Event Planning Guide and Checklist

Boston College
Office of Graduate Student Life
Event Planning Guide and Checklist
Graduate Student Groups
Table of Contents
Key BC Offices/Resources
Attendees and Target Audience
Event Logistics-Miscellaneous
Time Table and Deadlines
Appendix A: EBMS Procedures
Appendix B: Standard Contract
Appendix C: Ticket Sales Process
Page 1-3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 5
Page 6
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8-10
Page 11
Page 12-13
Page 14
This guide is designed to save you time, and can be used for small events like meetings as well as
large scale events that take months to plan.
Key BC Offices and Event Planning Support Services: A Quick Overview
(Details to Follow)
 The Office of Graduate Student Life (GSL) and
Murray Graduate Student Center (MGC)
o Contact information:
 Website: www.bc.edu/gsc
 Phone Number: 617-552-1855
 Email: gsc@bc.edu
 Location: 292 Hammond Street (cross Beacon Street in front of McElroy
and follow the path to the big yellow house!)
o Staff at The Office of Graduate Student Life can help with:
 Signs contracts
 Approves your Bureau of Conferences (BOC) space reservation requests
 Works with you to arrange BOC catering and set-up
 Tells you what your group’s account balance is
 Online event ticket sales
o Advertise your event through the Office of Graduate Student Life’s monthly
electronic newsletter: Send submissions to gradnews@bc.edu
o Post advertisements on the bulletin boards
o Get your posters/flyers stamped (room 101)
o Reserve space at the MGC for events and meetings
 Whiteboards, projector, and screens available upon request
 The Bureau of Conferences (BOC)
o Contact information:
 Tim Rice
 Email: timothy.rice.1@bc.edu
 Phone Number: 617-552-1059
 Website: www.bc.edu/boc
 Location: Walsh Hall
o If you are planning to hold an event on campus, you will likely need to work with
the Bureau of Conferences to arrange space, room set-up and/or catering
 Media Technology Services (MTS)
o Contact information:
 Phone Number: 617-552-4500
 Website: www.bc.edu/offices/mts/home.html
 Location: Campion Hall Room G36
o MTS provides Audio and Visual needs to groups on campus.
 Includes: Projector, screen, speakers, microphones, etc
 Sometimes equipment is delivered, sometimes it needs to be picked up –
be sure to clarify
 14 day notice in advance is required
 Always request an email confirmation
 Eagle Print
o Contact information:
 Phone: 617-552-3418
 Website: www.bc.edu/eagleprint
 Location: Carney Hall, Room 024
o Eagle Print offers a wide-variety of services:
 Copying, printing, graphic design, scanning, binding, posters/flyers
 The Office of Parking and Transportation
o Contact information:
 Phone Number: 617-552-0151
 Website: www.bc.edu/offices/transportation/home.html
 Location: Rubenstein Hall 1C
 Email: transportation@bc.edu
o If non-BC guests are attending your event and will need to park on campus, you
will need to work with the Office of Parking and Transportation to secure
parking passes for them.
 The Boston College Police Department (BCPD)
o Contact Information
 Phone Number: 617-552-4444 (Emergency)
617-552-4440 (Non-Emergency)
Website: http://www.bc.edu/offices/bcpd/
o BCPD are here for your protection. Do not hesitate to call if there is a problem or
o BCPD (and sometimes the Boston/Newton Police) will need to be present at
certain events, particularly large venues with alcohol. You will need to work
with the BOC to secure police details
 On-Campus Space:
o Most on-campus spaces are controlled by the Bureau of Conferences (BOC.) If
you would like to reserve space on campus, you will need to set up an account in
the BOC’s event booking and management system (EBMS). Please see Appendix
A for details regarding how to access and use the EBMS.
o Space at the MGC is not controlled by the BOC. If you would like to reserve a
room at the MGC, you may do so by filling out an on-line request form at:
o Please note: On-campus space is in short supply at BC, so plan ahead and request
space early! Make sure to cancel a space reservation if it is no longer needed.
 Off-Campus Space:
o For off campus venues, get all space reservations in writing. Some establishments
may require you to sign something and pay a fee for the space (in addition to food
costs) – please see “Contracts” section below.
