1 2 Supplementary material to 3 Geobacter, Anaeromyxobacter and Anaerolineae populations are 4 enriched on anodes of root exudate driven microbial fuel cells in 5 rice field soil 6 7 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS 9 Microbial fuel cells 10 Two series (A and B) of planted MFCs (PMFCs) were constructed and operated including 11 open circuit and unplanted controls. All PMFCs were constructed using rice field soil as 12 support for rice plants. Soil was sampled in 2006 from a drained rice field of the Italian Rice 13 Research Institute “Instituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura” near Vercelli (Po River 14 valley, Italy). Soil parameters were as described previously (Holzapfel-Pschorn& Seiler, 15 1986). The soil was air dried, sieved (mesh size 5 mm) and stored at room temperature as 16 described previously (Chin & Conrad, 1995). 17 PMFCs series A and B were operated for 104 and 90 days in 2007 and 2008, respectively, in a 18 greenhouse at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg. All series 19 included duplicate PMFCs (PMFC-A1, PMFC-A2; PMFC-B1, PMFC-B2), one open circuit 20 control for each series (OC-A and OC-B) and for series A, also an unplanted control (NP-A). 21 Plastic containers were filled with 3 kg of rice field soil and flooded with water leaving a 5 22 cm layer of overlying water. In each PMFC and controls, two anodes of 10 cm by 10 cm were 23 placed vertically in the soil matrix giving a total anode surface (TAS) of 425 cm2 and a 24 cathode of 10 cm by 10 cm was placed in the overlying water layer. Carbon felt anodes and 1 25 cathodes (Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, USA; 3.18 mm thick) were attached to an insulated cable 26 with a graphite rod (5 mm diameter, Thielmann Graphite, Grolsheim, Germany). Closed 27 electrical circuits had an external resistance of 470 Ω for series A, and 470 Ω and 100 Ω (470 28 Ω until day 45 and 100 Ω from day 45 until the end of the experiment) for series B. Three two 29 week old plants (Oryza sativa cultivar Koral) were planted in each pot (except for the 30 unplanted control). Fertilizer (5 mL / kg soil; urea [45g/L], Na2HPO4 x 2H2O [17g/L] and KCl 31 [50g/L]) was added twice during the first weeks. Series A and B were operated in a 32 greenhouse with light: dark cycles of 12h:12h at an average temperature of 25 °C. The electric 33 potential (mV) was recorded every 15 minutes with a data logger (Agilent 34970A, Agilent 34 Technologies, Böblingen) and current densities were calculated as reported previously (Logan 35 et al., 2006). At the end of the incubation, anodes and bulk soil were sampled and stored at - 36 80°C for further molecular analysis. 37 38 Nucleic acid extraction, PCR and TRFLP 39 RNA extractions (n=4) with 0.5g of anode material or bulk soil each were performed using a 40 bead-beating protocol as described previously (Lueders et al., 2004). TRFLP analysis was 41 performed according to Egert et al. (2003). Briefly, 16S rRNA was reversely transcribed and 42 PCR amplified using a single step RT-PCR system (Access Quick, Promega, Mannheim, 43 Germany). 5’ 6-carboxyfluorescein labelled (FAM) primers were used to specifically amplify 44 bacteria (FAM-Ba27f and Ba907r) and archaea (Ar109f and FAM-Ar912rt). PCR products 45 (~100 ng) were digested with restriction enzymes MspI or TaqI (Promega) for bacteria and 46 archaea, respectively, and size separated on an ABI PRISM 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied 47 Biosystems, Weiterstadt, Germany). TRFLP electropherograms were analyzed with 48 GeneMapper Software 4.0 (Applied Biosystems). Tables were generated for each sample with 49 peak size vs. fluorescence intensity and terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) that differed by 50 ±0.5bp in different profiles were considered as identical in order to compare TRFLP profiles 2 51 between different samples. The peak heights were standardized to the minimum sample 52 according to Dunbar et al.