mirboo North DELWP AUTUMN FRB (1) To reduce the risk of high-intensity bushfire impacting on nearby residences , and (2) to reduce the risk of high intensity unplanned fire in fireinfluenced Moist Forest EVD. BMZ DT284496 29 No South Gippsland Mirboo North Pines Road 2SLT0015 5km NNW Mirboo North PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and LMZ DT250548 34 Yes South Gippsland WPNP - Millers Landing 2SWP0023 14km SSW Yanakie PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the potential spread of bushfire within Wilsons Promontory NP. BMZ DS397920 103 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 13 Latrobe District SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance 12 Vegetation Modification 617 Renewal (ha) New (ha) 1 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 Road or Location Name Locality Operation Type Distance (km) No new Strategic Fuelbreak construction proposed in 2015/16 Routine maintence of the existing Strategic Fuelbreak network is included in Schedule 2 – Non Burn Fuel Treatments Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 14 - Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 MACALISTER DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No East Gippsland Glenaladale Boundary 34 2HBR222 2km SW of Glenaladale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ EU269184 56 Yes East Gippsland Cobbannah O`Sheas Rd 2HDA028 3.5KM E Cobbannah DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU240344 166 No East Gippsland Cobbannah Peels Jeep Track 2HDA218 1km North of Cobbannah DELWP AUTUMN FRB Bring the fuel in line with risk landscape BMZ (8 year turn around). LMZ EU204367 2454 Yes East Gippsland Cobbannah Powerline Strip 2HDA219 1km SE of Cobbannah DELWP AUTUMN FRB To create a fuel reduced strip between the powerline easement and the Dargo Road that can act as a strategic break for bushfire suppression. BMZ EU226340 29 Yes East Gippsland Loch Sport Rotamah South East 2HLS067 11KM NE Loch Sport Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. LMZ ET647972 64 No Latrobe City Glengarry Railway Avenue 2HHE223 500m South of Glengarry AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land DT625791 2 Yes Wellington Briagolong Lmb Freestone Ck Rd 2HBR001A 20KM N Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and start to break up the 2006/7 fire area. LMZ EU110278 13750 No Wellington Briagolong Sounding Gap 2HBR121 6.5km North of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Stockdale and Briagolong areas. APZ EU077180 364 No Wellington Briagalong Paddy Melon Gully 2HBR178 10km North North East of Briagalong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and BMZ EU108214 278 No Wellington Munro - Rail Reserve Block 1 2HBR226 200m South of Munro DELWP AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land EU162032 13 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 15 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Wellington Munro - Rail Reserve Block 3 2HBR227 5km ENE of Munro Wellington Munro - Swan Road 2HBR228 600m SE of Munro Wellington Stratford - Knob Reserve Block 1 2HBR229 Wellington Dargo - Thomson Trk Wellington Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land EU205052 21 Yes COM COUNCIL AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. LMZ EU165028 3 Yes 2km SE of Stratford DELWP AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. LMZ ET085965 17 Yes 2HDA036 5KM S DARGO DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU210490 1096 No Waterford Pinnacles South 2HDA089 11KM W Dargo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Create a burn mosiac to provide fire risk mitigation for adjoining fire regime sensitive ECO communites and the Waterford settlement. BMZ EU090540 9169 No Wellington Waterford Mcdonald Gap 2HDA123 14km SW of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA WINTER FRB To reintroduce fire back into the 2006/07 Fire Area, to enhance growth stage diversity and provide a strategic fuel reduced area in a manner that minimises risk to ECO values and maximises risk mitigation for environmental, economic and social assets. BMZ EU125438 2133 No Wellington Dargo-Punchen Budwud Divide 2HDA162 5KM E of Dargo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU284520 684 No Wellington Talbotville Collingwood Spur 2HDA182 16KM NW of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and LMZ EU076669 899 No Wellington Dargo - Basalt South 2HDA220 21km NNW of Dargo DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reintroduction of fire into 2002/03 bushfire impacted area in line with EVC`s within TFI. Currently LMZ zone. LMZ EU137757 12911 Yes Wellington Dargo Wonnangatta Valley Block 1 2HDA221 47km NW of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To use fire as a management tool to achieve positive outcomes for broader ECO communities as well as maintaining healthy populations of threatened flora and fauna and assisting with weed control works. LMZ DU850821 73 Yes Wellington Golden Beach Shoreline Dr 2HLS024 2KM SW Golden Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ ET335690 16 No Wellington Loch Sport Waverly Trk Nth 2HLS125 5KM WSW Of Loch Sport PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor to the west of the township of Loch Sport BMZ ET467873 172 No Wellington Loch Sport Track Five Sth 2HLS137 4.5km North of Paradise Beach Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology studies. LMZ ET382774 257 No Wellington Loch Sport Monkey Duck Swamp 2HLS148 1.5km ENE of Seacombe PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology studies and to reduce fuels in the vacinity of Loch Sport and Seacombe. LMZ ET405834 321 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 16 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Wellington Holey Plains Seldom Seen 2HSA201 9KM ENE Of Willung PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ DT934690 176 No Wellington Woodside Woodside Cfa 2HYA001 1 km East of Woodside DELWP Unreserve d Crown Land AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT894360 2 No Wellington Won Wron Harveys Rd 2HYA012 8KM NE Won Wron DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DT790490 257 No Wellington Giffard West Monkey Crk 2HYA016 6KM SW Stradbroke DELWP AUTUMN FRB To create a fuel reduced corridor to enhance safety of vehicle travel on Sth Gippsland Hwy BMZ DT995565 216 No Wellington Alberton West Silvergates 2HYA034 7KM W Alberton West DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT580284 30 No Wellington Port Albert Racecourse 2HYA037 1.5KM N Port Albert COM LOCAL SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Non FPA Land DT727217 19 No Wellington Port Albert - Pine Block 2HYA058 1KM NW Port Albert DSE & Wellington Shire AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Port Albert and Langsborough communities. BMZ DT726209 13 No Wellington Won Wron Gravel 1 2HYA072 7KM SW Won Wron DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor adjacent to surrounding farms and communities. LMZ DT685386 10 No Wellington Jack River - West End Mays 2HYA074 8KM NW Yarram DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ DT652351 31 No Wellington Giffard - Darriman Reserve Block 3 2HYA107 250m South East of Giffard PARKS VICTORIA SUMMER ECO To reduce overall biomass and to encourage regeneration of grassland species. LMZ ET075480 11 No Wellington Won Wron Boodyarn West 2HYA119 14km NW of Yarram DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ DT783444 92 No Wellington Giffard - Lambs Lake 2HYA169 5km South of Giffard Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ ET055426 61 No Wellington Carrajung South Mill Track 2HYA175 7km East of Carrajung South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ DT857501 189 No Wellington Woodside Beach - Byrnes Rd 2HYA194 3km North of Woodside Beach AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire onto adjacent Private land LMZ DT992347 4 No Wellington Greenmount Holmans Rd 2HYA194 3 KM NE of Greenmount AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and to assist in the protection of property along Holmans Rd. BMZ DT770357 27 No DELWP Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 17 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Wellington Woodside Beach - Tussock Block 2HYA196 3km North Of Woodside Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and protection of private property LMZ DT986353 10 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 18 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Providence Ponds - West Boundary Trk 2HBR031 18KM E Stratford PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU251038 181 No Wellington Stockdale Ridleys Trk 2HBR035 2KM W Stockdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Stockdale area. APZ EU120160 193 No Wellington Briagolong Colliers 2HBR065 10KM NE Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Stockdale area APZ EU125190 446 No Wellington Briagolong Quarry Road 2HBR128 6km NNE of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Stockdale and Briagolong areas. APZ EU093166 149 No Wellington Munro - Rail Reserve Block 2 2HBR233 200m East of Munro DEPT OF TRANSPORT AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land EU179041 30 Yes Wellington Munro - Rail Reserve Block 4 2HBR234 7km ENE of Munro DELWP AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land EU230064 20 Yes Wellington Stratford - Knob Reserve Block 2 2HBR235 2.5km SE of Stratford DELWP AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. LMZ ET091966 7 Yes Wellington Talbotville Bulltown Spur 2HDA236 8km East of Talbotville PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Bring the fuel hazard in line with risk landscape BMZ (8 year turn around). LMZ EU151678 4413 Yes Wellington Talbotville Mcmillans Track 2HDA237 5km SE of Talbotville PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Bring the fuel hazard in line with risk landscape BMZ (8 year turn around). LMZ EU117650 3597 Yes Wellington Dargo Wonnangatta Valley Block 3 2HDA240 51km NW of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To use fire as a management tool to achieve positive outcomes for broader ECO communities as well as maintaining healthy populations of threatened flora and fauna and assisting with weed control works. LMZ DU811849 445 Yes Wellington Coongulla - Ben Cruachan 2HHE085 22KN N Heyfield DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DU834162 4146 No Wellington Mount Darling Snowy Bluff 2HHE210 40KM NE Of Licola PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and begin to break up large contiguous areas of single age class created by 2006/07 fire. LMZ DU858716 29331 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 19 