 Food:
o If you are planning on having food at your event, please be aware that many
spaces on campus only allow food from BC Dining. Always check with GSL Staff
to determine if the space you have reserved allows off-campus catering. (Hint:
BC Dining is expensive so if you are on a budget and wish to use an off-campus
catering service/restaurant, check with the GSL Staff to find out which spaces
allow off-campus vendors BEFORE requesting your space.)
o If you plan to use BC Dining’s catering services, please make sure you have
enough time to place your order. Check out their website for ordering time
tables and menu options: http://www.bc.edu/offices/bcds/boc/catering/. The
great thing about using BC Dining’s catering services is that your group’s account
is billed directly: no paperwork!
o If you plan on using an off-campus vendor (i.e. a catering service or restaurant,)
check with the establishment to determine: how far in advance you must place
your order (this will vary: if you are ordering pizza for five people, you will be
able to do so the day of the event; if you are ordering catering for 50 people, you
will need to give more notice) and what method of payment is acceptable (credit
card, check, etc.)
o If you wish to provide alcohol at your event you must use BC Dining and you
must request a liquor license 8 weeks in advance of the event due to both
Newton and Boston license laws. So plan ahead!
 Transportation:
o If you are planning an activity which requires you to travel to your destination,
you have a number of options. A few are noted below. Feel free to check in with
the GSL Staff for brainstorming help here!
If your destination is reachable via public transportation (the “T” or the
Commuter Rail, for example) you may invite your attendees to meet at a
central location and travel together via the public transit system.
Sometimes carpooling works, although this requires some coordination
and leaves you dependent upon the drivers to show up, etc.
Some groups choose to hire a bus. This is a more expensive option, but is
also very convenient. Although some groups hire coaches, many prefer the
nostalgia of the yellow school bus and school bus companies will often
hire their buses and drivers out when they aren’t in use! Check in with
the Office of Graduate Student Life for a list of preferred bus companies.
 Determine your overall budget for the event as well as how the money will be allocated.
Keep a close eye on income and expenses throughout the planning process.
 Determine who needs to approve of the expenses – students in your department?
Members of the GSA?
 If you are not the GSA Representative or Treasurer for your department, make yourself
aware of all GSA financial policies and procedures.
o Visit the GSA Treasurers webpage for details regarding policies and to download
necessary forms:
 Think about “hidden” costs – tables, chairs, licenses, food, room charges, etc. These can
add up quickly. GSL can assist you in figuring out these expenses.
Attendees and Target Audience
 Identify and invite all speakers, guests, entertainers involved in the event, and make sure
they know the date, time, and location.
 Determine if invitations will be extended by word of mouth, an email list, or a more
formal mechanism (like professionally printed invitations.) Your timeline will depend
on the type of event and invitation.
 If you have special guests like a Dean or the President attending, make sure that your
event is confirmed on their calendar and follow up in writing. For faculty or staff, you
can send invitations through on-campus mail.
 Give people enough advanced notice to attend, but not too much notice. A conference
may need a 6 month notice, but a pizza party may just need a week-10 days. Please see
the “Timelines” section for important deadlines and preparation timelines.
 Consider co-sponsoring with another GSA department – this helps increase attendance
and works toward achieving the GSA goal of interdepartmental community building (It
also reduces costs!).
 When contracting for services from off-campus vendors, you must fill out a contract. If
the vendor does not have a contract, the Office of Graduate Student Life has a standard
contract you can adapt for your event.
o Please see Appendix B for a sample contract.
 The contract should include date, time, menu items, extras (like DJ or pool/foosball) or
anything else you have arranged. Make sure the federal ID number is on the contract.
 IMPORTANT: All contracts must be brought to the Office of Graduate Student Life to
be signed.
Publicity and marketing can make or break your event, so take this part of the process
 When designing a poster, think about where you will post it, who your audience is, and
what the regulations are in the area in which you are posting. For BC posting rules,
please go to:
and click on “policies.” Make sure to include contact information and the sponsoring
organization(s) on all posters.
 The Office of Graduate Student Life has a stamp to approve posters you wish to post oncampus (Note: your posters will be taken down if you do not have them stamped.) See
any staff member at the Murray Graduate Student Center for assistance.