(2000) using TRFs between 50 and 900 bp. Discrepancies between 53 in silico and observed TRF sizes might occur (Schutte et al., 2008) and therefore, TRFLP 54 analysis was performed for relevant clones and in vitro TRFs were determined (Table S1). 55 Cluster analysis using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) 56 algorithm, and Bray-Curtis similarity index was performed using PAST software (Hammer et 57 al, 2001). 58 Clone libraries and phylogenetic analysis 59 16S rRNA reverse transcripts from PMFC-A2 were amplified using primers specific for 60 Bacteria (Ba27f, 5`-AGA_GTT_TGA_TCC_TGG_CTC_AG-3´, Edwards et al., 1989 and 61 Ba907r,5´-CCA_TCA_ATT_CCT_TTR_AGT_TT-3´ modified after Muyzer et al., 1995) and 62 Archaea (Ar109f, 5’- ACKGCT CAG TAA CAC GT -3´ Großkopf et al, 1998, and 63 Ar912rt: 5’- GTG CTC CCC CGC CAA TTC CTT TA -3´ Lueders & Friedrich, 2002). 64 Amplicons were cloned into Escherichia coli JM109 competent cells (Promega) using 65 pGEM®-T Easy Vector System II (Promega). Clones were selected randomly and checked for 66 correct insert size via agarose gel electrophoresis. 67 In addition, bacterial clone libraries were also constructed for control anode samples (OC-A 68 and NP-A). Samples OC-A and NP-A were sequenced by Qiagen (Hilden, Germany) and 69 sample PMFC-A2 by ADIS (Max Planck Institute for plant breeding research, Cologne). Raw 70 sequence data were processed using SeqMan software (DNAStar, Madison, WI). Clone 71 libraries were screened for chimera by using Bellerophon (Huber et al., 2004) and Mallard 72 software (Ashelford et al., 2006). Putative chimera were verified by fractional treeing 73 (Ludwig et al., 1997) and excluded from further analysis. Bacterial phylogenetic analysis was 74 conducted using ARB 5.1 software package (Ludwig et al., 2004; http://www.arb-home.de). 75 16S rRNA sequences from all three samples were added to the database and aligned with the 76 Fast Aligner tool of the ARB software. Reference sequences were downloaded from the ARB 3 77 Silva database or GenBank (National Center for Biotechnology Information-NCBI, 78 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/), added to the ARB database, and phylogenetic trees were 79 constructed by the neighbor joining method. Archaeal phylogenetic analysis was conducted 80 using MEGA version 5 software package (Tamura et al. 2011). Reference sequences were 81 downloaded from GenBank database (National Center for Biotechnology Information-NCBI, 82 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/), and phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor 83 joining method. In silico terminal restriction fragment sizes (in silico TRFs) were obtained by 84 searching restriction sites of the restriction enzymes MspI (C|CGG) and TaqI (T|CGA). 85 Nucleotide sequences were deposited into GenBank under accession numbers JF325892- 86 JF326184. 87 88 FIGURES AND TABLES Figure S1. Current density (mAm-2 TAS) profiles of planted (filled square: PMFC-A, filled -2 m2) Current density (mA /m TAS) triangles: PMFC-B) and unplanted control (filled circle: NP-A) during operation time. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time (days) 89 90 Figure S2. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of 16S rRNA clone sequences related to Archaea. Clones obtained in this study from planted sediment microbial fuel cell (MFC) were included in the phylogenetic trees. The in silico TRF sizes are as indicated in brackets in base pairs. 