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Wellington Heyfield - Dawson Reserve South Block 2HHE225 5km West of Heyfield COM OTHER AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC Non FPA Land DT760959 7 Yes Wellington Golden Beach Track Three 2HLS149 3.5km North of Golden Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology studies. LMZ ET341741 272 No Wellington Lochsport - Lake Reeve North 2HLS208 5KM SW Of Loch Sport PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within the Loch Sport township APZ ET481860 154 No Wellington Lochsport - West Thalia 2HLS209 10KM SW Of Loch Sport PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ ET430853 114 No Wellington Won Wron - Wild Dog Cutting 2HYA166 5 km North East of Won Wron DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT779467 88 No Wellington Alberton West Flos Rd 2HYA172 5km West of Alberton West DELWP AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT590266 180 No Wellington Giffard West Running Track 2HYA176 3km South West Of Giffard West DELWP AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT964502 274 No Wellington Carrajung South Hopkins Track 2HYA177 8km South East of Carrajung South DELWP AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT856470 253 No Wellington Darriman - Lime Pit 2HYA180 2km West of Darriman PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ DT913431 30 No Wellington Gelliondale Rankins Hill 2HYA189 5km South East of Gelliondale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT681202 219 No Wellington Willung South Willung Bushland 2HYA190 1.5km East of Willung South PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT776570 149 No Wellington Giffard West Land Clearers 2HYA197 5KM NE Of Giffard West VESTED VPC AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor north east of the Giffard West township Non FPA Land ET032553 139 No Wellington Holey Plains Long Ridge 2HYA232 7km SE of Rosedale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire within the Holey Plains State Park. LMZ DT873708 222 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 20 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Alpine Mayford Grasslands 2HDA142 41km North of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA WINTER ECO To reduce overall biomass and to encourage regeneration of native grasses. PBEZ EU211953 29 No Wellington Providence Ponds - Bell Track 2HBR152 11km East of Munro PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ EU277008 287 No Wellington Valencia CreekDermodys 2HBR153 5km West of Valencia Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of the surrounding Valencia creek area APZ DU915143 634 No Wellington Valencia CreekOne Tree Hill Track 2HBR156 7km NE of Valencia Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ EU011203 152 No Wellington BriagolongMarathon Rd 2HBR157 6.5km NW of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and BMZ EU042176 45 No Wellington BriagolongCoopers Rd 2HBR165 5km NE of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of HVP pines and the township of Briagolong APZ EU107160 387 No Wellington Briagolong - Rim Track 2HBR238 27km North of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reintroduction of fire into 2006/07 bushfire impacted area in line with EVC`s within TFI. Currently LMZ zone. LMZ EU067415 9007 Yes Wellington Briagolong Toggle Hill 2HBR239 16km North of Briagolong DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reintroduction of fire into 2006/07 bushfire impacted area in line with EVC`s within TFI. Currently LMZ zone. LMZ EU058312 4948 Yes Wellington Valencia Creek Georges Creek 2HBR246 8km NNE of Valencia Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets (5 year turn around). APZ EU024212 440 Yes Wellington WaterfordMccarthy Spur Tk 2HDA161 0.2km S of Waterford PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU147472 1200 No Wellington Dargo-Gibraltar Range 2HDA163 5km W of Dargo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ EU166553 472 No Wellington Dargo Wonnangatta Valley Block 2 2HDA230 49km NW of Dargo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To use fire as a management tool to achieve positive outcomes for broader ECO communities as well as maintaining healthy populations of threatened flora and fauna and assisting with weed control works. LMZ DU838833 182 Yes Wellington Coongulla Geoghegans Road 2HHE131 5km NNW of Coongulla DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Coongulla area. APZ DU804104 60 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 21 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Wellington Coongulla-Millers Rd 2HHE152 3km North of Coongulla DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of the township of Coongulla APZ DU812095 162 No Wellington Caledonia - Mount Reynard 2HHE195 25 km NNE of Licola PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and begin to break up large continuous areas of single age class created by 2006 - 07 fires Planned Burn Exclusion Zone DU743655 14302 No Wellington Coongulla - Avon Track 2HHE204 15 km NE of Coongulla DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and begin to break up large continuous areas of single age class created by 2006-07 Fires BMZ DU883194 6069 No Wellington Heyfield Brobergs Reserve 2HHE224 3km NNW of Heyfield PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor north of the Heyfield township and create an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB. LMZ DT803989 27 Yes Wellington Heyfield - Dawson Reserve North Block 2HHE231 5km West of Heyfield COM OTHER AUTUMN ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC Non FPA Land DT759960 3 Yes Wellington Heyfield Glenmaggie Regional Park 2HHE245 4km NNE of Heyfield PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Bring the fuel hazard in line with risk landscape BMZ (8 year turn around). BMZ DU822002 85 No Wellington Loch Sport - Trig Track Nth 2HLS133 15km SW of Loch Sport Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. LMZ ET391796 268 No Wellington Lochsport Beacon Swamp East 2HLS207 6KM SW Of Loch Sport PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within the Loch Sport township APZ ET473865 310 No Wellington Holey PlainsTelephone Tk 2HSA159 8km SE of Rosedale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and BMZ DT892750 225 No Wellington Holey Plains Wattle Track 2HSA186 10km North West of Stradbroke PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ DT948692 291 No Wellington Holey Plains Rosedale Stradbroke 2HSA206 9KM East Of Willung PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ DT935675 305 No Wellington Stradbroke West Wellington Block 2HYA069 19KM SW Sale Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the recruitment of Wellington Mintbush before adult population senesces. LMZ DT897660 49 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 22 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Wellington Alberton Cemetery 2HYA116 2km South of Alberton DEPT OF HEALTH SUMMER ECO To reduce overall biomass and to encourage regeneration of native grasses. Non FPA Land DT712237 5 No Wellington Yarram-Dew Drop Inn 2HYA164 3.5km NE of Yarram DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DT744339 5 No Wellington Gormandale Powers Hill 2HYA168 5km South of Gormandale DELWP AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study LMZ dt754571 52 No Wellington Giffard - Kuchs Rd 2HYA188 7km South of Giffard PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ ET031420 227 No Wellington Woodside Beach Hidden Hide 2HYA195 4km north of Woodside Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and assist with protection of private property LMZ DT989362 334 No Wellington Giffard West Clements Road 2HYA196 6KM NE Of Giffard West PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ ET033576 625 No Wellington Woodside Beach Phalaris Block 2HYA197 5 km North of Woodside Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ DT977378 41 No Wellington Woodside Beach Swamp Trk 2HYA198 3km North of Woodside Beach PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ DT994353 45 No Wellington Toms Cap - Old Rosedale 2HYA202 9KM East Of Carrajung South DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ DT877531 965 No Wellington Gelliondale Banksia 2HYA205 6KM SW of Gelliondale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ DT602216 227 No Wellington Darriman Reserve Block 1 2HYA241 13km ENE of Darriman SUMMER ECO Remove ground thatch and maintain benchmark levels of tree and shrub cover for EVC. Non FPA Land ET073475 7 Yes Wellington Giffard West Tower Track 2HYA242 5km NNW of Giffard West PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ DT982579 268 Yes Wellington Gormandale Whites Rd 2HYA243 6km East of Gormandale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and stop the spread of fire into the Mullundung State Forest. LMZ DT813599 968 Yes Wellington Greenmount Elliots Rd 2HYA244 4km NE of Greenmount DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ DT782363 264 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 23 Macalister District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Wellington Willung Stradbroke Ffr 2HYA247 5km SE of Willung PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and offer protection to Basslink assets. LMZ DT875626 221 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 24 Macalister District SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance 121 Vegetation Modification 1896 Renewal (ha) New (ha) 26 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 Road or Location Name Locality No new Strategic Fuelbreak construction proposed in 2015/16 Operation Type Distance (km) - Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 25 - Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 SNOWY DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Dellicknora Taylors Camp 2OBE0005 3KM SW Dellicknora Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To complement works in adjacent fire zone 2 and provide a strategic corridor with sufficient width to create barrier and reduce spread of wildfire. BMZ FU464915 18 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Bendoc River 2OBE0009 0.5KM W Bendoc DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets where this can be achieved without compromising the fuel management objectives. APZ FU659868 20 No East Gippsland Bonang Koolabra Track 2OBE0010 5.5KM NNE Bonang DELWP AUTUMN FRB Reduce overall fuel hazard below high within bushfire moderation zone. Provide strategic protection to the Nth of Bonang. BMZ FU550880 124 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Mt Bendoc 2OBE0022 6KM E Bendoc Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO Zone 3. Introduce fire to maintain current vegetation values and promote regeneration to increase ecosystem diversity. Monitor the effects of fire on this vegetation type. A burn coverage of 50% mosaic. LMZ FU730870 165 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Mariott Creek 2OBE0027 4KM S Beneoc DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU676822 1359 No East Gippsland Dellicknora Wattle Swamp Creek 2OBE0029 2.5KM E Dellicknora DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU537918 737 No East Gippsland Tubbut Cameron Track 2OBE0058 8 KM E Tubbut PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FV498000 2916 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Bendoc Nature Conservation Reserve 2OBE0060 7 KM NE Bendoc PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO The main consideration is given to ensuring a reduction in grass biomass occurs to allow for the establishment of the endangered herb Discaria pubescence and other native species in the inter tussock spaces between grasses. LMZ FU727916 250 No East Gippsland Mallacoota Premier Tk 2OCR0011 5.5km NW Mallacoota Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ GU380415 142 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 26 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Mallacoota Charlie Creek 2OCR0012 5.5KM NW Mallacoota PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Zone 3: To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. Zone 2: Strategic Wildfire Moderation Zone - protection to Mallacoota community to South. BMZ Gu380430 444 No East Gippsland Cann River Winery 2OCR0015 1KM N Cann River DELWP SPRING FRB Protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU900407 16 No East Gippsland Southern Burn C 2OCR0016C 3KM SE Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO A landscape mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. LMZ FU925314 2628 No East Gippsland Southern Burn - F 2OCR0016F 4KM SE Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. LMZ FU975303 1 No East Gippsland Noorinbee - A 2OCR0018A 13KM WNW Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution (identified through fire ecology study). Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. BMZ FU895561 605 No East Gippsland Noorinbee - B 2OCR0018B 15 Km NW Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU908655 596 No East Gippsland Noorinbee - C 2OCR0018C 23 Km NW Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU813615 1 No East Gippsland Cann River Cemetery Track South 2OCR0019 1 KM E Cann River DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ FU901363 90 Yes East Gippsland Old Coast - B 2OCR0021B 11km ENE Bemm River Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. LMZ FU832221 100 No East Gippsland Cann River Axemans 2OCR0033 4KM E Cann River DELWP AUTUMN FRB Provide a barrier to the spread of wildfire within Z2. Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z3. BMZ FU969424 2319 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 27 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bemm River A 2OCR0037A 3KM N Bemm River DELWP AUTUMN FRB Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. To be treated over 5+ years. BMZ FU723255 3100 No East Gippsland Genoa - Upper Wingan River 2OCR0040 11KM W Genoa DELWP AUTUMN ECO Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z3. Provide a barrier to the spread of wildfire within Z2. LMZ GU145488 700 Yes East Gippsland Mallacoota Double Creek 2OCR0052 6KM NW Mallacoota Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ GU368439 843 No East Gippsland Karbeethong Mullet Creek 2OCR0119 3 KM North West Mallacoota DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ GU409414 86 Yes East Gippsland Club Terrace Blackwatch 2OCR0125 Club Terrace DELWP SPRING FRB Zone 2: Wildfire Moderation Zone, access and egress. Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire BMZ FU702423 116 No East Gippsland Cann River Noorinbee Tower Road 2OCR0142 6.5KM NW of Cann River DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ FU882463 305 Yes East Gippsland Genoa-Bens Track 2OCR0179 11Km West Genoa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ GU173500 1290 Yes East Gippsland Orbost - Boulder Creek 2OOR0002 38KM E Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB Provide a barrier to the spread of wildfire within Z2. Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z3. BMZ FU662348 754 No East Gippsland Orbost Whittinghams 2OOR0005 28KM E Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU626325 234 No East Gippsland Bemm River Swampy Ridges 2OOR0008 3KM W Bemm River PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor west of the Bemm River township and to build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone BMZ FU707204 905 No East Gippsland Orbost - Falls Creek Trk 2OOR0009 30KM E Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU570297 984 No East Gippsland Cape Conran Permit Area 2OOR0015 18KM E Marlo Parks Victoria SPRING FRB To reduce fuel hazard around the Conran cabins and capmground permit area. Spring and Autumn. APZ FU539155 28 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 28 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Club Terrace Puggaree Road 2OOR0024 8KM W Club Terrace DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU610435 1604 No East Gippsland Cape Conran Residence 2OOR0025 2KM NE Cape Conran Parks Victoria SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and high value assets. APZ FU542156 10 No East Gippsland Cape Conran Laughrans 2OOR0026 16KM E Marlo Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB ECO: to maintain a mosaic of different aged heath / woodland in the Cape Conran Costal park. Asset protection: to reduce the fuel hazard to the west of the Cape Conran Cabins, camping area and adjacent to private property. BMZ FU518154 118 No East Gippsland Orbost - Mount Raymond 2OOR0040 10KM E Orbost PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire.Provide protection to Mt Raymond communications tower. BMZ FU400250 3096 No East Gippsland Cabbage Tree Cabbage Tree Conran 2OOR0097 4.5 Km SE Cabbage Tree DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and provide asset protection outcomes for the Cabbage Tree and Marlo communities and the Cape Conran camping park/ tourist facilities LMZ FU543228 2825 No East Gippsland Marlo - Bushland Reserve West 2OOR0098 Marlo DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the township ofMarlo APZ FU358163 44 No East Gippsland Bemm River Bemm River North 2OOR0102 Bemm River DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the Bemm River township. APZ FU733196 6 No East Gippsland Marlo - William Court 2OOR0131 2.5 East of Marlo AUTUMN FRB To provide asset protection for the residents of the Marlo Township BMZ FU381155 21 No East Gippsland Orbost - Rocky River Road 2OOR0134 17km NE of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To build on the North - South zone 2 strategic corridor running parallel to the Brodribb River BMZ FU417386 8082 No East Gippsland Cabbage TreePows Road 2OOR0205 21km East Orbost DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and build on previous planned burning inthe immediate vicinity BMZ FU503267 49 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 29 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bendoc - Nelsons 2OBE0014 9KM SSW Bendoc PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Protection of identified environmental and cultural assets. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach. (test Euphrasia scabra`s regeneration response and coverages as part of seeding trials). LMZ FU642771 145 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Roaring Camp 2OBE0024 10 KM North East Bonang DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and BMZ FU553970 1224 No East Gippsland Delegate River Concordia Gully 2OBE0025 3KM SE Delegate River DELWP AUTUMN FRB Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach. LMZ FU580990 1086 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Helens Track South 2OBE0028 7KM ESE Bendoc DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU749834 347 No East Gippsland Bendoc - Corner Track 2OBE0083 6KM SE of Bendoc DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU641921 549 Yes East Gippsland Bonang - Rising Sun Road 2OBE0100 2KM North West Bonang DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU520828 435 Yes East Gippsland Bendoc-Bumperbar Track 2OBE0113 3km North West Bendoc DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and provide protection to the township of Bendoc BMZ FU640883 545 Yes East Gippsland Southern Burn - D 2OCR0016D 14KM S Cann River PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. BMZ FU905204 2146 No East Gippsland Noorinbee - D 2OCR0018D 22 Km NW Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU855609 2000 No East Gippsland Cann River - Hilo Rd 2OCR0027 6.5km NW Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU856448 135 No East Gippsland Genoa - Horse Hill Tk 2OCR0030 12km NW Genoa Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. BMZ GU185575 180 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 30 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location East Gippsland David Creek - A 2OCR0036A 7KM NE Mallacoota East Gippsland Genoa - Jones Creek 2OCR0039 6.5km W Genoa East Gippsland Cann River Drummer Road 2OCR0043 East Gippsland WangarabellMealing Hill East Gippsland Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no AUTUMN ECO Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution (identified through fire ecology study). Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. LMZ GU460505 2100 No DELWP AUTUMN ECO Provide a barrier to the spread of wildfire within Z2. Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z3. BMZ GU220500 4425 No 12KM E Cann River DELWP AUTUMN FRB Provide a barrier to the spread of wildfire within Z2. Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z3. BMZ GU017427 1856 Yes 2OCR0123 21Km North West Genoa PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified environmental and cultural assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. LMZ GU116635 2894 Yes Mallacoota - Betka River 2OCR0124 2 KM West Mallacoota DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ GU415377 380 Yes East Gippsland Cann River Cemetary Track North 2OCR0168 10KM NE Cann River DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU936500 274 Yes East Gippsland Noorinbee - Leslie Track 2OCR0169 12 KM SW of Cann River DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU940512 133 Yes East Gippsland Club TerraceWinyar Track 2OCR0171 1km South West Club Terrace DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ FU701408 873 Yes East Gippsland Genoa-Border Track 2OCR0174 9Km Nort East Genoa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. Complement fire protection works directly adjacent to the burn. BMZ GU364557 1153 Yes East Gippsland Bemm River Hekarwe Trk 2OOR0030 4KM SW Bemm River Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU697177 861 No East Gippsland Cape Conran Heathlands 2OOR0038 17KM E Marlo Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets around the Cape Conran Cabins and camping area and To bring fire age class distribution closer to the distribution identified through fire ecology study APZ FU527152 18 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 31 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bemm River - Alans Track 2OOR0096 Bemm River DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in Bemm River town. APZ FU724192 35 No East Gippsland Cabbage Tree Palm Track 2OOR0109 2KM SW Cabbage Tree PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ FU480225 2085 No East Gippsland Bemm River Sydenham Inlet Road 2OOR0132 FU640277 DELWP AUTUMN ECO Provide fire protection outcomes to the north west of Bemm River community To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU640277 3152 No East Gippsland Marlo - Bushland Reserve East And William Hunter Flora Reserve 2OOR0133 East of Marlo Township DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of the Marlo township and community APZ FU365158 22 No East Gippsland Orbost South Boundary Road 2OOR0135 3 Km North east Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of the Orbost township and community APZ FU305291 1100 No East Gippsland Orbost - Freds Track 2OOR0139 28kms East of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB Land Management Objectives: Landscape Management Zone Emphasis is on the Protection of identified environmental and cultural assets while providing fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach in Z 3. LMZ FU573257 1600 No East Gippsland Orbost - Garnetts Track 2OOR0156 10 KM NW of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and build on fire protection works directly adjacent to the burn BMZ FU208320 87 No East Gippsland Orbost - Beach Road 2OOR0158 7.5 KM SW of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor South West of the townships of Newmerella and Orbost. To build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone BMZ FU215186 3504 No East Gippsland Orbost - Wsm Road 2OOR0203 18Km West of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage. To provide bushfire protection in the landscape. To provide an ECOly resilient fire regime and to manage specific ecosystem values. LMZ FU105292 3089 Yes East Gippsland Cape Conran - Old Coast Road 2OOR0204 17Km East Marlo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage. To provide bushfire protection in the landscape. To provide an ECOly resilient fire regime and to manage specific ecosystem values. LMZ FU548181 1270 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 32 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bendoc -Mount Delegate 2OBE0023 4KM North East Bendoc PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Maximise ECO outcomes and protect identified and cultural environmental assets, while providing a barrier to the spread of wildfire. LMZ FU684915 304 Yes East Gippsland Tubbut - Laurie Trk 2OBE0097 10 KM N Tubbut PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FV414072 3500 No East Gippsland Bonang Monarch Gully Track 2OBE0098 8km North West Bonang DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ FU499889 860 Yes East Gippsland Bonang-Yellow Streak Mine Track 2OBE0115 9 km North East Bonang DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ FU555943 1168 Yes East Gippsland Southern Burn G 2OCR0016G 25KM SE Cann River Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution identified through fire ecology study. Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. LMZ GU112197 1 No East Gippsland Maramingo Hill -A 2OCR0022A 8.5km NNW Genoa DELWP AUTUMN FRB Mosaic burn to be undertaken using variations in space, time and method over a number of years. May occur across multiple Fire Management Zones. Bring fire age class distribution closer to the idealised distribution ( identified through fire ecology study ). Zoning objectives apply as defined by the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land. LMZ GU257570 2000 No East Gippsland Genoa Wangarabell 2OCR0038 7km NW Genoa DELWP AUTUMN ECO Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach. LMZ GU250544 1224 No East Gippsland Genoa - Tom Tk 2OCR0041 10KM NE Genoa DELWP AUTUMN ECO Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach. LMZ GU383540 990 No East Gippsland Genoa Sleeper Track 2OCR0045 9KM NE Genoa DELWP AUTUMN ECO Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets is required. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning approach. LMZ GU390560 453 No East Gippsland Genoa - Tasker Track 2OCR0050 10KM NW Genoa Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO Provide strategic protection to adjacent private property forested land and building assets at Wangarabell. LMZ GU181582 68 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 33 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Genoa - Ivor Track 2OCR0051 12KM NW Genoa Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and LMZ GU169594 24 No East Gippsland Cann River Wombat Hill 2OCR0053 12km NE Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO Emphasis on the protection of identified environmental and cultural assets. Provide fire protection benefits which compliment a whole of landscape mosaic burning. LMZ FU977495 4083 No East Gippsland Mallacoota Davis Creek 2OCR0054 0KM W Mallacoota DELWP AUTUMN FRB Maintain a nominated range of fuel characteristics within defined limits. Protection of identified environmental and cultural assets where this can be achieved without compromising the Z1 fuel management objectives. APZ GU425390 115 No East Gippsland Gypsy Point Tucks Track 2OCR0122 0.5KM South of Gypsy Point PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ GU372481 96 Yes East Gippsland Cann River Lagoon Hill Track 2OCR0140 9KM South of Cann River DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU874313 5716 Yes East Gippsland Cann River Horseshoe Road 2OCR0141 13Km East Cann River DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones LMZ GU040410 1496 No East Gippsland CombienbarHensleigh Creek Road 2OCR0173 6Km North West Combienbar DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage. To provide bushfire protection in the landscape. To provide an ECOly resilient fire regime and to manage specific ecosystem values. LMZ FU763657 3558 Yes East Gippsland Gypsy Point Gypsy Point Road 2OCR0175 2KM South West of Gypsy Point PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ GU359472 128 Yes East Gippsland Mallacoota Shipwreck Creek 2OCR0176 9KM SW of Mallacoota PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ GU385322 703 Yes East Gippsland Marlo - Ricardo 2OOR0022 10KM E Marlo Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To encourage assemblage of coastal heathlands and to bring fire age class distribution within the idealised distribution for the Coastal Sand Heathland ECO Vegetation Class as identified through fire ecology study. LMZ FU445148 189 No East Gippsland Marlo Aerodrome 2OOR0034 5KM E Marlo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Maintain patchy mosaic within PV land tenure and provide strategic protection for Marlo Plains community, Marlo (Coastal School) Snowy River Campus and Marlo Aerodrome infrastructure on Shire land. LMZ FU414154 101 No East Gippsland Cape Conran Swampy Crk 2OOR0037 2.5KM NE Cape Conran Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and high value assets. LMZ FU550158 33 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 34 Snowy District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Cape Conran Yeerung Road North 2OOR0138 18km East of Marlo PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB 1.ECO: to maintain a mosaic of different aged heath / woodland in the Cape Conran Coastal park. BMZ FU531156 39 No 2.Asset protection: to reduce the fuel hazard to the north of the Cape Conran Cabins, camping area and adjacent to private property. East Gippsland Bemm River Pearl Point Road 2OOR0140 3KM SW Bemm River PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU720170 608 No East Gippsland Cabbage Tree Old Kent Road 2OOR0155 29 Km north East Orbost DELWP AUTUMN ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage. To provide bushfire protection in the landscape. To provide an ECOly resilient fire regime and to manage specific ecosystem values. LMZ FU470466 3300 Yes East Gippsland Orbost - Back Break Track 2OOR0159 12 Km NW of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN ECO To build on asset protection works completed adjacent to the burn. To provide protection from wild fire to the Bete Bolong /Orbost communities, to forestry regen and rainforest site of significance to the east of the burn. LMZ FU162306 791 No East Gippsland Orbost Coulsons Road 2OOR0160 6KM ENE of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU355295 1322 No To develop a fuel reduced corridor North of the Orbost township and farmland. To build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone East Gippsland Manorina-Hippo Track 2OOR0194 1Km East Manorina DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and to complement previous planned burning. BMZ FU590293 122 Yes East Gippsland Orbost-Knob Track 2OOR0196 7km North Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ FU272329 220 Yes East Gippsland Orbost Lightwood Track 2OOR0197 12 KM NE Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To create a mosaic burn coverage. To provide bushfire protection in the landscape. To provide an ECOly resilient fire regime and to manage specific ecosystem values. LMZ FU371349 3545 Yes East Gippsland Orbost - Old Bonang Highway 2OOR0198 5km North Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ FU295307 347 Yes East Gippsland Orbost Partellis Crossing Road 2OOR0200 14KM West of Orbost DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ FU143253 2508 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 35 Snowy District: SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Renewal (ha) New (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance Vegetation Modification 487 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 Road or Location Name Locality No new Strategic Fuelbreak construction proposed in 2015/16 Operation Type Distance (km) - Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 