 Post your posters in the Murray Graduate Student Center
 Advertise via the GSA Facebook page, the GSA Weekly Minute or on the GSA Twitter
by sending a request to the GSA Vice-President.
 Ask your GSA senator to publicize your event at the GSA Senate meeting.
 Put an announcement in the Grad Student Life Newsletter, which is published every
month. Email gradnews@bc.edu if you want to submit an article or notice.
 You can also submit events to the BC Student Life Calendar at
Event Logistics - Miscellaneous
Ticket Sales: If you would like to sell tickets for your event (apple picking, a dance, etc.) please
contact the Office of Graduate Student Life for ticket sale procedures. The University will be
moving to an online ticketing service for all on campus events. Please check the GSL website for
further information.
Parking: If you are bringing people to campus and want them to be able to park here, you must
let the Parking and Transportation office know. Send an email to transportation@bc.edu with
all event details, including how many guests, what time, day, etc. They will let you know where
to tell your guests to park.
Boston College Police: If you have a large event with alcohol, you will need a police detail. The
Office of Graduate Student Life arranges for this through BOC.
BC Seal: If you want to use the BC seal for your event or speaker, contact the Office of Graduate
Student Life.
Timetable and Deadlines for Event Planning at Boston College
6 months ahead:
 Request your large event space! For on-campus space reservation requests, use the BOC
EBMS. For large-scale off-campus events, find out when payment is due (Note: most
establishments require a deposit in advance of the program date.) For off-campus
venues, work with someone from the establishment to coordinate your event.
8 weeks ahead:
 Secure a liquor license for on-campus events where alcohol will be served. Contact the
Office of Graduate Student Life.
 Find out when the next Grad Student Life newsletter submission deadline is and prepare
an advertisement for the newsletter. Contact: gradnews@bc.edu
 Plan your advertising campaign. (Send out “save the date” notices for large-scale events.)
Four weeks ahead:
 Reserve space and secure a contract for smaller off-campus venues (i.e. a Grad Night Out
at Big City.) Bring all contracts to the Office of Graduate Student Life to sign. Get the
name and contact information of the person with whom you make the initial
arrangements and work with this person from start to finish.
 Request catering and confirm set-up arrangements for on-campus events. Contact the
Office of Graduate Student Life
 Request audio visual equipment for on-campus events. Contact: Media Technology
 Contact the Office of Graduate Student Life to arrange for ticket sales at the Murray
Graduate Student Center, if you will be selling tickets for the event.
Two weeks ahead:
 Confirm with all featured program attendees (facilitators, speakers, etc.)
 If you’ve reserved an off-campus venue for a large-scale event (a large conference,
reception, dance, etc.) check-in with your contact at the establishment with count, final
menu choices, etc.
 Submit all paperwork needed for advance payments (check requests) to the GSA
Financial Director (Murray Graduate Student Center, Room 101.)
 Request small catering services for on-campus venues (snacks, beverages, cold
sandwiches, etc.) Contact the Office of Graduate Student Life.
 Send an advertisement out via appropriate email lists.
 Submit event announcement by the weekly deadline to GSA Vice President for inclusion
in the Weekly Minute. Event will be advertised until its date.
One week ahead:
 Poster the campus with advertisements. Make sure to have all posters stamped at the
Murray Graduate Student Center (Room 101.)
2-3 days ahead:
 Send a reminder advertisement out to appropriate email lists. Poster the campus again.
 Place order for small food orders from off-campus vendors (i.e. Baker’s Best catering or
Pino’s Pizza)
 If you’ve reserved an off-campus venue, check in with your contact at the establishment
for last minute counts, instructions, etc.
 If you’ve reserved transportation services (i.e. a bus,) confirm arrival and departure times,
etc, with the company.
 If you are waiting for a check to be cut for the event, check in with the office of Graduate
Student Life to be sure it has arrived and make arrangements to pick up the check.
Day of event:
 Have a list of key contacts and their phone numbers with you: Manager on duty at offcampus site, BOC Coordinator, Media Technology Services, GSL Staff, GSA
Representatives, etc.