4 Bootstrap values were obtained from 1000 replications. The scale bar represents 2 % sequence divergence. GenBank accession numbers of reference sequences as indicated. MFC-A33 59 MFC-A76 MFC-A70 MFC-A13 MFC-A34 MFC-A29 MFC-A31 MFC-A8 MFC-A53 67 MFC-A54 MFC-A52 99 MFC-A1 Methanosarcina (184bp) NR 074110 Methanosarcina acetivorans strain C2A MFC-A71 63 MFC-A28 MFC-A43 NR 074253 Methanosarcina barkeri str. Fusaro 99 MFC-A62 MFC-A22 MFC-A7 91 MFC-A25 63 MFC-A60 99 MFC-A26 88 KF760660 Uncultured archaeon clone C6P100 (rice field soil) 99 MFC-A6 KC784742 Uncultured archaeon clone UP1cl46 (rice field soil) 72 MFC-A16 52 MFC-A2 99 MFC-A10 94 MFC-A74 NR 102903 Methanosaeta concilii strain GP6 59 MFC-A56 MFC-A14 52 85 Methanosaeta (282bp) 69 MFC-A59 MFC-A20 70 MFC-A30 81 AM778305 Uncultured Methanosaetaceae archaeon clone D64AR30R6 (rice field soil) 99 99 MFC-A36 MFC-A67 MFC-A24 MFC-A40 99 MFC-A17 MFC-A51 99 MFC-A68 MFC-A69 72 AM495388 Uncultured archaeon clone LL1Soil 17 (rice root) MFC-A42 97 MFC-A41 99 FM957907 Uncultured archaeon partial 16S rRNA gene clone CKAR19 78 99 NR 074232 Methanocella arvoryzae strain MRE50 JN048683 Methanocella conradii HZ254 99 Methanocella (391bp) 71 MFC-A37 KF269297 Uncultured archaeon clone A3-28 16S (paddy soil) 84 MFC-A49 65 58 MFC-A65 89 NR 074192 Methanocella paludicola strain SANAE MFC-A19 98 MFC-A45 98 MFC-A63 NR 074177 Methanospirillum hungatei strain JF-1 NR 041669 Methanofollis ethanolicus strain HASU 87 MFC-A3 89 99 MFC-A5 99 AY607227 Uncultured Methanomicrobiaceae archaeon clone X4Ar01 (flooded soil) Unc. Methanomicrobiales (82bp) 95 MFC-A32 MFC-A46 74 MFC-A50 75 99 MFC-A77 (391bp) KF303784.1| Uncultured archaeon clone Dp-12C-141 (rice rizosphere) MFC-A55 AB479390 Methanoregula formicicum SMSP 99 MFC-A58 Methanoregula (391bp) 92 AJ879005 Uncultured Methanomicrobiaceae archaeon clone LrhA13 (rice rizosphere) 95 MFC-A11 88 NR118098 Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis strain B10 MFC-A18 (379bp) 99 99 KJ604059 Uncultured archaeon clone J1105242 C-41 M13F-47 (paddy field soil MFC) 99 MFC-A64 (390bp) FR865353 Uncultured archaeon clone t30d34La7 (rice field soil) 99 MFC-A72 (201bp) 99 KC437233 Uncultured archaeon clone CRYS SPR A04H 88 MFC-A61 (738bp) NR 102913 Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 strain SCM1 98 NR 102916 Candidatus Nitrososphaera gargensis Ga9.2 94 AB182772 Uncultured archaeon clone: pTN-23 (rice paddy soil) 99 99 MFC-A75 (184bp) NR 102775 Thermotoga maritima strain MSB8 91 92 0.02 93 5 Table S1. Clone sequence analysis and TRF assignment. The table shows phylogenetic affiliations, in silico and in vitro TRF length, and relative abundance of 16S rRNA clones retrieved from plant microbial fuel cells (PMFC), open circuit control (OC) and unplanted control (NP). Plant microbial fuel cell (PMFC-A2) Phylogenetic group Deltaproteobacteria Geobacter (Cluster 1, 2, 3) Other Geobacteraceae Myxococcales Anaeromyxobacter (Cluster 4) Clone abundance (%) n=88 In silico TRFs (bp) In vitro TRFs (bp)(a) 49 Clone In silico TRFs abundance (bp) (%) n= 77 In vitro TRFs (bp)(a) 33 19 161/163, 130 2 161/163 159, 127 5 3 20 15 Open circuit control (OC-A) Unc. Myxococcales (Cluster 5) 1 444 Other Myxococcales 4 141,128, 78 Unc. Deltaproteobacteria (Cluster 6) 8 483, 490, 469, 211, 485 Other 0 Chloroflexi 21 125, 155 441 10 8 2 481, 489, 467, 208, 482 161/163 In silico TRFs (bp) In vitro TRFs (bp)(a) 16 161/163, 66 59 3 161/163 10 129, 160, 444, 158, 130, 164 478, 509 0 5 Clone abundance (%) n=62 31 161/163 20 129, 160 Unplanted control (NP-A) 155 5 129 441, 155, 129.5, 160 2 444 3 141, 510 0 187, 164 12 0 24 Anaerolineae (Cluster 7) 17 64, 117, 121, 128, 155, 163, 167, 466, 511, 512, 516, 520, 576 Dehalococcoides (Cluster 8) 5 131, 164 1 Alphaproteobacteria 7 150/152,128, 446,132 10 Betaproteobacteria 5 490,456,492,496 20 Acidobacteria 3 3 201, 97 2 Actinobacteria 6 204, 201 140/142, 139, 163, 272, 124 8 140/142,159,163 6 Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi 1 93 4 89,93,491 2 93 Chlamydiae/Verrucomicrobia 1 493 0 3 421, 497 2 272 10 86, 157, 527, 453, 466, 511, 574 18 511 7 Firmicutes 3 518/520, 153 10 Gemmatimonadales 2 82, 79 0 150/152,128, 463, 439 483, 490, 457, 141, 418, 432, 157, 454, 488, 492, 139, 228 518/520, 153, 272 11 11 64, 155, 201, 452, 509, 511, 515, 516, 522, 527 164, 189, 216, 458 150/152,128,171, 68 139, 141, 488, 492, 430, 125, 496 292 140/142, 162, 132 0 6 Gammaproteobacteria Planctomycetes 0 0 OP10 1 1 0 133 0 493 0 2 206 6 265,133,304 Characteristic TRFs length (bp) for different phylogenetic groups as indicated. 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