36 - Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 TAMBO DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Boole Poole Boole Poole Peninsula 2BBB0001 6KM SE Paynesville Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO Reintroduce fire to provide diversity in habitat and vegetation, to encourage regeneration of wattle and pea species and to develop a fuel reduced corridor to the east of a remote community. LMZ EU690001 239 No East Gippsland Lindenow South Saplings Morass 2BBB0008 20KM W Bairnsdale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To modify the vegetation composition across the planned area to assist the promotion of Swamp Everlasting Daisy; and provide bushfire protection for the Lindenow South community by reducing overall fuel hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU330119 8 No East Gippsland Raymond Island Centre Road North 2BBB0012 1.5KM E Paynesville Parks Victoria WINTER FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and to build on adjacent protection works. To maintain ECO resilience by promoting different growth stages of fire influenced species. LMZ EU650035 5 No East Gippsland Wuk Wuk - Kill Me Dead Track 2BBB0014 20KM NW Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce bushfire hazard in the landscape by creating an irregular mosaic of fuel reduced areas which will complement protection works in the adjacent Bushfire Moderation Zone. LMZ EU380290 499 No East Gippsland Ensay - Fainting Range 2BBB0015A 7KM NE Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones and to protect the mountain ash forest and EPBC listed species on Mt Elizabeth. BMZ EU810540 844 No East Gippsland Tambo Crossing Deans Track 2BBB0015B 3KM NE Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape by establishing an irregular mosaic of fuel reduced areas to provide protection for the adjacent private property and the significant ECO values on Mt Elizabeth. LMZ EU785498 569 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 37 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Fernbank Recreation Reserve 2BBB0018 25km W Bairnsdale Committee of Management DSE direct management AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of grassland species in densities that double 2 years after burning and provide protection to adjacent private property and assets by reducing fuel hazard in the landscape to minimise the spread of bushfires. LMZ EU283081 1 No East Gippsland Bullumwaal German Gully Road 2BBB0022 8.5KM E Bullumwaal DSE AUTUMN ECO Reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage, and improve bushfire protection to the north of Clifton Creek by building on FRB works in the adjacent Asset Protection Zone. LMZ EU569328 1268 No East Gippsland Flaggy Creek Rain Gauge Track 2BBB0025 5.5KM NW Flaggy Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce bushfire hazard in the landscape by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas which will build adjacent fuel management works to the west and minimise the spread of bushfire. LMZ EU417275 740 No East Gippsland Lindenow South Recreation Reserve West 2BBB0026 14KM W Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the adjacent private property and assets in the Lindenow South community by creating a fuel reduced area which will reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape to minimise the spread of bushfires. LMZ EU374128 8 No East Gippsland Moormurng Redcourt Lane North 2BBB0027 11KM SW Bairnsdale Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the adjacent private property and assets by creating a fuel reduced area which will reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape to minimise the spread of bushfire. LMZ EU430055 163 No East Gippsland Tabberabbera Horse Shoe Bend 2BBB0030 35KM NW Bairnsdale Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire, and to promote a diversity of age class structure in long unburnt fire-dependent vegetation communities. BMZ EU313390 570 No East Gippsland Waterholes Archies Road 2BBB0031 13.4KM NW Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide protection for the Waterholes and Bruthen communities by creating a fuel reduced area to the northwest to reduce bushfire risk, and reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage. BMZ EU621338 143 No East Gippsland Waterholes Dinghy Creek 2BBB0032 10.3KM NW Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide bushfire protection to Clifton Creek by developing a fuel reduced area which will reduce the spread of fire, and reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 Great Divide Fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage. BMZ EU653328 139 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 38 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Tambo Playgrounds 2BBB0038 11km NE Bruthen PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To apply fire to break up distribution of over represented vegetation growth stages, to assist in diversifying vegetation communities that have extended past maximum tolerable fire intervals and to reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU811413 2263 No East Gippsland Bruthen - Pound Yard 2BBB0045 10KM N Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN ECO As per the 2006/07 Great Divide Fire Area Planned Burning Guide. Dual objectives: Enhance growth stage diversity and develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the Bruthen township. LMZ EU738366 906 No East Gippsland Fairy Dell - Wards Road 2BBB0048 15.3KM N Sarsfeild DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide protection for Sarsfield and Bruthen by creating a fuel reduced area to the north and west to reduce bushfire risk, and reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage. BMZ EU643298 511 No East Gippsland Waterholes Stockyard Track 2BBB0051 7.5KM NNE Clifton Creek DELWP AUTUMN ECO To reduce fire risk in the Clifton Creek community by building on adjacent FRB works which will reduce the spread of fire, and reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage. BMZ EU602310 659 No East Gippsland Wiseleigh Wiseleigh Track 2BBB0052 3KM NW Wiseleigh DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce bushfire hazard for the Wiseleigh community by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas which will complement fuel management works in the adjacent Asset Protection Zone and minimise bushfire spread and spotting potential. LMZ EU692294 387 No East Gippsland Mt Taylor Glenlee Road 2BBB0054 10km N Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of bushfire protection to human life and property in the Mount Taylor community by reducing overall fuel hazard on the public/private interface to mitigate radiant heat and ember attack in a bushfire. APZ EU540249 198 No East Gippsland Tambo Crossing Conns Boundary 2BBB0073 5km West of Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the Tambo Crossing community by maintaining fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire spread, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ EU688502 839 No East Gippsland Fernbank Resides Lane North 2BBB0083 4km NE Fernbank DEPT OF TRANSPORT AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Gippsland Plains herbaceous grassland species including Purple Diuris in densities at least double than present within one year of burning. Non FPA Land EU322109 3 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 39 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bruthen - Mcleans Loop 2BBB0086 1.8km N Bruthen DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life and property by reducing fuels to the north of the Bruthen community and reducing impacts of radiant heat and ember attack in the event of bushfire. APZ EU734284 45 No East Gippsland Mossiface Baines Road Reserve 2BBB0096 1km S Mossiface PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To maintain a mosaic of vegetation age classes to promote ECO resilience; and provide localised protection to surrounding landholders by reducing fuels and bushfire hazard. LMZ EU719221 16 No East Gippsland Forge Creek Romawi Road 2BBB0097 5km WSW Eagle Point DELWP SPRING FRB To maintain a mosaic of vegetation age classes to promote ECO resilience; and provide localised protection to the Forge Creek community by reducing fuels and bushfire hazard. LMZ EU549049 4 No East Gippsland Macleod Morass Cobblers Creek 2BBB0098 1km S Bairnsdale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To use fire as an initial treatment to reduce the density of over abundant populations of Cumbungi and Common Reed from an area of the Macleod Morass Reserve, and establish a fuel reduced area to protect the morass during a bushfire incident. LMZ EU545107 16 No East Gippsland Bairnsdale Racecourse 2BBB0102 500m S Bairnsdale COM LOCAL SPRING FRB To provide protection to human life and highly valued assets at the Bairnsdale Racecourse. Non FPA Land EU532114 11 No East Gippsland Lindenow South Rec Reserve South East 2BBB0110 500m South of Lindenow COM LOCAL SPRING FRB To reduce fuels within the Recreation Reserve and assist Committee of Management with blackberry control. Non FPA Land EU380125 2 Yes East Gippsland Fernbank Resides Lane South 2BBB0123 4km NE of Fernbank DEPT OF TRANSPORT AUTUMN ECO Reduce grassy biomass to promote orchid and herb diversity within Grassland & Grassy Woodland EVC`s. Non FPA Land EU327112 3 No East Gippsland Bengworden Flora Reserve 2BBB0126 18km SW Bairnsdale PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO To modify vegetation structure across the planned burn area to promote floristic diversity in the Bengworden Nature Conservation Reserve grassland. LMZ EU419008 2 Yes East Gippsland Buchan - The Bluff 2BNN0001 1KM N Buchan COM PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Limestone Blue wattle in densities at least double than present within two years of burning; and develop a fuel reduced area of sufficient coverage to protect the Buchan community in the event of a bushfire. BMZ FU032502 12 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 40 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Gelantipy Glenmore 2BNN0002 9KM W Gelantipy DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Butchers Ridge community by reducing overall fuel hazard west of the community, focusing on treating the Bushfire Moderation Zone to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in a bushfire event. LMZ FU030780 1974 No East Gippsland Gelantipy - Rocky Plains 2BNN0004 30KM NW Gelantipy Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Thesium australe in densities at least double than present within two years of burning. LMZ FV054133 1 No East Gippsland Gelantipy - Rocky Plains Creek 2BNN0005 29KM NW Gelantipy Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Thesium australe in densities at least double than recorded in the last ten years within two years of burning. LMZ FV056134 1 No East Gippsland Lake Tyers - Red Bluff 2BNN0007 7KM ENE Lakes Entrance PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets at Lake Tyers Beach. LMZ EU937090 8 No East Gippsland Buchan - Tara Range 2BNN0020C 7km SE Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for Buchan and the surrounding communities by establishing a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ FU060430 2427 No East Gippsland Gelantipy Butchers Creek 2BNN0021 14KM NNE Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for Murrindal and Buchan by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas to the north of the communities which will reduce overall bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ FU111630 3093 No East Gippsland Lakes Entrance Bunga Creek 2BNN0024 6KM N Lakes Entrance DELWP SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Lakes Entrance community by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas in the landscape to the north of the township, which will complement protection works in the adjacent Asset Protection Zone. LMZ EU870125 196 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa Lambournes Break 2BNN0027 3KM W Nowa Nowa DSE AUTUMN FRB Multiple objectives across multiple zones. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ EU934234 980 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa - Mt Nowa Nowa 2BNN0028 5KM N Nowa Nowa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Nowa Nowa and surrounding communities by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas to the north and west of the communities which will complement protection works in the adjacent Asset Protection Zone. LMZ EU975285 650 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 41 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Wulgulmerang Splitters Creek 2BNN0030 10KM NW Wulgulmerang DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide strategic protection for the Wulgulmerang community by developing a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity west of the community to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting in the event of a bushfire. BMZ FV075045 1324 No East Gippsland Lakes Entrance Gray Track 2BNN0042 13km NW Lakes Entrance PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the adjacent private property and assets in the Swan Reach community by reducing overall fuel hazard to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ EU787181 133 No East Gippsland Buchan - Green Hills 2BNN0045 25KM N BUCHAN DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide access to Buchan River and tributaries for weed control, promote a diversity of age class structure in long unburnt firedependent vegetation communities and reduce bushfire hazard by creating a mosaic of fuel reduces areas in the landscape. LMZ FU016755 941 No East Gippsland Wairewa - Five Mile Road 2BNN0057 2km NW Wairewa DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including adjacent properties and the Wiarewa community. APZ FU013290 18 No East Gippsland Buchan Caves Northern Arm 2BNN0066 1km NE of Buchan COM PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide protection to the Buchan Caves Reserve and recreation assets by developing fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ FU020500 62 No East Gippsland Buchan South Roberts Road 2BNN0070 2KM West Buchan South DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of bushfire protection for human life and property in the Buchan South community by reducing overall fuel hazard on the public/private interface to mitigate radiant heat and ember attack during a bushfire. APZ EU967444 29 No East Gippsland Wairewa - Lemon Hill North 2BNN0082 2km N Wairewa DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of protection to human life and property in the Wairewa community by reducing overall fuel hazard to minimise radient heat and ember attack during a bushfire. APZ FU010310 449 No East Gippsland Buchan South Holloways Road 2BNN0083 12km SW Buchan DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life and property by reducing fuels to the west of the Buchan South community and reducing impacts of radiant heat and ember attack in the event of bushfire. APZ EU963395 169 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 42 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Wulgulmerang Little River 2BNN0103 6km NW of Wulgulmerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Thesium australe in densities at least double than recorded in the last ten years within two years of burning. BMZ FV100073 3 Yes East Gippsland Cassilis - Springs Trk 2SSC0004 1km W Cassilis PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area west of Cassilis to mitigate potential spread of fire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU517804 689 No East Gippsland Benambra - Old Besford Trk 2SSC0009 14km N Benambra PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To achieve fuel reduced areas north of Benambra to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards nearby properties and communities. BMZ EV648249 795 No East Gippsland Benambra Benambra Corryong Rd 2SSC0010 14km N Benambra PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To reduce fuel hazard along the Benambra Corryong Rd, north of Benambra to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards nearby properties and communities. LMZ EV632254 324 No East Gippsland Omeo - Mt Sam 2SSC0012 3km NW Omeo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain a fuel reduced area north of Omeo to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU514969 1167 No East Gippsland Omeo - Connleys Trk 2SSC0013 6km W Omeo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain a fuel reduced area northwest of Omeo to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU470965 305 No East Gippsland Benambra Teapot Ck Tk 2SSC0043 13km ENE Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EV736095 499 No East Gippsland Bundara - Grays Hill Tk 2SSC0044 7km N of Cobungra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain a fuel reduced area northwest of Omeo to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. BMZ EV381016 1041 No East Gippsland Ensay - Cooks Brk 2SSC0047 7km NE of Ensay DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced corridor north east of Ensay to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjacent properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU794686 633 No East Gippsland Omeo - Bazeley Street 2SSC0051 0.5km W of Omeo DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor within the Omeo township adjacent to assets. BMZ EU521937 6 No East Gippsland Benambra Limestone Road 2SSC0068 12 km ENE Benambra DELWP WINTER FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and maintain fuel reduced area for emergency egress. LMZ EV736158 152 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 43 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Benambra Uplands 2SSC0069 9 km NNE Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire towards Benambra and surrounding properties. LMZ EV643188 620 Yes East Gippsland Omeo - Oriental Claims 2SSC0070 1 km W Omeo PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide strategic protection to human life and property by maintaining a fuel reduced area west of Omeo. BMZ EU510927 75 Yes East Gippsland Glen Valley Wallaby Creek 2SSC0072 20km NW Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the risk of wildfire spreading towards surrounding communities. LMZ EV433165 3400 Yes East Gippsland Tambo Crossing Dahlstrom Break 2SSC0075 3km NW Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of wildfire towards Tambo Crossing and surrounding properties. BMZ EU719509 2310 Yes East Gippsland Anglers Rest Bingo Coach Track 2SSC1201 2km SE Anglers Rest PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To maintain a fuel reduced area southeast of Anglers Rest to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards nearby camping areas and adjoining properties. BMZ EV437060 13 No East Gippsland Benambra - The Sisters Track 2SSC1203 8km SE Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area south of Benambra to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EV677050 426 No East Gippsland Omeo - Mt Mesley 2SSC1204 1km N Omeo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain fuel reduced areas north and west of Omeo to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. BMZ EU491946 876 No East Gippsland Cobungra- West Hill Trk 2SSC1408 6.5KM S OF COBUNGRA DSE AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area northwest of Cassilis to mitigate potential spread of fire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU379878 1672 No East Gippsland Glen Valley Trapyard Gap Track 2SSC1410 19km NW Omeo Parks Victoria AUTUMN FRB To achieve fuel reduced areas north of Omeo to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EV400090 1500 No Wellington Jones - Mount Steve 2BBB0087 10km NE Dargo DELWP AUTUMN FRB Reintroduce fire into the Great Divide Fire area to enhance growth diversity throughout the Wentworth landscape with a mosaic burn coverage; and to provide bushfire protection outcomes reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire risk in the landscape. LMZ EU331598 2343 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 44 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Raymond Island - Centre Road South 2BBB0029 1.5KM E Paynesville Parks Victoria WINTER FRB To reduce bushfire hazard for the adjacent private property and assets by developing fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to minimise bushfire spread and ember spotting potential. LMZ EU651034 4 No East Gippsland Waterholes Ames Creek 2BBB0033 13.2KM NW Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage, and improve bushfire protection by reducing fuel hazard to the north and west of Clifton Creek and Bruthen to reduce the spread of bushfire. LMZ EU632353 535 No East Gippsland Wattle Point Williamson Road 2BBB0034 15KM S Bairnsdale Parks Victoria AUTUMN ECO Introduce fire into fire dependent EVC with no disturbance history to promote ECO resilience of Lowland Forest / Damp Sands Herb Rich Woodland Mosaic; and provide localised bushfire protection for adjoining private property by reducing OFH to Mod. LMZ ET556976 9 No East Gippsland Mount Alfred Wattle Creek Road 2BBB0050 9.8KM W Bullumwaal DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Lindenow and surrounding communities by maintaining a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in