File - Longroyde Junior School

This policy has been written with the following main school aims in mind.
AIM No 1
Develop a caring child centred curriculum which is broad, balanced and
differentiated to meet and develop the needs of all children.
To develop and implement clear policies for each National Curriculum
subject and other curriculum areas.
Ensure that the delivery of the National Curriculum is appropriately
planned for different levels of ability to ensure it meets each child’s
AIM No 2
Ensure progression and coverage of all National Curriculum core and
foundation subjects.
To ensure that the National Curriculum is carefully planned into our
themes and that a natural progression throughout the school takes
Ensure our planning and recording mechanisms meet the requirements
of the National Curriculum.
AIM No 3
Develop an understanding of all regarding race, gender, ability and disability.
To plan the curriculum to make it meet the needs of children of all
levels of ability.
Regularly review the delivered curriculum to identify ways in which it
can be improved.
To allow pupils to become independent learners through self
Assessment for Learning (AFL)
Lessons will be observed by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or the
subject co-ordinator.
Teaching and Learning is graded by Ofsted as:1 – Outstanding
2 – Good
3 – Requires Improvement
4 - Inadequate
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve pupil’s performance.
Assessment should develop out of the curriculum and it is inseparable from
the teaching process.
As Teachers we need to assess how far pupils are succeeding and how far
they need to be supported.
Both formative and summative methods are used and the results of
assessment should provide the basis for decisions about the child’s future
learning needs.
Pupils need to become independent in their learning and need to be
encouraged to assess their own understanding.
Pupils achieve in other aspects of their lives both inside and outside school such achievements are valued by the staff and the school and are
celebrated at our weekly Friday Achievement Assembly.
Reading, Writing, Numeracy, SPaG, Speaking and Listening are teacher
assessed at the end of each half term using a range of assessment tools
including ABACUS, Rising Stars and Test Base Optional Tests.
Science is assessed using an in-house test devised by our coordinator at the
end of each topic with an overall assessment at the end of the year. In
Foundation Subjects skills are assessed termly using our own in-house
materials created by the co-ordinators based on the objectives from the NC
programmes of Study.
Teachers draw upon evidence from a variety of sources when completing
their assessments. Evidence is gathered in a variety of ways – mark books,
written and oral tests, questions and discussions with children about
exercise books, photographs, DVD recordings and samples of work i.e.
written, diagram, mind mapping, drawing, painting, drama, physical and visual
3D forms.
In September, December, April and June we test children on reading (using
the Accelerated Reading tests) and spellings in September and June (using
the SWST). This is reported back to parents in the end of year reports and
through the tracker (SPTO).
Individual pupil test materials are kept centrally and managed by the class
teacher. These are used as evidence, if needed, when the Assessment
Co-ordinator undertakes tracking conversations.
All of the above information is used to arrive at an all round judgement of
how the child is performing against ARE. These assessments are ongoing and
entered into the tracking system in accordance with the assessment
Teachers set targets with children at the beginning of each term and these
are changed once the child has achieved them. Pupils are targeted to move
from Emerging to Developing and finally to Secure by the end of the year.
All children are expected to demonstrate deeper learning and will do this to
a greater or lesser extent (#1 - #4).
Attitude to learning targets have now been introduced on a scale of 1-5, 1
being excellent and 5 needing intervention (e.g. parents contacted and an
agreement set up). All targets are shared with parents on parents’ evening.
In line with ‘Assessment for Learning’ (AFL) we are encouraging pupils to
assess their own understanding. Using the ‘Traffic light’ system pupils will
say (red) I need more help with this work, (amber) I understand most of
this work but need a little help with some points, (green) I understand this
work. This will allow pupils to reflect on their own work and help them to
focus on the learning objectives. This encourages children to look at their
own individual learning. In discussion with the teacher, a level is agreed for
The pupils for whom the assessment arrangements apply will have reached
the end of the Year 6 by the end of the academic year.
The Headteacher has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the SATS
are administered correctly and discusses with the Year 6 staff and the
SENCO as to which children should take the test and who should take the
task. All the test papers are sealed and dispatched as required to the
external examiners.
When the papers have been marked, the Assessment Co-ordinator and Year
6 staff check the marking is correct and return any papers for re-marking
The final results are tabulated by the Assessment Co-ordinator and graphed
and the results are used to inform target setting and future planning in
order that we can improve standards. We will be using the SPTO to analyse
our KS2 results ahead of the RAISE on-line.
We have two parents’ evenings during the academic year. One in October
/November to discuss pastoral issues/how the children have settled etc and
one in March/April to discuss progress made and targets set. In July an end
of year report is sent to all parents and if needed parents can make an
appointment to discuss this report. Parents may also make appointments to
see their child’s class teacher at any point during the year to discuss
concerns etc.
The Headteacher operates an open door policy and parents are more than
welcome to discuss concerns at any time.
The format of the Longroyde Junior school report has been developed
collaboratively by the whole staff and is reviewed on an annual basis. The
Year 6 parents receive a copy of their child’s SATS test results and teacher
assessments within the report, or as soon as possible after, with the various
notes to explain them etc. Please see the format of the Report. Both the
pupils and the parents are encouraged to give a written response to the end
of year report.
Whole school take standardised tests for reading (AR) and
spelling (SWST)
Target setting
ARE review
Parents evening to discuss pastoral issues
Assessment week to inform ARE
AR Testing
ARE updated
Tracking conversations
Target review
Class climate test/Pupil Questionnaires
ARE review
Parent’s Evening to discuss progress and targets
Assessment week
AR testing
ARE updated
Tracking conversations
SATs for Year 6
Optional SATs for Years 3,4 and 5
Whole school take standardised tests for reading (AR) and
spelling test (SWST)
Tracking files completed and shared with receiving teacher
ARE update
Written reports to parents for all Year groups
Yr6 SATS scores and teacher assessment reported to
This policy is reviewed on a three yearly basis.
B. Richmond-Flinn
October 2015
Appendix 1