NEWSLETTER – Spring Term 2015 – Year 4




– Spring Term 2015 – Year 4

Dear Parent/Carer

Our main topic is: ‘Explorers and Adventurers’

Geography Locating countries, which have been invaded, on maps of different scales.

Investigating how the Romans could have travelled through Europe, looking at significant

Roman cities and landmarks.

Locating Roman t owns, cities and landmarks (Hadrian’s Wall) in Great Britain.

History To understand the concept of being invaded and why people invade other countries.

Researching famous Romans and finding out what the Romans have done for us.

Art Study and replicate Roman pottery using clay.

Design Technology Investigate and design tool belts suitable for a Roman solider.

Literacy Non Fiction- Reading recounts of explorers and writing a handbook for a junior explorer.

Myths- Reading Roman myths and writing a modern day myth

Play scripts- Locating features of play scripts and converting narrative stories into play scripts for a Roman theatre.

Spelling Spelling words with unstressed vowels and investigating words with the same letter string but different pronunciation e.g. the ‘gh’ in ough and ight

Investigating the spellings of homophones (words which sound the same but have different meaning and spellings) e.g. witch and which.

Numeracy Understanding the place value of decimal numbers

Data handling- reading bar and line graphs

Reading Roman numerals

Strategies for the four operations -, +, x ÷, using the formal written methods for the four operations with a particular focus on multiplication and division.

Solving-multi step word problems, including decimal numbers (money and measurements).

Science States of matter- Sorting materials as solids, liquids or gases. Observing materials changing state (freezing, melting, evaporating and condensing) when heated or cooled.

Sound- Understand that sounds are made by vibrations travelling through the air.

Investigating how to change the pitch of sounds.

Computing Understand how websites are created with codes and using codes to write a website,

including adding hyperlinks and images.

Using ICT to record and manipulate sounds.





Right and Wrong

– Sikhism, Christianity and Judaism.

Invasion games – netball

Dance- creating and linking a series of movements depicting an exploration.

Citizenship and Myself

Weekly keyboard lessons



5 th th January - Captain Carrot theatre visit as part of healthy living week


– ‘A Roman visitor’ – Alex Fellows drama workshop

13 th February - KS2 concert by Bradford Music Services


Please encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes, three times per week.

Revise all the times tables and the matching division facts/

Homework is to be completed for Monday.

Children may present their homework in a variety of ways: written, diagrams, drawings, poems or using technology. This can be emailed to their class teacher if required.


W/C 26 th January- healthy living week

13 th February- PTFA Disco 5:45- 7:00

5 th March- World Book Day

10 th and 12 th March- parent consultations

27 th March- Easter service in church

If you need any further information please see the school website or contact your child’s class teacher.

Miss Horner, Mrs Cook or Miss Stebbings