a bushfire incident. BMZ EU372312 681 No East Gippsland Melwood - Mia Mia Road 2BBB0068 2km ENE of Melwood DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection to the Mount Taylor community and assets by developing fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ EU471247 126 No East Gippsland Melwood Mount Lookout 2BBB0069 1km E of Melwood DELWP SPRING FRB To provide protection to the Melwood and Mount Taylor communities and assets by developing fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. LMZ EU462237 34 No East Gippsland Mitchell River Roaring Mag 2BBB0072 10km ENE Glenaladale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic pattern of burnt and unburnt areas across the planned area targeting fire dependent vegetation located along ridge lines, and achieve bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU332322 961 No East Gippsland Flaggy Creek Watts Creek Track 2BBB0084 7km N Lindenow DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to the North of Wuk Wuk and Flaggy Creek; to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfire, reduce ember attack and to build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone. BMZ EU400240 387 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 45 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Wuk Wuk Parkers Road West 2BBB0085 9km NNW Lindenow DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life and property in the Wuk Wuk and Flaggy Creek communities by reducing fuels and minimising impacts of radiant heat and ember attack from bushfire. APZ EU385260 97 No East Gippsland Tambo Crossing - Stagg Boundary 2BBB0088 3.5km SW Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity east of Tambo Crossing to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires, reduce ember attack and to provide localised protection to human life and property in the Tambo Crossing community. BMZ EU703471 558 No East Gippsland Bruthen - Pipe Dump Road South 2BBB0090 1.5km NW Bruthen DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life and property by reducing fuels to the north of the Bruthen community and reducing impacts of radiant heat and ember attack in the event of bushfire. APZ EU724284 55 No East Gippsland Mount Taylor Orrs Road Reserve North 2BBB0094 3.2km E Mount Taylor PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To maintain a mosaic of vegetation age classes to promote ECO resilience; and provide localised protection to surrounding landholders by reducing fuels and bushfire hazard. LMZ EU563228 25 No East Gippsland Mount Taylor Orrs Road Reserve South 2BBB0095 3.3km SE Mount Taylor PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To maintain a mosaic of vegetation age classes to promote ECO resilience; and provide localised protection to surrounding landholders by reducing fuels and bushfire hazard. LMZ EU559210 12 No East Gippsland Clifton Creek Waterholes & Fishers 2BBB0111 15km NE of Bairnsdale DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a roadside fuel reduced area to the East of Waterholes Road in the Clifton Creek Area. LMZ EU606274 8 Yes East Gippsland Mount Taylor Bedgoods Road 2BBB0112 15km NE of Bairnsdale DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the West of private property in the Bedgoods Road area, of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and spread of bushfires. BMZ EU523266 45 Yes East Gippsland Boggy Creek Faulkner Spur Rd 2BBB0113 13 N OF Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to the north west of private property along Bullumwaal Rd near Boggy Creek of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ EU500290 206 Yes East Gippsland Wiseleigh Nicholson Creek Rd Far East 2BBB0114 4km W of Bruthen DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including adjacent private property; and the Wiseleigh & Bruthen townships. APZ EU693261 36 Yes East Gippsland Bruthen Monkey Creek 2BBB0115 6km WNW of Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires to the north of the Wiseleigh and Bruthen townships; and build on protection works in adjacent Asset Protection Zone. BMZ EU699332 1441 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 46 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Waterholes Nicholson River 2BBB0116 23km North East of Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the West of the private property along Waterholes Road. BMZ EU621349 190 Yes East Gippsland Timbarra - Cutts Creek South 2BBB0117 11km West of Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ EU892492 3055 Yes East Gippsland Glenaladale Yellow Man Track 2BBB0127 7km NW of Glenaladale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including adjoining private property and the Glenaladale community. BMZ EU248287 165 Yes East Gippsland Forge Creek Forge Creek 2BBB0128 9km South of Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN ECO To modify the vegetation structure & across the planned area to reduce weed species and assist the promotion native grass species of Plains Grassy Woodland and Damp Sands Herb Rich Woodland EVC`s Non FPA Land EU559044 45 Yes East Gippsland Bairnsdale Marriage Lane South 2BBB0129 6km WSW of Bairnsdale AUTUMN ECO Reduce grassy biomass to promote orchid and herb diversity within Grassland EVC. Non FPA Land EU487117 1 Yes East Gippsland Bairnsdale Marriage Lane North 2BBB0130 6km WWS of Bairnsdale DEPT OF TRANSPORT AUTUMN ECO Reduce grassy biomass to promote orchid and herb diversity within Grassland EVC. Non FPA Land EU487118 1 No East Gippsland Hillside - Hillsdie Lane North 2BBB0131 4km WSW of Hillside DEPT OF TRANSPORT AUTUMN ECO Reduce grassy biomass to promote orchid and herb diversity within Grassland EVC. LMZ EU434127 3 Yes East Gippsland Hillside - Hillside Lane South 2BBB0132 3km WSW of Hillside DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reduce grassy biomass to promote orchid and herb diversity within Grassland EVC. LMZ EU434126 3 Yes East Gippsland Buchan - Sunny Point 2BNN0019 5KM N Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Buchan community by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas to the northwest of the township which will complement protection works in the adjacent Bushfire Moderation Zone. LMZ FU025540 2353 No East Gippsland Gelantipy - The Meadows 2BNN0023 7KM SE Gelantipy PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. LMZ FU180770 1951 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa Stoney Creek 2BNN0026 11KM NE Lakes Entrance PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for and improve access and egress along the Princes Highway for the communities around Toorloo Arm by developing a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. LMZ EU926159 36 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa Nelsons Road 2BNN0029 2KM SE Nowa Nowa PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the residents` east of Nelsons Road by developing a fuel reduced corridor which will reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU977220 209 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 47 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Lakes Entrance Ford Track 2BNN0031 11km NNW Lakes Entrance DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and provide bushfire protection to the fire exclusion zone located along the southern boundary (Ford Track). LMZ EU810201 817 No East Gippsland Gelantipy - Bald Hills 2BNN0034 13KM W Gelantipy DELWP AUTUMN FRB Provide protection to Gelantipy. Multiple zones with unique objectives: BMZ- To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of wildfire. LMZ- reduce overall fuel hazard and promote ecosystem resilience. BMZ FU025820 7736 No East Gippsland Bruthen Deadhorse Creek 2BNN0075 7KM E Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce bushfire hazard for the adjacent private property and across the broader landscape by developing a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ EU810255 1227 No East Gippsland Buchan South Rankins Road North 2BNN0085 11km SW Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life and property by reducing fuels to the west of the Buchan South community and reducing impacts of radiant heat and ember attack in the event of bushfire. APZ EU960410 265 No East Gippsland Buchan South Davidsons Lane 2BNN0099 6km South West of Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including the Buchan South and Buchan communities; and adjacent private property. APZ EU970472 677 Yes East Gippsland Bundara Youngs Hut Trk 2SSC0003 8km W Angelers Rest PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area northwest of Anglers Rest to mitigate potential spread of fire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EV341071 1140 No East Gippsland Benambra Beloka Log Rd 2SSC0025 15km NE Benambra DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor along the Beloka Log Rd LMZ EV722269 180 No East Gippsland Benambra Murphys Forest Rd 2SSC0049 10km North of Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain a fuel reduced corridor north of Benambra to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. BMZ EV603200 589 No East Gippsland Omeo Valley Gray Creek 2SSC0071 11 km NW Benambra PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire towards Omeo and Benambra communities. BMZ EV532186 4100 Yes East Gippsland Bindi Escarpment Track 2SSC0073 16km NE Swifts Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of wildfire towards surrounding communities and fire sensitive forest values. LMZ EU773860 4700 Yes East Gippsland Cassilis Powers Gully Track 2SSC0074 13 KM W SWIFTS CREEK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of wildfire towards nearby communities. PBEZ EU507764 700 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 48 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Brookville Christmas Ridge 2SSC0077 13km SW Swifts Creek DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire towards Brookville and surrounding areas. BMZ EU536680 350 Yes East Gippsland Benambra Tambo River 2SSC1301 13km SE Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce fuel hazard to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjacent Stockman Mine Project and nearby communities. LMZ EV799067 2740 No East Gippsland OmeoKosciusko Lookout 2SSC1308 6KM SW OMEO DELWP SPRING FRB To reduce fuel hazard surrounding the Kosciusko Lookout recreation area west of Omeo. LMZ EU475911 41 No Wellington Dargo Murdering Spur South 2BBB0118 12km North East of Dargo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU315640 3332 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 49 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no Alpine Cobungra - Great Alpine Road 2SSC0023 7km NW Cobungra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To