 Make sure you have the necessary payment with you (check, credit card, etc.) Always
have money for tip if appropriate. Have a credit card available for unanticipated
 Get a receipt from all purchases and food orders for record keeping and reimbursements
 Show up early (15 minutes for a meeting, up to an hour or two for large events) to ensure
the room is in order, set up correct, food has arrived.
 Introduce yourself to the event coordinator/manager/BOC coordinator working the
event. This will be your key contact person for the duration of the event.
One Week after the Event:
 Send out thank-you notes to invited participants.
 Submit paperwork for reimbursement requests to the GSA Financial Director (Murray
Graduate Student Center, Room 101.)
 Send out evaluations to participants, if appropriate (You may wish to do this at the
 Conduct a post-event wrap-up meeting with your constituents. (What went well?
What challenges did you encounter? What would you do differently next time? Etc.)
 If this is an annual/repeating event, save all documentation for the next group.
Appendix A
The Bureau of Conferences (BOC) Event Booking and Management System
Procedures for Graduate Student Group Use
Creating a Profile in EBMS
The first step is to establish a user profile in EBMS. This procedure, which only needs to be
done once, takes approximately 30-45 seconds. To set up your profiles, click on the following
hyper-link: http://www.bc.edu/offices/boc/redirect_page.html. Please note: in order to set up
your profile you will need your GSA group’s chart string. Please contact the Office of Graduate
Student Life for this information. Immediately after you set up your profile, you will be able to
see the online booking calendar. The next time you log onto EBMS (using the same hyperlink:
http://www.bc.edu/offices/boc/redirect_page.html) you will bypass this calendar and be taken
straight to the venue availability search screen.
Venue Availability Search
The venue availability search screen will find all available rooms for the date/time you are
requesting based on the expected attendance and type of event you are planning. The room you
select is available and should be approved provided that your event meets the criteria for the
room that you are requesting.
You will be required to enter the following event information in order to complete the request
 Event type
 Expected attendance
 Event title
 Chart string (Office of Graduate Student Life will provide you with this information.)
 Sponsoring Club/Organization
 Your position in the club/org
 Services needed
 Guests
These fields are not optional and must be completed at the time the space request is being made.
Please be sure to have your chart string handy when you are ready to make your request.
Approval Process
Once your request has been submitted you will receive an automated email confirmation. Please
forward this email confirmation directly to Carole Hughes, Associate Dean and Director of the
Office of Graduate Student Life (hughesc@bc.edu.) Your request will then be reviewed and
approved by Carole Hughes.
Appendix B
Event/ Performance Contract/ Agreement
Boston College
Office of Graduate Student Life
The parties of this contract are BOSTON COLLEGE (hereinafter called the “Employer” and
_____________________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Performer”).
2. The Employer hereby engages the services of the Performer for the following “Event”:
Title of Event: _______________________________________________________________
Date of Event: _______________________________________________________________
Place of Event: ______________________________________________________________
Time of Event: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Sponsoring Organization: ______________________________________________
Student Contacts – Name two (include Name, Position, and Phone Number):
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
3. The Event shall consist of ______ show(s)/set(s) each being of _____ minutes in length exclusive of breaks. There
will be _____ break(s) consisting of _____ minutes each.
4. In return for the Performer’s services, the Employer agrees to pay the Performer the sum of (write out sum)
______________________________________________________________ ($________) by check payable to the performer
following the completion of the event. No deposits will be made to the Performer. This contract must be
signed and returned to the Office of Graduate Student Life at least 15 business days prior to the performance in
order to ensure that a check will be ready on the date of the performance. If this contract is received by
Employer less than 15 business days in advance, Performer’s payment will be available 15 business days after
the performance.
5. The Performer agrees to arrive at the site no later than 60 minutes prior to the scheduled performance. If
rehearsal and/or set-up by the Performer is required, this arrival time will be specified as
6. All sound equipment, lighting, set-up and break-down necessary for the performance are the responsibility of
the Performer unless otherwise noted below. The following special provisions will be arranged by the
Employer at its expense (note: any agreement on stage size, equipment, services, etc.):
7. All aspects of the event other than the actual performance are the responsibility and prerogative of the
Employer unless otherwise noted in this contract. This provision includes ticket sales, ticket-takers, ushers,
security, electricians, maintenance, clean-up and other services.
