Carpool Map and Rules – morning and afternoon #1 Rule, at all times, for all drivers: BE PATIENT AND WAIT IN LINE! VERY IMPORTANT! FOR THE SAFTEY OF OUR CHILDREN AND OUR NEED TO LOAD CARS TO MOVE TRAFFIC QUICKLY, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES. CARPOOL MAP AND RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED. All students are dismissed from the Parish Hall, Middle School entrance or ECDC hall by a teacher, then loaded into their car by a teacher. Once all carpool students are dismissed, students where a parent/guardian walks up to get them will be dismissed. The traffic flow below must be followed for the safety of our children. Any student not picked up by 3:15 will be admitted to ASC and a full day charge will be incurred. Grades 2, 3, 4 – Enter lot from Gayton Rd. near Pinchbeck. Turn left and drive along the front of the school building, letting children out when you arrive at the sidewalk by the main entrance. Exit the lot onto Gayton Rd. by the Parish Hall. When picking up pull all the way up to the end of the building. PLEASE do not stop at your child, pull up and the teacher will walk your child to your vehicle. Preschool, K, 1 and grades 5-8 – Enter lot from Marywood Ln. Turn right and drive along the outer lane of the lot all the way up toward the playground, following the line around the back of the school. Older children can exit cars along the curb and enter the middle school doors. Children in the ECDC (preschool, K, 1) should exit cars along the curb at the ECDC entrance. When picking up pull all the way to the end the middle school wing or the ECDC sidewalk. PLEASE do not stop at your child, pull up and the teacher will walk your student to your vehicle. Middle school students are expected to look for their ride and line up accordingly, for quick dismissal. Exit the lot onto Marywood. Choose your carpool line based on the youngest child in your car. In other words, if you have a child in the ECDC, use the Marywood entrance/exit and let the older children out at the middle school doors. If the youngest child is in grades 2-4, use Gayton Rd. and let everyone out at the front doors. Pick children up at the same place they were dropped off. Middle school students with an ECDC sibling will walk down to the ECDC area for pick up. If you are parking and walking your child to the door or picking them up, please enter via Gayton Rd, park in the lower Park & Walk lot, and exit the lot carefully via Marywood Ln. This is especially important in the afternoon when entering the lot. DO NOT attempt to enter off Marywood and turn left into the lot, ESPECIALLY in the afternoon. DO NOT enter off Gayton Rd. and drive through the Park & Walk lot to get into the back line. DO NOT cut around ANY car at ANY TIME! DO NOT enter the building at dismissal time to retrieve your child! For the safety of all children NO parent is to enter the school building during dismissal. LEAVE EARLY, TAKE YOUR TIME, AND BE PATIENT! TEACHER CARPOOL RULES: The school day ends at 2:40! Students should be packed and ready for dismissal. Teachers need to immediately report to their carpool dismissal area. Parent alert! They may want to speak with you. You are not available at this moment for a conference. Please, email me for a conference time, I am unable to speak with you at this moment. The safety of our students is my number one priority. Vehicles need to be directed to the end of the building, Parish Hall, ECDC sidewalk, our end of middle school wing) for line up. DO not allow vehicles to stop and wait for their child. Loading students and moving cars out safely is a priority. Middle school students must line up in the order of which their car is in line. Starting at the end of the middle school building. Teachers are responsible for making sure a line is formed and the students load safely and quickly. STUDENTS CARPOOL RULES: Pack up, line up, and report to your designated area quickly. Once in your designated area please sit quietly and listen for your name. It is important for you to walk quickly to your vehicle for your safety and the safety of all families. SAFTEY PATROL (5th Grade volunteers are needed. Send an email to all 5th grade families July 20. Specifics, explanation, what is needed etc.. If we do not receive enough volunteers the 6, 7, and 8 graders will man posts. Safety Patrol students pick up will be 3:20 at the front of SMCS. 2 shifts = 1 hour of service. Students should be awarded/receive a certificate at our end of year ceremony. Provide rain coats, bright covering and badges for teachers and safety partol. Saftey Patrol Posts: One One One One One One One End of building Parish Hall (Keep vehicles moving to end) End of Sidewalk ECDC (Keep vehicles moving up) End of building ECDC (Keep vehicles moving out Marywood) Gayton Road Park & Walk Entrance (Stand at corner stop cars from coming out in that direction) Marywood Lane Park & Walk Entrance (Stand at corner stop cars from turning right) Hall outside Parish Hall (Keep students moving) Inside doors at ECDE (Keep students moving)