maintain a fuel reduced area to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. BMZ EU322983 1400 No Alpine Cobungra- Victoria River Trk 2SSC1307 4KM W OF Cobungra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area west of Cobungra to mitigate potential spread of fire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU332942 465 No East Gippsland Deptford - Farm Store Creek 2BBB0046 25KM N Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN ECO To provide bushfire protection to Clifton Creek by developing a fuel reduced area which will reduce the spread of fire, and reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 Great Divide Fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage. BMZ EU608375 904 No East Gippsland Deptford Nicholson Creek Link 2BBB0047 14.7KM NE Bullumwaal DELWP AUTUMN ECO Reintroduce fire into the 2006/07 fire area to enhance growth stage diversity by burning with a mosaic coverage, and improve bushfire protection by reducing fuel hazard to the north and west of Waterholes to reduce the spread of bushfire. BMZ EU606398 147 No East Gippsland Wuk Wuk Harding Road East 2BBB0089 10km NNW Lindenow DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to the North of Wuk Wuk and Flaggy Creek; to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfire, reduce ember attack and to build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone. BMZ EU374269 457 No East Gippsland Deptford - Beard Creek 2BBB0092 13km NE Bullumwaal DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reintroduce fire back into the 2006/07 Great Divide Fire area; promote ECO resilience through maintenance of a mosaic of age classes; and reduce bushfire risk to the north of Deptford by reducing fuels across the landscape. LMZ EU583436 2473 No East Gippsland Tambo Crossing Rouches Road East 2BBB0093 5KM SW Tambo Crossing DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires, reduce ember attack and to provide localised protection to human life and property. BMZ EU696420 2680 No East Gippsland Tabberabbera Morris Peak West 2BBB0119 32km North West of Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ EU370455 3189 Yes East Gippsland Wiseleigh Nicholson Creek Rd East 2BBB0120 4km West of Bruthen DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including adjacent private property and the Wiseleigh and Bruthen communities. APZ EU688266 52 Yes East Gippsland Bruthen - Rowley Creek 2BBB0121 2.5km NW of Bruthen DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including the Bruthen community to the SE. BMZ EU710289 303 Yes Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 50 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Bruthen - Brooks Road East 2BBB0122 1km North of Bruthen DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of localised protection to human life, property and community assets identified as highly valued including adjacent properties and Bruthen township to the south. APZ EU732278 21 Yes East Gippsland Mitchell River Np Bald Hill Creek 2BBB0124 24km North West of Bairnsdale PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ EU355320 910 Yes East Gippsland Mt Alfred - Kill Me Dead Creek 2BBB0125 22km North West of Bairnsdale DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ EU385315 485 Yes East Gippsland Buchan Hills Reserve A 2BNN0032 14KM SW Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the adjacent private property and assets in the Buchan community by creating a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape to minimise the spread of bushfires. LMZ EU970374 56 No East Gippsland Buchan Hills Reserve B 2BNN0033 12KM SW Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the adjacent private property and assets in the Buchan community by creating a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape to minimise the spread of bushfires. LMZ EU978393 64 No East Gippsland Gelantipy - Mount Elephant 2BNN0035 13KM SSW Gelantipy DELWP, Parks and Forests AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the W Tree community by creating a mosaic of fuel reduced areas in the landscape to complement works in the adjacent Bushfire Moderation Zone. LMZ FU070680 909 No East Gippsland Lake Tyers - Cliff Road 2BNN0036 6KM ENE Lakes Entrance PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Lake Tyers Beach community by burning in a mosaic pattern to reduce overall fuel hazard to minimise fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in a bushfire event. LMZ EU931090 15 No East Gippsland Lakes Entrance Casey Creek 2BNN0037 9KM N Lakes Entrance DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Lakes Entrance and surrounding communities by maintaining a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in a bushfire incident. BMZ EU870150 751 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa Radar Hill 2BNN0038 10KM NW Nowa Nowa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Nowa Nowa and Toorloo Arm communities by maintaining a fuel reduced area of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ eu880285 1878 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa - 5 Mile 2BNN0041 4km NE Nowa Nowa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Nowa Nowa and Wairewa communities and assets by reducing overall fuel hazard north and west of the communities to reduce fire speed, intensity and ember spotting potential in the event of a bushfire. BMZ EU995285 697 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 51 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Nowa Nowa - Old Buchan Road 2BNN0067 2.6 KM North East Nowa Nowa DELWP SPRING FRB To provide the highest level of bushfire protection for human life and property in the Nowa Nowa township by reducing fuel hazard to mitigate radiant heat and ember attack during a bushfire. APZ EU985255 433 No East Gippsland Nowa Nowa Bruthen Buchan Road 2BNN0069 3 KM North Nowa Nowa DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection for the Nowa Nowa and Wairewa communities and the Mt Nowa Nowa fire infrastructure by reducing overall fuel hazard north of the communities, with a focus on treating the Asset Protection Zone and Bushfire Moderation Zone. LMZ EU962298 1536 No East Gippsland Buchan - Mt Mcleod 2BNN0071 7KM NE Of Buchan DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide protection for the adjacent private property and the Mt McLeod infrastructure by creating an irregular mosaic of areas of FRB which will reduce overall fuel hazard in the landscape. LMZ FU108537 438 No East Gippsland Timbarra - Camp Oven Gap Track 2BNN0084 2km N Timbarra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection to the north of Timbarra by reducing overall fuel and bushfire hazard reduced through mosaic burning across the landscape; and treating areas of long unburnt EVC Valley Grassy Forest. LMZ EU930750 5170 No East Gippsland Balley Hooley River Junction 2BNN0086 8km E Buchan PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of localised protection to human life and property adjacent to the east of the burn area by reducing fuels and minimising the spread, speed, intensity and ember attack of bushfire. LMZ FU120495 280 No East Gippsland Lakes Entrance Cunningham Rd North 2BNN0100 13km North West of Lakes Entrance PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To build on protection works in adjacent Asset Protection Zone. BMZ EU782171 95 Yes East Gippsland Wulgulmerang Mt Seldom Seen 2BNN0101 6km SW of Wulgulmerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Wulgulmeraand and slow the spread of bushfires from the Buchan River catchment. BMZ FU060965 2893 Yes East Gippsland Gelantipy Robinson Road 2BNN0102 1.3km West of Gelantipy DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. To develop a fuel reduced area to the West of Gelantipy. LMZ FU100820 659 Yes East Gippsland Omeo - Zig Zag Trk 2SSC0002 10km WNW Cassilis DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards neighbouring properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU432839 2000 No East Gippsland Cassilis Stockyard Trk 2SSC0005 1km N Cassilis DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area north of Cassilis and northwest of Swifts Creek to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjacent properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU535825 340 No East Gippsland Tongio - Lees Trk 2SSC0014 4km N Tongio DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area north of Swifts Creek to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU656901 1400 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 52 Tambo District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New burn yes /no East Gippsland Benambra - Mt Misery Road 2SSC0026 15 km NE Benambra DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area northeast of Benambra to mitigate potential spread of fire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EV806183 3723 No East Gippsland Omeo - Mt Livingstone 2SSC0045 7km SW of Omeo DELWP AUTUMN FRB To reduce fuel hazard surrounding critical infrastructure located on Mt Livingstone and to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU481873 560 No East Gippsland Ensay - Logies Tk 2SSC0046 12km SE of Ensay DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve a fuel reduced area east of Ensay and northwest of Buchan to mitigate potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. LMZ EU851594 320 No East Gippsland Omeo Valley Burnside 2SSC0048 18km North Omeo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To achieve fuel reduced areas north of Omeo and West of Benambra to mitigate the potential spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communities. BMZ EV480113 4000 No East Gippsland Anglers Rest Emu Creek Track 2SSC1202 2km SW Anglers Rest DELWP AUTUMN FRB To achieve fuel reduced areas north of Omeo to mitigate the spread of bushfire towards adjoining properties and nearby communitites. BMZ EV418044 220 No Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 53 Tambo District: SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance Vegetation Modification Renewal (ha) New (ha) 0.4 2220 1.6 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 Road or Location Name Locality No new Strategic Fuelbreak construction proposed in 2015/16 Operation Type Distance (km) - Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 54 - Gippsland Regional Schedule: Regional Schedule SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones The following zones changes are proposed. Amendment Number - District - Location - Current Zone Area (ha) Zone Proposed - - - No zone amendments proposed Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Gippsland Region 55 Justification for Amendment -