8. Performer agrees to adjust the volume of the sound equipment if requested by Employer.
9. Advertising is the responsibility and prerogative of the Employer. All events are advertised on campus only.
The Performer agrees to provide the following promotional material: ____
10. All concessions shall be operated, controlled and retained by the Employer.
11. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
12. Performer shall keep harmless and indemnify from the Employer against any damages, costs and expenses,
including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in defending or compromising any action in tort arising out of or
in connection with Performer’s conduct in the promotion or production of the Event or its performance in the
aforementioned Premises. In the events that nay claim is made against the Employer in respect of which
indemnity may be sought by the Employer from the Performer hereunder, and then the Employer shall, with
reasonable promptness and before payment of such claim, give notice of such claim to the Performer. If no
objection as to the validity of the claim is made in writing to the Employer by the Performer within thirty (30)
days after giving notice hereunder, then the Employer may pay such claim and shall be entitled to
reimbursements. If prior to the termination of such thirty (30) day period objection in writing as to the validity
of such claim is made to the Employer by Performer, then the Employer shall withhold payment until validity of
the claim is established (I) to the satisfaction of Performer or (ii) by final determination of a court of competent
jurisdiction, whereupon the Employer may pay such a claim and shall be entitled to reimbursement. In the
event of any objection by Performer, Performer shall promptly investigate the claim and if it is not satisfied as
to the validity thereof, shall conduct a defense against such claim.
If by reason of fire, strikes, labor disputes, accidents, police interference, acts of God, or by reason of any cause
whatsoever beyond the control of the Employer (including inability to procure all licenses, permits and the like
from all appropriate federal, state, municipal and other governmental authorities such as are necessary for the
conduct of the Event, or is any such license, permit, or the like is suspended or cancelled), the Premises cannot
be used for the Event, the Employer shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by or the loss of damage to the
Performer and the Performer shall not be required to carry out its agreement to perform.
If this contract is signed by someone other than the Performer, that person expressly warrants that s/he is
authorized by the Performer to execute this contract for the engagement stipulated.
After the Employer and the Performer reach an informal agreement on the details contained in this contract,
the Performer shall sign the contract. The contract will be considered invalid by the University until it is
signed by the Associate Dean of Graduate Student Life. One copy will be returned to the Performer after it is
Boston College students are not legal signatories of Boston College and cannot sign contracts, make offers, or
enter into any agreement which will commit Boston College in any way. The person execution this contract for
Boston College warrants that s/he is a legal signatory for the university and assumes no personal liability.
RIDERS: See attached riders (if applicable).
Murray House
292 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Appendix C
MGC Ticket Sales Procedures
The University will be moving to an online ticketing service for all on campus events.
Please check our website for further information.
As a service to Graduate Student Association groups, the Office of Graduate Student Life is
happy to conduct ticket sales out of the Murray Graduate Student Center for various GSAsponsored events. Abide by the following procedures:
1. Groups must coordinate ticket sales with the Director of Graduate Student Life at least
one week in advance of the ticket sales start date. A specific period of sales must be
agreed upon from the start and adhered to (both start and finish date/time.)
Additionally, a specific number of tickets must be agreed upon in advance and adhered
2. Groups are responsible for advertising their events.
3. A description of the event must be included with the ticket sales information.
Directions/ meeting instructions should also be included.
4. Groups are responsible for printing their own tickets.
5. Any “comp tickets” must be pulled from the pile in advance of the ticket sales and
distributed to the recipients by the groups. GSL staff will not distribute comp tickets.
6. Group must provide adequate change upfront for the cash box, and replenish it when
7. Students may not reserve tickets.
8. The GSL staff will issue no refunds for tickets sold. If the group wishes to issue a refund,
it must do so on its own.
9. The attached ticket sales form must be used.
10. Each group must designate at least one official group contact person for the ticket sale.
The group must include the person’s name, phone number and email with the ticket
sales information. This is the person to whom the GSL staff will direct all queries,
complaints, concerns, and compliments!
Once a day (unless otherwise scheduled with the Director) the group representative
must come to the Murray Graduate Student Center to pull the cash collected thus far
and reconcile it/prepare it for deposit with the Director in her office.