8th Grade 4th Quarter Science Project Volcano Group Project Research and document information on an active volcano. Create a live telecast for one of Earth’s active volcanoes as a newscaster. Your efforts are to inform the public about these powerful forces in nature. You can prepare a poster or a PowerPoint to show along with your telecast to “showcase your volcano”. Your research should respond to the following guide questions: 1. Where is the volcano located? Provide latitude and longitude 2. Explain how it formed: diverging plates, converging plates or hot spots 3. What type of volcano is it? Provide a description of the characteristics that make it the type of volcano you have identified. 4. What is the volcano’s eruption history? Create a chart detailing dates of past eruptions, a description of each eruption and a description of the damage it caused. 5. What current activity has recently taken place? Describe the volcano’s current activity. For example: venting of gases, earthquakes, domes etc.. Include pictures of the volcano and images depicting current activity. 6. How are volcanoes being monitored? Describe instruments and techniques used to monitor the volcano. 7. What are the hazards faced by residents of the area around the volcano? Use pictures to illustrate the types of damage a volcano can cause. Make a copy of your script. Be sure to have roles for every member of your news team. (Use these roles and/or create some of your own) Sample roles: Scientist – explaining the details of the eruption Interviewer- asking questions of the experts Political figure – telling citizens of the danger posed by an eruption Citizen – giving a reaction to the volcanic activity Each Team will be assigned one of the following volcanoes: 1. Mount Etna, Italy 2. Stromboli, Italy 4. Santa Maria, Guatemala 3.Kilauea, Hawaii 5. Sangay, Ecuador 5. Mount Yasur, Vanutu - Tanna Island (South Pacific)